Content Posted in 2024
A bacteriological analysis of the milk supply of Terre Haute, Indiana, Junior Max Rukes
A basis for evaluation of students of industrial arts in Indiana, John R. Dunk
A brief survey of recent objectives in the teaching of English expression in the junior high school, Rosalie Richardson
Absentee ownership in agriculture, Edwin Francis Cassidy
Academic And Social Integration And The Moderating Effects Of Student Characteristics: A Study Of First-Generation Student Academic Performance, Elena C. Mrozinske
Academic Hustle: Teaching African American Students In Online Educational Environments, Tora Hope Townsend
Academic Integrity At The Graduate Degree Level: Graduate Student Perspectives On Academic Integrity And Institutional Policies, Jamie Lynn Haney
Academic Motivation Of African American Male Students At Indiana State University, Nathan Harris
Academic performance of graduate students at Indiana State College as related to the graduate record examinations results, Lois Burdick
A Case Report of the Evaluation and Management of Low Back Pain in a High School Basketball Player, K Leveston, K Neelon, and E Ephran
A Case Study In The Perspectives And Practice Of Multicultural Course Transformation In African American Professors' Classrooms, Natasha Flowers
A Case Study Of A Flipped Curriculum Using Collaborative And Active Learning With An Adaptive Learning System, Barbra R. Kerns
A case study of diagnostic and remedial teaching in junior high school arithmetic, Hazel Hixon Cooper
A Case Study of Information System Security Compliance Of Small Medical and Dental Practices, Debra Landry Folse
A Case Study Of Information System Security Compliance Of Small Medical And Dental Practices, Debra Landry Folse
A Case Study Of Leadership And School Safety During A School Crisis, Daniel Thomas Tanoos
A Case Study Of The Effects Of Residential And School Mobility On Academic Achievement Among At -Risk High School Students, Karen Marie Andrews
A case study of the monotone problem in the junior high school, Mabel Gossman-Phillips
A Case Study On Faculty Perspectives In Fostering Inquiry Skills And Cultural Influence In Higher Education Classrooms, Mounika Reddy Ragula
A Case Study on Treatment Of Subcoracoid Impingement in an Overhead Athlete With Manual Therapy, M Mennell
A case study to determine how moving pictures and radios contribute to the de-educative forces in Union Township, Harry J. Richey
Acceptability of Brownies Supplemented with Black Bean Puree by College Students at Indiana State University, Amanda M. Fleischer
Acceptability Of Brownies Supplemented With Black Bean Puree By College Students At Indiana State University, Amanda M. Fleischer
Acceptability of Brownies Supplemented with Black Bean Puree by College Students at Indiana State University, Amanda Fleischer
Accessing Mental Health Services For Students In Public Schools, Wendy L. Hite
Access To The General Education Curriculum For Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Robin Thoma
Achievement Goals And Exam Performance: An Exploration Of The Role Of Study Strategies And Anticipatory Test Anxiety, Chris Andrew Baldwin
A child's history of early Terre Haute and Vigo County, Frances Sacks McNamar
Acidic and Basic Destruction of Tissues, Cydney Eaton
Acidic and Basic Destruction of Tissues, Cydney Eaton
Acid Mine Drainage And The Acid Drainage Index, Michael Steven Talbett
A Collaborative Approach To School Leadership In Improvement, Shawn Edwin Greiner
A collaborative approach to school leadership in improvement, Shawn Edwin Greiner
A collection of Serbian folk tales, Anthony Milanovich
A comparative analysis of the cost of education for the year before and the year after World War II, Charles L. Watson
A Comparative Case Study of Alumni of Two Multi-Term Civic Learning Programs, Ryan Nilsen, Bryant Hutson, Lynn Blanchard, and Monica Siems
A Comparative Case Study Of Online Learning And Bloom'S Taxonomy, Patrick S. English
A comparative investigation of the evaluations of student teachers at Indiana State Teachers College and of beginning teachers, Bill Clinton Anthis
A comparative mental-educational and music survey of the seventh and eighth grades of Deming School, Terre Haute, Indiana, in April, 1939, Audrey Lunstrum
A Comparative Statistical Analysis Of Agricultural Development Of The Quetta And Pishin Areas, Baluchistan, Pakistan, Razia Babar
A comparative study for determining the value of Latin in building the English vocabulary, Laura L. Ellis
A comparative study of acheievement in English of township high school and city high school graduates, Virgil Alfred Clift
A comparative study of effectiveness of a programmed method to a traditional classroom method of teaching, James Pell
A Comparative Study Of Indiana Superintendent's Perceptions Of Principal Evaluation Instruments, Ginger Lee Studebaker
A comparative study of industrial arts students and college course students at Indiana State Teachers College, Alfred P. Smith
A comparative study of practical scientific knowledge possessed by rural and city children, Mabel Schauss
A comparative study of public grade school graduates and parochial grade school graduates in the Huntingburg High School, Frank F. Tucker Jr.
A comparative study of public grade school graduates and parochial grade school graduates in the Huntingburg High School, Frank F. Tucker
A comparative study of public grade school graduates and parochial grade school graduates in the Huntingburg High School, Frank F. Tucker
A comparative study of pupil ability and achievement, Mildred E. Biggins
A comparative study of social studies majors of Indiana State Teachers College for the years 1931-1933, Harry L. Epply
A comparative study of subjective measurement in general science, Elizabeth A. Ridenour
A comparative study of the biology courses of the high schools and teachers colleges of the United States, William C. Hall
A Comparative Study Of The Community Of Inquiry Presence Between Hard Pure And Soft Pure Disciplines In A Traditional Face-To-Face Educational Setting, Jiss Varghese Mathew
A comparative study of the effect of spelling by copying in longhand and typewriting, Herman Truelove
A comparative study of the four-year teaching graduates of Indiana University and Indiana State Teachers College, Oral Terrell
A Comparative Study of the Impact of Project Delivery Methods Used On Public Highway-rail Intersection Projects in New York State, Osileke Odusanya Osipitan
A comparative study of the individual laboratory method and the teacher demonstration laboratory method in biology, Mary Frances Maple
A comparative study of the instructional costs of high-school subjects in Sullivan County, Indiana for the year 1946-1947, Thomas Gardner
A Comparative Study Of The Issues Affecting The Advancement Of Males And Females To The Superintendency In Indiana, Joyce Ann Fulford
A comparative study of the out-of-school activities of city boys and country boys, Robert W. Hodgers
A comparative study of the participation and expenditures in interschool and intramural athletic programs, Charles Jackson Hopkins
A comparative study of the participation and expenditures in interschool and intramural athletic programs, Charles Jackson Hopkins
A comparative study of the participation and expenditures in interschool and intramural athletic programs, Charles Jackson Hopkins
A comparative study of the salaries of high-school teachers of Indiana, Joe Kirkham
A comparative study of the social attitudes of five hundred colored children and five hundred white children in the Louisville public schools, Clyde A. Liggin
A comparative study of the success of Terre Haute high school graduates at the Rose Polytechnic Institute and Indiana State Teachers College, F. Burgett Manhart
A comparative study of the usefulness of the different types of graphs used in junior high school mathematics textbooks, Charles M. Hinton
A comparative study of the written English in composition classes with the English in written work in the social studies, Nelle Strobel
A comparative study of trends of functional costs of school administration in the public schools of Indiana, 1929-1938, Charles D. Wendholt
A comparative study of two groups of graduates of Garfield High School over a period of years, from 1924 to 1934, Nelle Ageng
A comparative survey of the Indiana State Teachers' Association, John Holden
A comparison of coaches with other teachers in Montgomery County with regard to salary, training, teaching loads and other factors, Leland D. Melvin
A comparison of coaches with other teachers in Montgomery County with regard to salary, training, teaching loads and other factors, Leland D. Melvin
A comparison of coaches with other teachers in Montgomery County with regard to salary, training, teaching loads and other factors, Leland D. Melvin
A Comparison Of Early Childhood Recollections Of Repetitive Self -Mutilators And Non-Self-Mutilators In A State Prison Population, Elena V. Merenova
A Comparison Of Elementary Mathematics Achievement In Everyday Math And Saxon Math Schools In Illinois, Clayton Roan
A comparison of elementary mathematics achievement in everyday math and saxon math schools in illinois, Clayton Roan
A Comparison Of Fathers Of Aggressive And Well-Behaved Boys (Midwest, Family, Cognition), Paul William Morris
A Comparison Of Formally Mentored And Unmentored Participants Of A Women'S Leadership Training Institute, Margaret Ann Fallon
A comparison of formally mentored and unmentored participants of a women's leadership training institute., Margaret Ann Fallon
A Comparison of Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility Methods, Scott Stamm
A comparison of health and school attendance in the Knox County public schools, H. D. Williamson
A Comparison Of Measurement Variations For Selected Probe Head Configurations For Coordinate Measuring Machines, Kevin George Berisso
A Comparison Of Metacognitive Monitoring Skill Among High Iq Ld'S, Low Iq Ld'S, Na'S, And Mmr'S In A Federal Correctional Institution, Roberta S. Berger
A Comparison Of Mother-Fetal Attachment In Medically Low-Risk And High-Risk Primagravidae Women, Gila Ora Arnoni
A Comparison Of Perceptions Of Team Management Practices In Public School And Private Sector Environments, Therese Ann Howe
A Comparison Of Personality Characteristics Of Male And Female Engineering Students, Erin Beth Williams
A comparison of rural and city students at Indiana State Teachers College, Emory Dixon
A comparison of scholastic achievements of high school athletes and non-athletes of Greene County, Indiana, Marvin L. Snoddy
A comparison of scores made by sixth and eighth grade pupils in several schools of south eastern Indiana on timed and untimed tests in reading and arithmetic, Edmund H. Denning
A comparison of some joint town-township school corporations with some similar town corporations, Mack A. Ralston
A Comparison of Teacher Perceptions of Principal Leadership Actions in Highly Effective Schools as Measured by the Audit of Principal Effectiveness, Michael Stephens
A Comparison Of Teacher Perceptions Of Principal Leadership Actions In Highly Effective Schools As Measured By The Audit Of Principal Effectiveness, Michael Stephens
A comparison of the educational status of the Negro and white high school teachers in the state of Kentucky, William B. Edwards
A Comparison Of The Effects Of Psychopathic Personality Features, Context And Incentives On Individuals' Beliefs They Would Malinger, Thomas Earl Rae
A comparison of the professional success of members and non-members of the men's societies in the Indiana State Teachers College, W. Edward Fisher
A comparison of the professional success of sorority members versus non-sorority members of Indiana State Teachers College, Ruth McClain, Ruby Krausbeck
A comparison of the religious beliefs of some students of Indiana State Teachers College with the beliefs of their parents, Naomi Pauline Guyer
A Comparison of the Sex Knowledge of Indiana State University Undergraduate Students, Richard William Fitzpatrick
A comparison of the theory of education found in the philosophical dictionary of Voltaire and the modern theory of education, Dorothy Ayahr Neyhouse
A comparison of the township and county as units for buying supplies and equipment, James Staley
A Comparison of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, Psychopathy Checklist, and child and Adolescent Taxon Scale: Predictive Utility And Cross Cultural Generalizable, Michael Bruce Lister
A Comparison of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, Psychopathy Checklist-revised, and Child and Adolescent Taxon Scale: Predictive Utility and Cross Cultural Generalizability, Micheal Bruce Lister
A Comparison Of The Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, And Child And Adolescent Taxon Scale: Predictive Utility And Cross Cultural Generalizability, Michael Bruce Lister
A Comparison Of Two Approaches Of Symbolic Modeling And Self -Efficacy, Roy James Hamilton
A Comparison Of Two Methods Of Increasing And Maintaining Reading Speed, Accuracy, Vocabulary And Comprehension Among Sixth-Grade Pupils In A Culturally Disadvantaged Neighborhood., Milton Mellanauth Sankar
A Comparison Of Wealth In Public School Corporations In Relation To SpecialEducation Costs, Jeffrey Scott Baer
A Comparison Study Between Writing On Handheld Computers And Pencil -Paper In The Elementary Classroom, Ling-Chin Ko
A Comparison Study Of Poverty Students' Istep+ Growth Model Scores Based On Schools' Socioeconomic Status Levels, Brian L. Kehrer
A Comparison Study of the Use of Paper versus Digital Textbooks by Undergraduate Students, James W. Johnson
A Comparison Study Of The Use Of Paper Versus Digital Textbooks By Undergraduate Students, James W. Johnson
A Comparison Study of the Use of Paper versus Digital Textbooks by Undergraduate Students, James W. Johnson
A comparitive study of middle school and junior high school teacher attitudes toward transescent needs., Janette M. Clemens
A compilation of material designed, by order of presentation and by quantity of drill, to teach effectively the fundamentals of English grammar, Juretta A. Egbert
A Conceptual Framework For The Integration OfPsychology And Christianity In Clinical Supervision, Jamie Dean Aten
A Conceptual Model For Technology Planning In Public Schools, Floyd Wendle Mcwilliams Jr.
A Conceptual Model To AssistEducational Leaders Manage Change, John Richard Cochren
A Continuum Of Systems Thinking: From Systematic To Systemic, Erin Elizabeth Stalbaum
A controlled experiment in visual education in general science, Max C. McCowen
A Convenient Synthesis Of 2,6-Dichlorohomonicotinic Acid, Chase Buchanan and Richard W. Fitch
A correlation between the scholastic record of graduates of Indiana State Teachers College and their yearly financial success after graduation, Ransom Bramblet
A Correlation Study Of Principals' Beliefs And Actions With Regard To Reading Instruction And Reading Achievement, Robert Michael Jarrett
A Course for Occupational Therapy Aides and Recommendations for such a Course in Indiana State Teachers College, Madge Miller Green
A course of study for mathematics in the junior high school, Zoe English
A course of study for teaching of Bible in the high school, Ray Crawl
A course of study in Latin American relations, Jeanette Landrum
A course of study in photographic techniques for inclusion in a course of preparation and production of audio-visual materials, Keith Allen Hall
A Course of Study in the Contemporary Novel Planned for Secondary Schools, Margaret Jane Adamson
A course of study in the physical sciences for senior high school students in the Laboratory School, Vincent Christopher O'Leary
Acoustic Communication in the Temperate Treefrogs Pseudacris Crucifer and Acris Crepitans, John Keating
Acoustic Communication in the Temperate Treefrogs Pseudacris Crucifer and Acris Crepitans, John Keating
A creative interpretation of abstract painting, Dwight Winenger
A critical analysis of the content of the language type group intelligence tests, Orville Earl Cornwell
A Critical Analysis of the Experiments Pertaining to the Psychology of Physical Education from 1930 to 1942 Inclusive, Obert B. Piety
A Critical Analysis of the Experiments Pertaining to the Psychology of Physical Education From 1930 to 1942 Inclusive, Obert B. Piety
A critical estimate of alliance between the art theory and the art practice of Willa Cather, Betty Bohannon Forsyth
A Critical Issue: Academic Advising with Attention to Intention, Elena Mrozinske
A critical study or analysis of rating sheets now in use for rating student teachers, Elmer L. Smith
Active Boutonniere Deformity In A Collegiate Football Player, Gavin Page
A Curriculum Analysis Of The Mid-America Law Enforcement Academy Through A Multicultural Lens, Jill Musgrave
A curriculum in music for the first six grades, Ruth Songer Henderson
Acute Management of an Abdominal Cavity Perforation in a Collegiate Baseball Pitcher: A Case Report., D M. Gallegos, A P. Jacobsen, R M. Galbraith, R L. Peebles, B J. Warner, and S A. Cage
Acute Management of an Abductor Digiti Minimi Strain in a Collegiate Baseball Player: A Patient-Centered Case Study, S. Andrew Cage, Diana M. Gallegos, and Brandon J. Warner
Addressing Health and Education Disparities in Low‐Income Families with Young Children: Lessons Learned as a Community Engaged Scholar, Mary O. Hearst
A Decade of Publishing: On Reflection and Our Future, Catherine Stemmans Paterson
A Dendrochronological Analysis of Insect Outbreaks and Climate Effects on Tamarack from Indiana and Michigan, Nicholas Lorin Flinner
A Dendrochronological Analysis Of Insect Outbreaks And Climate Effects On Tamarack From Indiana And Michigan, Nicholas Lorin Flinner
A Descriptive Study of a Building-based Team Problem-solving Process, Alexander B. Brewer
A Descriptive Study Of A Building-Based Team Problem-Solving Process, Alexander B. Brewer
A Descriptive Study of a Building-Based Team Problem-Solving Process, Alexander B. Brewer
A Descriptive Survey Of Social Skills Training Practices For Preschool Children With Special Needs In Indiana, Carol Anne Mclean
A developmental reading program for the pupils of Plainville High School, Plainville, Indiana, Helen E. Foust
ADHD And Emotional Dysregulation: The Unique And Joint Contribution To Impairment In Children, Farnoosh N. Khan
A Different Place: Student Learning In An Online Course, Susan Jane Mannan
A discriminative study of accounting terminology, Charles F. Nagy
Administrators' And Adult Students' Perceptions Of Quality Indicators For Off -Campus Programs, Connie Sue Butler
Adolescent Fears and Anxieties: a Comparative Analysis of Parents' and Teachers' Perceptions of Adolescent Differences, Carolyn B. Miller
Adolescent Fears And Anxieties: A Comparative Analysis Of Parents' And Teachers' Perceptions Of Adolescent Differences, Carolyn B. Milner
Adolescent fears and anxities:a comparitive analysis of parent's and teacher's perceptions of adolescent differences., Carolyn.B Milner
Adolescent Well-being And Exclusionary Discipline: A Resiliency Model, Rachel Ballard
Adolescent Well-Being And Exclusionary Discipline: A Resiliency Model, Rachel L. Ballard
Adopter Characteristics And Teaching Styles Of Faculty Adopters And Nonadopters Of A Course Management System, Cheryl A. Dugas
Adopting Open-Source Methodology For Improving Business Processes And Public Trust, Lawrence Bosek
Adopting Open-source Methodology For Improving Business Processes And Public Trust, Lawrence Bosek
Adoption of Bonded-cellular Technology, Gregory Edward Phipps
Adoptive Parents' Perceptions Of Their Open Versus Closed Adoptions, Begum Nebol
Adoptive Parents' Perceptions of Their Open Versus Closed Adoptions, Begum Nebol
Adoptive Parents’ Perceptions of Their Open Versus Closed Adoptions, Begum Nebol
Adult Female Students' Perceptions Of Their First-Year, Portfolio-Based, Distance Writing Course, Elizabeth Goodrid Westgard
Adult Learning and the Effect of Education and Gender Interaction on Type 2 Diabetics, Abdi H. Nur
Adult Learning And The Effect Of Education And Gender Interaction On Type 2 Diabetics, Abdi H. Nur
Advanced Accreditation Impact Regarding the Achievement Gap between Schools of Poverty and Schools of Affluence for Secondary Education in a Five-State Region, Michael John Langevin
Advanced Placement Teachers' Professional Development, Janet Faye Page
Advanced Spanish Conversation and the Non-Traditional Student: A Case Study for Implementing Community-Based Learning at the Urban University, Graham Stefan Ignizio
Affective responses to early recollections of prospective secondary teachers., Linda Ohlsen Ferreira
A follow-up investigation of children who have been studied in the Special Education Clinic for the school year 1953-54, Lynn Caldwell
A follow-up of the graduates of Newport High School from 1935-1949, John W. Park
A follow-up of the graduates of Newport High School from 1935-1949, John W. Park
A follow-up of the graduates of Newport High School from 1935-1949, John W. Park
A follow-up study of graduates of the Laboratory School of Indiana State Teachers College, Jere O. Goodman
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Indiana, 1935-1948, Norman L. Darrow
A follow-up study of the business education graduates of Wiley High School, Terre Haute, Indiana, 1935-1948, Norman L. Darrow
A follow-up study of the commercial graduates of Tell City High School, Tell City, Indiana 1943-1954, John Ralph Kessans
A follow-up study of the commercial graduates of Tell City High School, Tell City, Indiana 1943-1954, John Ralph Kessans
A follow-up study of the drop-outs at Bristow, Oil Township, and Cannelton high schools in Perry County, Indiana, from 1956 to 1960, Alfred E. Snyder
A follow-up study of the graduates of Mecca High School from 1930 to 1949, Charles Roccia
A follow-up study of the graduates of Mecca High School from 1930 to 1949, Charles Roccia
A follow-up study of the graduates of Mecca High School from 1930 to 1949, Charles Roccia
A follow-up study of the graduates of the Indiana State Teachers College Laboratory School from 1935-1948, William D. Fox
A follow-up study of the Montezuma High School graduates from 1930-1949, John Charles Hill
A follow-up study of the Montezuma High School graduates from 1930-1949, John Charles Hill
A follow-up study of the Montezuma High School graduates from 1930-1949, John Charles Hill
A forty-two year survey of the Negro graduates from Indiana State Teachers College, Verner Karl Howell
A forty-two year survey of the Negro graduates from Indiana State Teachers College, Verner Karl Howell
A forty-two year survey of the Negro graduates from Indiana State Teachers College, Verner Karl Howell
A Fourier series synthesizer, David Herbert Alman
African-American Alumni Perceptions and Motivations Toward Philanthropic Giving (A Case Study of an African-American Alumni Council at A Midwestern University), Camille R. Wallace
African-American Freshmen Student Persistence Factors In Comparison To White Freshmen Student Persistence Factors At Indiana State University, Gwendolyn Lynette Lee-Thomas
African American High School Students’ Perceptions of Their College Counseling Experience, LaTonya M. Turner
African American Newspapers: A bibliography, Rolland McGiverin
African Americans Perceptions of the “n-word” in the Context of Racial Identity Attitudes, Keya Wiggins
African Americans' Perceptions of the "N-word" in the Context of Racial Identity Attitudes, Keya Wiggins
Age Dependence; of Spiral Grain in Widte Oaks (Quercus Alba) in Southcentral Illinois, Julia Rauchfuss
Age Differences In Pain Locus Of Control And Pain Outcomes, Karen P. Elliott
A general history of the Terre Haute Typographical Union, Raymond Jack Raley
A Geographic Analysis Of Roman (64 B.C.E.-24 C.E.) And Umayyad (640-750 C.E.) Period Site Locations On The Karak Plateau, Jordan, Mark Dana Green
A Geographic Analysis Of Vegetation Deterioration In The Tabuk Area, Saudi Arabia, Khalid Musallam Alharbi
AGGFORCLUS: A hybrid methodology integrating forecasting with clustering to assess mitigation plans and contagion risk in pandemic outbreaks: the COVID-19 Case Study, Milton Soto-Ferrari, Alejandro Carrasco-Pena, and Diana Prieto
A GIS-Based Landscape Analysis Wetland Function Model For Wetland Restoration And Mitigation Banking, Qin Li
A GIS-Based Modeling Approach To High-Resolution Anthropogenic Heat Flux And Building Energy Demand In Los Angeles, Yuanfan Zheng
"A Great Opportunity": Persistence and Performance of Hoosier Link Students, Lori B. Handy
Agronomic or Contentious Land Change? A Longitudinal Analysis from the Eastern Brazilian Amazon, Stephen Aldrich, Cynthia S. Simmons, Eugenio Arima, Robert T. Walker, Fernando Michelotti, and Edna Castro
A guide for laboratory work in elementary science in grades 7 and 8, Ralph W. Harris
A guide for the conduct of high school mathematics clubs, Muret Nugent
A handbook for elementary teachers of the Laboratory School of Indiana State Teachers College, Joy H. Ellis
A handbook in character education for grade seven, Alma B. Foltz
A handbook of nervous anatomy for students of education and psychology, Frank Roy Briggs
A handbook of printing information for journalism teachers, Staley Berryman
A handbook on finance for superintendents in Indiana, Carter L. Adams
A Hardware-Based Model For Reducing Field Loss By A Video Processing System, Timur Mirzoev
A Hermeneutic Exploration Of And Proposed Solution To The Schism Between Researchers And Clinicians InPsychology, Mark S. Green
A Hermeneutic Exploration of and Proposed Solution To the Schism Between Researchers and Clinicians in Psychology, Mark S. Green
A Hermeneutic Study Of TheEducational Theories Of Willa Cather, Marie Hassett Mcdonough
A historical and critical study of John William De Forest's Washington novels, Eugene W. Saxe
A Historical Document Analysis Comparing High School Academic Eligibility Standards To NCAA Academic Standards In 2014, Ashley N. Gard
A Historical Study of the Decker High School Alumni, Frank E. Dick
A historical study of the development of public-school music in Indiana, Arletta M. Schauwecker
A history of Borden Institute, William E. Wilson
A history of Central School Michigan City, Indiana, Darlene Hammond
A history of college entrance requirements in Indiana, Richard W. Perkins
A history of education of Clay County, Indiana, Herbert E. Rissler
A History of Oakland City College, Betty Laverne Shirley
A history of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods College, Margaret Agnes O'Neill
A history of secondary education in Indiana, 1910-1920, Dora G. Prichard
A history of secondary education in Indiana 1920-1930, McKinley Hagemeyer
A History of the African American Students Experience at Indiana State University 1870-1975, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
A History of the Asian American Students Experience at Indiana State University 1865-1965, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
A history of the Children's Theatre of Terre Haute, 1936-1948, Mary Ann McQuillan
A history of the development of the public schools of Princeton, Indiana, 1812-1940, Louise A. Robertson
A history of the development of the rules of American collegiate football, George Ashworth
A history of the development of Vincennes public schools 1853-1938, Roy R. Snyder
A History of the Hispanic Student Experience at Indiana State University: 1870 to 1985, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
A History of the Indiana Pocket Athletic Conference, Robert Scheller
A history of the Negro schools in Vigo County, Merle Bullard Shepard
A history of the organization and literature in business education, David J. Stewart
A history of the public schools of Knox County, Milton A. Bailey
A history of the Southern Indiana Athletic Conference, Irvin Fred Maurtaz
A history of the Southern Indiana Athletic Conference, Irvin Fred Marutz
A history of the Southern Indiana Athletic Conference, Irvin Fred Marutz
A history of the Wabash Valley High School Association, Norman R. Dunlap
A history of Washington County Seminary and its founder, Carl Elvin Naugle
“Aho! All My Relations:” Native Identity and Its Relationship To Psychological Well-being, Jamie Ramsey
Aho! All My Relations: Native Identity And Its Relationship To Psychological Well-Being, Jamie Ramsey
A Holistic Approach To Creating Cultures Of Quality Excellence Within Higher Education Institutions In North Carolina, Natalie Aman
A Holistic Approach To Creating Cultures Of Quality Excellence Within Higher Education Institutions In North Carolina, Natalie Aman
AI: Is the Future Robots?, Ruthanne Fischer
A laboratory manual using chemicals and apparatus found in the home, on the farm, and locally, J. Eavey
Alban Berg's Violin Concerto: A Short History of its Reception, Nathan Canfield
Alcohol Consumption Patterns, Death Attitudes, And Personal Meaning Among College Women, Christopher Hugh Nolan
A Liberating Intent: the American Civics Curriculum in Illinois High Schools and the Development of a Critically Constructive Citizenry, Gustavo David Albear
A Liberating Intent: The American Civics Curriculum In Illinois High Schools And The Development Of A Critically Constructive Citizenry, Gustavo David Albear
A Liberating Intent: The American Civics Curriculum in Illinois High Schools and the Development of a Critically Constructive Citizenry, Gustavo Albear
A Little Bat and a Big City: Nocturnal Behavior of the Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus) Near Indianapolis Airport, Jared Scot Helms
A Little Bat and a Big City: Nocturnal Behavior of the Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus) Near Indianapolis Airport, Jared Scot Helms
Allocation Of Educational Resources In Indiana School Districts And The Effect On 10Th Grade ISTEP+, Paul Kaiser
“All Things Forget the Forest:” The Convergence of the War and the Pastoral in Edward Thomas’s Body of Work, Nicole Trobaugh
All Things Forget The Forest: The Convergence Of The War And The Pastoral In Edward Thomas's Body Of Work, Nicole Trobaugh
"All Things Forget The Forest": The Convergence of the war and the Pastoral in Edward Thomas's Body of Work, Nicole Trobaugh
A Longitudinal Study Of Changes In Reading Comprehension Of Individual Elementary Students, Virginia K. Reynolds
A Look at International Student Diversity, Arjun Reddy Baddam
A Look Inside The Classroom: Teacher Satisfaction With Inclusion At The Secondary Level, Rhonda R. Lawrence
A manual for student-teachers of comprehensive general shops, Edgar E. Stahl
A manual for student-teachers of comprehensive general shops, Edgar E. Stahl
A manual for student-teachers of comprehensive general shops, Edgar E. Stahl
A manual of clinical procedures, forms and tests, Special Education Clinic, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, Indiana, John Victor Whitaker
Ambassador Dr. Cynthia Shepard Perry: A Sycamore Destined for Greatness, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
A measure of the teacher tenure in the public schools of Indiana, Ethel Wallace Campbell
A measure of the value of recordings in teaching arithmetic, Fred E. Harris
A mental-educational survey of Rea School, Terre Haute, Indiana, Pansy B. Walker
A mental-educational survey of the pupils in grades 2A to 8A of the Indiana State Teachers College Laboratory School in January, 1938, Olga Andrews Combs
A mental-educational survey of the pupils of Taylor Elementary School, Jeffersonville, Indiana, Corden Porter
American Collection: A bibliography of dictionaries and lexicographer tools, Rolland McGiverin
American Culture’s Impact on Gender and The Perpetuation of a Gender Binary, Anna Blaho
American Culture’s Impact on Gender and The Perpetuation of a Gender Binary, Anna Blaho
American Newspapers, Rolland McGiverin
American Textbooks 1700-1820, Rolland McGiverin
A method of arriving at probable teaching success based upon scholarship, George B. Clayton
A midsummer night's dream in relation to the Endymion legend, Dorothy Evelyn Sister Laughlin
A Model of Packet Loss Caused by Interference Between the Bluetooth Low Energy Component Of an Ios Wearable Body Area Network and Residential Microwave Ovens, William C. Barge
A Model Of Packet Loss Caused By Interference Between The Bluetooth Low Energy Component Of An Ios Wearable Body Area Network And Residential Microwave Ovens, William C. Barge
A Model Process To Control Quality Attributes Of A Medical Device Using Process Parameters, Angel Estrada
A morphological and cultural study of a species of Nigrospora, Mildred Patrick
A “Morphological Sphinx”: On The Silence Of The Assassin Leon Czolgosz, Cary Federman
Amphibian Response To Wetlands In Restored And Reclaimed Grasslands: Passive Recolonization And Active Reintroduction Techniques, Rochelle M. Stiles
A multinomial modeling approach to assess supplier delivery performance for buyer-supplier alignment, Kuntal Bhattacharyya, Alfred L. Guiffrida, Milton Rene Soto-Ferrari, and Paul Schikora
A Multiple Regression Analysis Of Selected Variables Effecting The Transmission Of Video Over Internet Protocol Networks, David A. Rosenthal
A Multivariate Study Of Depression In Elderly Caucasian Women, Marion Kay Sigurdson
A music appreciation course for the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of the Anderson, Indiana, city schools, Wayne Nolen
An achievement test in first year algebra, Ivan Horn
An Activity Theory Exploratory of the Differential Impact on Students' and Professors' Experiences in How Laptops Are Used for Instruction, Jean Pierre Niyikora
An Activity Theory Exploratory Of The Differential Impact On Students' And Professors' Experiences In How Laptops Are Used For Instruction, Jean Pierre Niyikora
An Activity Theory Exploratory of the Differential Impact on Students' and Professors' Experiences in How Laptops are Used for Instruction, Jean Pierre Niyikora
Anaerobic Capacity And Lower Body Strength Deficits Related To Thermal Protective Gear In Rural Volunteer Firefighters, J Diggins, R Shagena, T Patrick, and A Catanese
Analyses of seven high school geography textbooks, Lee Walters
Analysis and evaluation of 16mm motion picture library available at Indiana State Teachers College, Frank Frankowiak
Analysis and study trends in the use of statistical tools in educational research, Marian A. Kittle
Analysis of Communication Between Indiana Superintendents and Public School Boards, Travis Brent Haire
Analysis Of Communication Between Indiana Superintendents And Public School Boards, Travis Brent Haire
Analysis of IPV6 Readiness of End-user Enterprises in the North Carolina Eastern Region, John Pickard
Analysis Of Learning Style Leads To Study Behaviors On Performance Achievement In The Context Of A Non-Linear Hypertext-Learning Environment, Jyy-Ling Tserng
Analysis of Stakeholder Expectations of Effective Indiana High Schools, Doug Miller
Analysis Of Stakeholder Expectations Of Effective Indiana High Schools, Doug Miller
Analysis of the Effect of an Ergonomic Improvement Program on Incident Rates in a Forklift Manufacturing/assembly Plant, Miriah L. Cherry
Analysis Of The Expression Of Selected Suppressors Of Cytokine Signaling, Socs1 And Socs3, Genes In Response To Limb Amputation In Xenopus Laevis, Lubna Fawzi Abu-Niaaj
Analysis of Urban Heat Islands by Using Multi-sensor and Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar
Analysis of Urban Heat Islands by Using Multi-Sensor and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, Rajasekar Umamaheshwaran
Analytical Modeling and Feasibility Study for Adoption of Renewable Energy Sources in a Single Family Dwelling, Jimmy B. Linn
Analyzing The Attributes Of Indiana'S Stem Schools, Jeremy Eltz
An analysis and critique of means of educating mentally gifted children and a recommendation for Stanley Hall School, Alfred Sanford Byers
An Analysis and Evaluation of High School English Composition Textbooks Presented for Indiana State Adoption in 1943, Ruth Louise Battle
An analysis of achievement and attendance in relation to physical defects in certain elementary schools in Terre Haute, Nora R. Wright
An analysis of athletic expenditures as reported by Garfield, Gerstmeyer, and Wiley high schools over the three year period, September 1944 to June 1947, Osborn Earl Pike
An Analysis of Certain Aspects of One Hundred Elementary School Readers to Show the Influence of Changing Objectives, Sister Mary Roberta S.P.
An Analysis of Certain Aspects of One Hundred Elementary School Readers to Show the Influence of Changing Objectives., Mary Roberta
An Analysis of Charging Practices and their Impact on Battery Degradation in North American Electric Vehicles Built Between 2010-2020, Douglas William Edward Ferrier
An Analysis Of Differences Among Males Choosing A Traditional As Opposed To Non -Traditional Career, Scott David Struck
An analysis of eight high school biology textbooks, Forest McNiel
An analysis of errors as revealed by the Iowa placement examination in mathematics, Francis Vickroy Higgins
An analysis of errors in beginning algebra as revealed by two of the Hotz algebra scales, Ira W. Vance
An analysis of errors in English grammar made by beginning freshmen in Indiana State Teachers College, O. L. Johnson
An analysis of errors in English grammar made by high school graduates, Ira F. Carter
An analysis of errors in English made by teachers on various levels, Edward U. Engleman
An Analysis Of Extreme Danger Problems Associated With Abandoned Coal Mine Lands In Southwestern Indiana, J. A. Elbert
An Analysis Of Faculty Perspectives On The Theory And Practice Of Academic Freedom, Robin R. West
An analysis of guidance programs (educational and vocational) in high schools of various sizes, with a proposed program for Linton-Stockton High School, Ira Earle Williams
An Analysis Of Indiana Schools Implementing Alternative Teacher Evaluation Systems, Corey Wade Austin
An analysis of indiana schools implementing alternative teacher evaluation systems., Corey Wade Austin
An analysis of labor legislation in the United States with emphasis on the labor-management relations act of 1947, Arthur Edward Dowell
An analysis of mental ability of pupils from grades one through nine of Indiana State Teachers College Laboratory School, Mary Jo Riggle
An analysis of methods and helps in the teaching of Macbeth, Karl Wood Kiger
An analysis of nautical influence on Ole Rolvaag's fiction, Iona Hershberger Nale
An Analysis Of Nutritional Quality In Long Term Care Using The 2019 Nursing Home Compare Data Set For The State Of Indiana, Heather Lynn Pfrank
An Analysis of Operator Eye Behavior When Monitoring Simulated, Petrochemical Manufacturing, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Alerts and Warnings With Background Noise, Angela Huenerfauth
An Analysis Of Operator Eye Behavior When Monitoring Simulated, Petrochemical Manufacturing, Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Alerts And Warnings With Background Noise, Angela Huenerfauth
An analysis of responses on the David John Davis test of functional competence in mathematics, Eugene L. Herbst
An analysis of responses on the Schorling, Clark, Potter Hundred- Problem Arithmetic Test, Henry Earl Pearcy
An Analysis Of Student Teachers' Perceptions Of The University Supervisor'S Role, Violet A. Lanis
An analysis of subject content for a marriage relationship course in high school, Francis B. Ratliff
An analysis of techniques involved in addition of two one-figure numbers, Robert Norman Kreager
An Analysis Of The Change In Anti-Negro Attitudes Of Student-Teachers As A Result Of Interracial Contact During Student-Teaching., Raymond Allen Cusic
An analysis of the characteristics of the exceptional child, Thomas Edward Jordan
An analysis of the curriculum needs of Sullivan High School as interpreted by the graduates from 1930-1939, Ernest R. Elliott
An analysis of the effect of the time factor in the student performances on the Schorling, Clark, and Potter, hundred-problem arithmetic test, Ernest A. Deagan
An analysis of the factors concerning achievement of mathematics majors who entered Indiana State Teachers College in 1946, William J. Hamrick
An analysis of the Indiana High School Athletic Association tourneys home court winners percentages from 1936 to 1949 inclusive, Frank Rex Gourdouze
An analysis of the influence of the Spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius on the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Mary Suzanne Wills
An analysis of the influence of the subject taught by a teacher to the popularity of the teacher, Laverne Samuel Blackard
An analysis of the mathematical vocabulary as found in the textbooks of the required courses in general education at Indiana State Teachers College, Lois Frances Bateman
An analysis of the mathematical vocabulary essential for reading general science textbooks in Indiana junior high schools, Leslie W. Felling
An analysis of the needs of commercial students in Morton High School (Richmond, Indiana), Paul Robertson
An analysis of the needs of commercial students in Morton High School (Richmond, Indiana), Paul Robertson
An analysis of the opinions of one hundred thirty-eight outstanding high-school seniors regarding the teaching profession, Kenneth Anderson
An analysis of the philosophy in the poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson, Jock Wilson
An analysis of the possible uses of the scholarship index at Indiana State Teachers' College, Helen E. Stimson
An Analysis Of The Social Support Network Of Gay Men Living With Hiv, Bridget Roberts-Pittman
An analysis of the techniques of characterization in selected fiction of Jack London, David Vermillion
An analysis of the weaknesses of school bus drivers in Indiana, Everett Leo Daniels
An analysis of the work being done by existing agencies in Marion and Vigo counties in Indiana toward the educational and physical development of crippled children, Martha Claire Stanger
An Analysis Of Variables Affecting Parental Adjustment To Head Injury, Leif Eric Leaf
An analysis of verbatim memorization in the Indiana State Teachers College Theatre Program, Wayne Elmer Brockriede
An analysis of world history textbooks for high schools to determine modern trends, Albert E. Rinsch
An analytical study of education and art publications to determine the trends in art education, Consuelo Clehouse Kirkman
An application of the large fund plan of school financing to the public schools of Indiana, G. Lawrence. Jones
An Assessment Of Cognitive Strategies Utilized By Test-Anxious Subjects, Laura Ruth Meers
An Assessment Of Spectral Response Curves For Selected Coal Mine Lakes In Southwestern Indiana, Randall Lee Repic
An Assessment of the 2012 Hajj Providing Services, Pilgrims and Hajj Agencies Stance An Exploratory Study, Samar Alshenawi
An Assessment of Vibration Exposure and Its Health Effects on Stone Workers in Taiwan and China, Yuan-Hsin Cheng
An Assessment of Vibration Exposure and its Health Effects on Stone Workers in Taiwan and China, Yuan-Hsin Cheng
A National Survey Of Attorneys Regarding Their Training And Knowledge Of Social Science, Bradley Nicholas Luckett
Ancient Shakespeare: Examining Classical Influence Upon Shakespeare's Plays, John Fritch
An educational history of Daviess County Indiana, Charles J. Posey
An educational history of Pike County, Indiana, Arthur F. Thomas
A Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation of a Physical Therapy Service-Learning Program in China, Kerstin M. Palombaro, Samuel R. Pierce, and Robin L. Dole
An elementary course of study for string instrument classes, Rudolph W. Jeffers
An Empirical Analysis Of The Relationship Between Ipv6 Readiness, Ipv6 Enablement, And Ipv6 Effectiveness At Colleges And Universities In The United States, John Brooks Southworth
An Empirical Investigation Of The Intercultural Sensitivity Of Student Affairs Practitioners At A Midwest Metropolitan University, Daniel Kent Kelso
An ethnography of student behavior in secluded and open spaces: Preliminary findings and implications for library space planning, Susan Frey and Natalie Bulick
An evaluation of a non-dictation method of spelling with junior-high-school pupils, John J. Lasher
An evaluation of commercially available equipment used in speech correction and hearing therapy, William Carter Geer
An evaluation of decisions and recommendations for early school admission, Ronald Senzig
An evaluation of elementary bookkeeping texts, Marvin Smith
An Evaluation Of Parent And Teacher Rating Scales As Predictors Of The T.O.V.A. Measures Of Inattention, Impulsivity, Response Time And Variability, Nancy Claire Kiger
An evaluation of statistical terms, formulae graphs, and tables used in research, W. Puckett
An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Corporate Communication During Large-Scalebailey College Of Engineering And Technology Changes, Dawna M. Drum
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Corporate Communication During Large-Scale Information Technology Changes, Dawna M. Drum
An evaluation of the Hi-Y in Indiana, Clarence M. Morgan
An evaluation of the Indiana Mathematics Contest Program, Charles A. Orahood
An evaluation of the summer high school conducted by Indiana State Teachers College, Harold A. Lloyd
An evaluation of the twentieth century British and American criticism of Sir Walter Scott's major narrative poems, Roseanna Burke
An Evidence-to-Practice Review on the Efficacy of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, Matthew G. Moore, Aneika R. Daley, and Zachary Winkelmann
A New MMPI-2 Measure Of Psychopathy: An Empirical Approach, Erin M. Greene
A New MMPI-2 Measure Of Psychopathy: An Empirical Approach, Erin M. Greene
A new-type objective test in American history, Victor F. Dawald
An Examination between Laryngeal Physiology and Parkinson’s Disease: Severity and Treatment, Jillian Pelikan
An Examination between Laryngeal Physiology and Parkinson’s Disease: Severity and Treatment, Jillian Pelikan
An Examination between Laryngeal Physiology and Parkinson’s Disease: Severity and Treatment, Jillian Pelikan
An Examination Of Aspects Related To Teacher Quality In Saudi Schools, Abdullah Althobaiti
An Examination of Benefits Between Massage Therapy and Mental Health, Alexis Fears
An Examination of Chronic Pain Coping Strategies and Health Locus of Control Among Prison Inmates, Joseph M. Mitrovich
An Examination of Chronic Pain Coping Strategies and Health Locus of Control among Prison Inmates, Joseph Mitrovich
An Examination Of Communities Of Practice On Leadership Capacity And Organizational Functioning: A Case Study, Mary J. Meduna
An Examination Of Factors Affecting Employer Attitudes Toward Hiring Ex-Offenders, Eli L. Stoll
An Examination Of Leadership Teams In Successful High-Poverty Middle Schools, Jessica Ann-Farag Waters
An Examination of Legal Responses by United States To Technological Advances In Organized Drug Smuggling, Abdulwahab Aldossary
An Examination of Legal Responses by United States To Technological Advances In Organized Drug Smuggling, Abdulwahab Aldossary
An Examination of Principals in Effective High-Poverty Middle Schools with High Achievement, Rhonda J. Mull
An Examination Of Principals In Effective High-Poverty Middle Schools With High Achievement, Rhonda J. Mull
An Examination Of The Individual Mediating And Moderating Variables Involved In The Relationship Between The Dark Triad Of Personality And Emotional Manipulation, Pradeep A. Thamboo
An Examination of the Influence of Religion on the Forgiveness Process, Gregory J. Johnson
An Examination Of The Influence Of Religion On The Forgiveness Process, Gregory J. Johnson
An Examination of the Influence of Religion on the Forgiveness Process, Gregory J. Johnson
An Examination Of The Legal Responses By United States To Technological Advances In Organized Drug Smuggling, Abdulwahab Aldossary
An Examination Of The Legal Responses By United States To Technological Advances In Organized Drug Smuggling, Abdulwahab Aldossary
An Examination Of Therapist Characteristics Related To A Beneficial Therapeutic Relationship: The Trainee Characteristics Inventory, Kristoffer S. Schnur
An Examination Of The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Tendencies And Safety Outcomes In Selected Manufacturing Settings, Barbara J. Boroughf
An Examination of the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Tendencies and Safety Outcomes in Selected Manufacturing Settings, Barbara J. Boroughf
An Examination Of The Role Of Exercise In K-12 Principals' Professional Performance, Annette J. Zupin
An experience-oriented model for teaching blind children with learning disabilities, Florence Lull
An Experiential Analysis of Job Site Safety: Delineating Between Positive Safety Culture and Excessive Safety, Steven Tighe
An experimental comparison of grammar-translation method and direct method in the teaching of French, Mary Olga Peters
An experimental comparison of two methods of selecting beginning instrumental students, Harold L. Rogers
An experimental comparison of two methods of teaching ninth year algebra, Grace M. McBeth
An experimental investigation of bacitracin-penicillin synergism on the early growth of turkeys, Walter E. Gerard
An experimental investigation of bacitracinpenicillin synergism on the early growth of turkeys, Walter E. Gerard
An experimental study of achievement by problem readers, Mildred Wills
An experimental study of moral concepts in the secondary school, Wesley John Lyda
An experimental study of shot charts as an aid in coaching basketball in secondary schools, Robert L. Wright
An Experimental Study on Reducing the Formation of Dross when Cutting 1018 HR Steel Using a CNC Plasma Cutter, Michael E. DeVore
An experiment in copper repousse of the stations of the cross, M. Winifrid, Sister O.S.B. Mesker
An experiment in directed study, Lucia M. Pierce
An experiment in play direction of Shelley's The Cenci to test the values of interpretation, Katherine Stirwalt
An experiment to determine the reliability of an ability test as a basis for selecting basketball candidates for varsity and reserve squads, Donald E. Chambers
An experiment to show the comparative values of teaching by the lecture, question and answer, and socialized methods, Avery D. Gabbard
An Experiment using three different methods in teaching ninth grade community living, Glenn W. McHargue
An experiment with mouthpiece facings for beginning clarinet classes, Robert V. Hawkins
An experiment with three methods of teaching social studies, Darrell L. Gabbard
An experiment with two methods of teaching social studies in high school, Herbert John Klausmeier
An Exploration Of American Social Justice Activists: Developmental Experiences Of White Undergraduate And Post-College Millennials Who Are Activists For Africa, Caryn P. Grimstead
An Exploration Of Growth In Teacher Self-Efficacy Through Constructs Embedded In Professional Development, Jennifer M. Pollack
An Exploration of Job Satisfaction Levels, Pathways Into Education, and Recruiting Behaviors Of Teachers in Indiana, Tricia Johnson
An Exploration Of Job Satisfaction Levels, Pathways Into Education, And Recruiting Behaviors Of Teachers In Indiana, Tricia Johnson
An Exploration Of Shared Leadership Through Teacher Teams And Its Impact On A Safe And Collaborative Culture And Effective Teaching, Brent P. Bokhart
An Exploration Of The Instructional Strategies And Personality Traits Utilized By Highly Effective And Successful Teachers, Brent Kinsey
An exploration of the problems involved in writing and producing a three-act play, Daniel J. Payne
An Exploratory Analysis of a Treatment Based Classification Algorithm to Treat Patellar Tendinopathy, Monica Matocha, Patti Syvertson, Janet McMurray, Emily R. Dietz, Russell T. Baker, Alan Nasypany, Don Reordan, and Darcy Downey
An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship Between Teleconnections and Selected Pollution Parameters, Steve Ray Hardin
An Exploratory Study of Factors Affecting Retention Rates of Freshmen in the College of Technology At Indiana State University, Bhargavi Vemulapalli
An Exploratory Study Of Factors Affecting Retention Rates Of Freshmen In The College Of Technology At Indiana State University, Bhargavi Vemulapalli
An Exploratory Study of the Career Aspirations and Self-Perceptions of University Honors Program Students, Pamela Malone Gresham
An Exploratory Study Of The Career Aspirations And Self-Perceptions Of University Honors Program Students, Pamela Malone Gresham
An Exploratory Study of the Career Aspirations and Self-Perceptions of University Honors Program Students, Pamela Malone Gresham
An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Mobile Wireless Technologies in a Teacher Education Classroom, Anupama Ghattu
An Exploratory Study On The Impact Of Mobile Wireless Technologies In A TeacherEducation Classroom, Anupama Ghattu
An Extension of Mcguire's Inoculation Theory T8 Controversial Topics, Michele S. Roberts
An extension of McGuire's inoculation theory to controversial topics., Michele.S Roberts
An Historical Comparative Analysis Of The Ideology Of Selected Educational Reformers Of The 1950S And 1980S, Etta Lou Sellars
An Historical Geomorphic Study of the Anomalous Water Gaps Cut in Pine Ridge-little Mountain by the North Fork of the Holston River, Southwestern Virginia, David L. Kilgore
An Inquiry Into How Principals Make Decisions In Secondary Schools, Stacy L. Mason
An inquiry into pedodontic activities in the elementary curriculum, Lucile Scott Keefer
An Inquiry into the backgrounds of well adjusted and poorly adjusted adolescents : a pilot study, Willis Mac Parkhurst
An inquiry into the relative effectiveness of directed and undirected study in world history classes, Irene Spitz
An Inquiry Into Widespread Teacher Leadership, Heather Pierce
An interpretative study of the perceptions and reactions of spanish-speaking students to motivators and demotivators in the english as a new language classroom., Alejandra Brizuela
An Intersection of Computational Biology and Functional Genomics to identify Transcriptional Gene Enhancers and Their Role in Cancer, Naureen Aslam Khattak and Rusty Allen Gonser
An Introduction to and survey of the field of foreign missionary radio broadcasting, William Brock Brentlinger
An investigation and analysis of music magazines read by public school music teachers of Indiana, Clarence Liggett
An investigation concerning absence in the Harris Township Consolidated School, St. Joseph County, Indiana, Florence Kiser
An Investigation Into the Traits of and Strategies Used by Highly Effective Teachers, Stephanie J. Ciolli-Stewart
An Investigation Into The Traits Of And Strategies Used By Highly Effective Teachers, Stephanie J. Ciolli-Stewart
An Investigation of Body Image Among NCAA Female Athletes, Colleen Madden
An investigation of elementary teachers' attitudes toward supervisory practices in the classroom, John Vernon Robinson
An Investigation Of Interpersonal Profiles Of Eating Disorder Characteristics Using The Interpersonal Circumplex, Gabrielle E. Pointon
An Investigation of Lower Extremity Injuries in Soccer Athletes Related to their Playing Environment, AK Whitlock, K Francis, and H Maloney
An Investigation Of Personality Variables That Discriminate Between Succeeding And Nonsucceeding Disadvantaged College Students, Cora Deanne Wills
An Investigation of Predictors of Nclex-Rn Outcomes on the First-Attempt Among Standardized Tests, Yeijin Yeom
An Investigation of Principal Leadership Behaviors and Implementation of Adult Learning Strategies On the Professional Learning Environment Of a K-12 School, Christina Larson
An Investigation Of Principal Leadership Behaviors And Implementation Of Adult Learning Strategies On The Professional Learning Environment Of A K-12 School, Christina Larson
An investigation of problems and practices in the teaching of bookkeeping and elementary accounting, Clifford Robert Burger
An Investigation Of Psychologists' Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders, Lori M. Cichon
An investigation of recreational programs of 127 large industries of the United States, Frances Overpeck
An investigation of research-based teaching practices through the teacher evaluations in Indiana public schools, Michael Steven Sargent
An investigation of services available at Riley Hospital and to what extent they have been used by Howard County since 1937, William Fred McMullen
An investigation of some factors requiring greater stress on guidance, Harry E. Kramer
An investigation of teacher attitudes toward supervision, John Paul Garrigus
An Investigation of the Attitudes and Reactions of High School Seniors Toward Guidance Agencies and Influences, Haskell B. Osborn
An Investigation of the Attitudes and Reactions of High School Seniors Toward Guidance Agencies and Influences., Haskell B. Osborn
An investigation of the attitudes of two hundred World War II veterans, enrolled in Indiana State Teachers College, toward Indiana State Teachers College, Herman Kenneth Black
An Investigation of the Awareness of Recycling Services at Student Family Housing Units, Eli Kofi Aba
An Investigation Of The Awareness Of Recycling Services At Student Family Housing Units, Eli Kofi Aba
An investigation of the comparative scholastic achievements of fifty students before and after their marriages, Julian Polk
An investigation of the curricular requirements for first grade children in Indiana, Lorena M. Reed
An Investigation Of The Early Factors Which Influence Women'S Career Choices In Physical Science And Technology, Anneliese Payne
An investigation of the early factors which influence women's career choices in physical science and technology, Anneliese Payne
An investigation of the ideals of present-day adolescents, Rose Angela Horan
An investigation of the marking system of the Perry County elementary schools, Cecil C. Foster
An investigation of the methods of memorizing employed by piano students, Frederick L. Black
An investigation of the professional and literary magazines read by the public school teachers of Colorado, Harold E. Bricker
An investigation of the professional and literary reading of teachers, Rex E. Harvey
An Investigation of the Reliability and Validity of the Caperton Forgiveness Styles Inventory, Duane Caperton
An Investigation Of The Reliability And Validity Of The Caperton Forgiveness Styles Inventory, Duane Caperton
An Investigation of the Reliability and Validity of the Caperton Forgiveness Styles Inventory, Duane Caperton
An investigation of the use of photography in the public high schools of three hundred enrollment or larger in the midwest, H. Milton Crooke
An investigation of the validity of the American School Intelligence Tests, Roger Alan Hofferth
An Investigation of the values of some factors influencing student achievement, William Q. McBeth
An Investigation To Determine Influences On Teachers In Indiana School Districts, Elizabeth K. Johns
An Investigation to Determine Influences on Teachers in Indiana School Districts, Elizabeth K. Johns
An investigation to determine the advisability of establishing a free public junior college in Parke County, Wathen Leasor
An investigation to discover a better than normal way to teach reading in a fifth-grade history class, Victor P. Miles
An investigation to see what has become of the English O students of Indiana State Teachers College, Nila Pettiford Manuel
An Investigative Study of Contract Administration Practices of General Contractors on Federal and State DOT Projects., George Okechukwu Okere
Anisocoria as the Sole Initial Symptom of Concussion in a Collegiate Volleyball Player: A Case Report, I Hopper, B J. Warner, M McKenney, R M. Galbraith, C Cox, and S A. Cage
Ankle Proprioception Training Program for Preventing Lateral Ankle Sprains in Adolescent Basketball Players: A Case Validation Study, Matthew J. Rivera, Cameron J. Powden, and Kenneth E. Games
An objective study of the effectiveness of certain basic techniques of playwriting, Hal O'Neil Kesler
An objective study of the production problems encountered in the preparation and the presentation of a choric performance of Sons of the Prairie, Herbert Adrian Rehner
An objective test in biology, Napoleon Dixon
An Object-Oriented Approach To The Design Of An Integrated Soil Information System, Mao Chengye
An occupational study of the graduates of the Champaign High School, Champaign, Illinois, Howard Stewart
An occupational study of the graduates of the Champaign High School, Champaign, Illinois, Howard Stewart
An occupational survey of the graduates of Mattoon High School from 1939 to 1948, Frank Edward Lash
An occupational survey of the graduates of Mattoon High School from 1939 to 1948, Frank Edward Lash
An occupational survey of the graduates of Mattoon High School from 1939 to 1948, Frank Edward Lash
An Open Framework For Low-Latency Communications Across The Smart Grid Network, John Andrew Sturm
An open framework for low-latency communications across the smart grid network, John Andrew Sturm
An outline for individual instruction sheets for seventh and eighth grade woodwork, John S. McWethy
A Novel Approach to Treating Acute Hamstring Functional Neuromuscular Disorder-Effects of Primal Reflex Release Technique, Lucas Bianco, James May, and Alan Nasypany
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction of a College Student with a Prosthetic Limb: A Disablement Model Case Study, Sara A. Zilvetti, Amanda Y. Young, Jeff Stein, and Scott E. Lawrance
Antisaccade Inhibition As An Endophenotype Of Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: A Study Of Psychometric Schizotypes, Jonathan H. Novi
A Nursing Point of View: Investigating the Causes of Medical Errors and Strategies for Prevention, Lauren Shillo
Anxiety and Depression Amongst Female Athletes, DP Golden, RE Obmann, and EM Moore
A Peer Modeling Treatment Of Impulsive Cognitive Style Of School-Age Children, Barbara Fern Herman
A Perfect Storm?: The Association of Vitamin D with Injury Prevalence among Acrobatics & Tumbling Athletes, K Lee, A Gallucci, L Funderburk, L Cherpe de Souza, L Irvin, and E Boyer
A personality study of athletes and non-athletes enrolled in the public high schools of Daviess County, Indiana, for the school year 1941-1942, Robert E. Clark
A personnel study of the teachers of Gibson County, Indiana, Carl C. Lyles
A personnel study of the teachers of Parke County, Indiana, Harry Smith
A personnel study of the teaching force in Harrison County, Indiana, Lawrence L. Coleman
A personnel survey of the Pleasantville High School, Charles B. Lind
A Phenomenological Study Of Academic Advisors And Advising Administrators Perceptions On The Framing Of Advising As Teaching, Ashleigh Crowe
A Phenomenological Study On The Influence Of Michel Foucault And Cardinal Newman As Experienced By Senior Student Affairs Officers At Catholic Institutions, Joshua Richard Clary
A Pictorial Reinforcement Intervention Targeting Homework Submission, Completion, And Accuracy Rates Of Students In A Restrictive Classroom Environment, Lisa A. Diedrick
A plan of equalization of educational opportunity in some Indiana counties, John H. Frushour
Application of Strategic Institutional-information Technology Alignment Model in Four-year Institutions of Higher Education, Barbara Lach-Smith
Application of Strategic Institutional-Information Technology Alignment Model in Four-Year Institutions of Higher Education, Barbara Lach-Smith
Applications Of Social Systems Theory Relative To Inclusivity In The Context Of K–12 Schools, Tessa R. Sutton
Applied Health Sciences: 360 Section 002 Epidemiology Syllabus, Whitney Blondeau
Applied Health Sciences: 626 Section 301 Supervision & Management in Health Professions Syllabus, Whitney Blondeau
Applying Geophysics And Geochemistry To Understand Middle Woodland Site Spatial Organization At The Northwood Site, Vigo County, Indiana, Tiffany Grossman
Applying Geophysics and Geochemistry to Understand Middle Woodland Site Spatial Organization At the Northwood Site, Vigo County, Indiana, Tiffany Grossman
Applying Twitter to EFL Reading and Writing in a Taiwanese College Setting, Hao Yuan Cheng
Approval and disapproval of grades by college students, Paul Oliver Hockenbeamer
A Preliminary Comparison Of Student Outcomes Between DistanceEducation Modalities And Traditional Campus-BasedEducation, Andreas M. Kummerow
A problem book for prospective superintendents, Paul Mitchell Hanna
A prognosis test of stenographic abilty, Erma R. Mewhinney
A prognostic study of success in high school based on eighth grade marks and an intelligence test, John F. Lewman
A prognostic test for shorthand, Edith Hagedon Huggard
A Program Evaluation: Therapeutic Playgroup For Preschool -Aged Children With Mental Health Needs, Denise M. Harden
A Program Evaluation: Therapeutic Playgroup for Preschool-aged Children With Mental Health Needs, Denise M. Harden
A Program Evaluation: Therapeutic Playgroup for Preschool-Aged Children with Mental Health Needs, Denise M. Harden
A program for fifth and sixth grade reading, Lela Merres Gill
A program for high school band instruction, Malcolm Craig Scott
A project in test construction and improvement in the Odon-Madison School system, Roy V. Davis
A proposed program of speech improvement for use in the junior high school, Mary L. Brunner
A Proposed Return-to-Ride Protocol for United States Jockeys Following Concussion, Carolina Quintana, Kimberly I. Tumlin, Matthew C. Hoch, Nicholas R. Heebner, Bianca L. Grimshaw, and Carl G. Mattacola
A Qualitative Analysis Of Graduate Sport Administration/Management Curricula Offered At Private And Public Institutions In Comparison To Cosma Requirements, Kristin E. Brown
A Qualitative Analysis of the Example of George Orwell: From His Lived Experience to Ours, Christian Webster Gallagher
A Qualitative Assessment of the Impact of a Service‐Learning Course on Students’ Discipline‐Specific Self‐Efficacy, L. Suzanne Goodell, Natalie K. Cooke, and Sarah L. Ash
A Qualitative Evaluation Of The Safety Program At Newport Chemical Depot, Newport, Indiana, Patrick William Guy
A Qualitative Exploration Of Successful Low-Income Single Mothers' Experiences, Tracy L. Smith
A Qualitative Historiographical Case Study of the Educative Properties of Eugene V. Debs and John Dewey: 21st Century Implications for Education, Bradley Countermine
A Qualitative Inquiry Into The Experiences Of People Living With Hiv/Aids For An Extended Period Of Time, Sylwia P. Hodorek
A Qualitative Study Evaluating Athletic Trainers’ Self-Perceived Knowledge and Knowledge Acquisition of Concussion Biomarkers, KGS Swindell, T McCormick, and JM Allen
A Qualitative Study of Information Technology Project Portfolio Management in Higher Education, L. Andy Miller
A Qualitative Study of Nursing Living-Learning Communities, Renee Noel Bauer
A Qualitative Study Of Participation Of Students In Online Discussion In Mathematics, Daeryong Seo
A qualitative study of participation of students in online discussion in mathematics, Daeryong Seo
A Qualitative Study Of Stakeholders' Beliefs About The Elements Of Teacher Induction Programs Most Effective In Increasing Teacher Competence, Lynn Pretorius Simmers
A Qualitative Study of Stakeholders‘ Beliefs About the Elements Of Teacher Induction Programs Most Effective in Increasing Teacher Competence, Lynn Pretorius Simmers
A Qualitative Study Of The Language Learning Experiences Of Latin Born Professional Baseball Players, Daniel Rueckert
A Qualitative Study Of The Self -Concept Of Underprivileged Adolescents Attending Ryves Youth Center At Etling Hall, Kristy Ann Miller
A Quantitative Study of Transformational Leadership and Safety Incidence in a Unionized Public Utility, Ronald D. Schoff
A rating of graduate training of teachers in Allen County and consensus of opinion of city superintendents and principals in Indiana, Hubert G. Davis
A rating of graduate training of teachers in southwestern Indiana and consensus of opinion of county superintendents of all Indiana, Theodore H. Denning
Architects of Influence: Pioneers Who Shaped Today's Architecture, Carlynn Olinger
A reading program for the children in the primary grades of the Montezuma Grade School, Montezuma, Indiana, Geraldine Ayers
Are College Student Success Courses Effective Corequisites To Developmental Mathematics In Community Colleges?, Karen L. Reilly
Are college student success courses effective corequisites to developmental mathematics in community colleges?, Karen L. Reilly
A remedial reading program for a seventh grade in the Robinson, Illinois, junior high school, Wilda Nuttall
A Remedial Reading Program for the Children in the Primary Grades of the Riley School, Mitchell, Indiana, Ruth Tirey
A report of the algae of Vigo County, Indiana, and a classified record of all Indiana algae as of 1940, Helen H. Welch
A Research Study Of Educational Practice Of Reading Strategies And Assessment In Indiana High Schools, Woodrow Garry Derossett
A research study of the prevalence of venereal disease among senior high-school boys and the attitude of the community toward venereal instruction, Ralph S. Richardson
Are the Mara Salvatrucha and 18th Street Gangs a Threat to Our National Security, José A. Ortiz
Are The Mara Salvatrucha And 18Th Street Gangs A Threat To Our National Security, Jose A. Ortiz Jr.
Are the Mara Salvatrucha and 18th Street Gangs a Threat to Our National Security, José A. Ortiz
Are There Differences In Moral And Social Character Between High School Athletes And Non -Athletes?, Robert Haworth
Are there differences in moral and social character between high school athletes and non-athletes?, Robert Haworth
A Review Of Indiana's 1003(G) School Improvement Grants: Measuring Instructional Strategies, Data Use, And Culture, Cynthia L. Hurst
A review of the literature concerning the work of Francis Wayland Parker in Cook County, Illinois from 1883 to 1902, Edith Yanson Miller
A revision and tentative standardization of the total memory test for the third grade, Mildred Hansel Myer
Arguing the 8th Amendment for the Mentally Ill: Can Aristotle Help?, Annalise Acorn
Art in the life of the secondary school pupil, Mary Weldele
A Security Visualization Analysis Methodology For Improving Network Intrusion Detection Efficiency, David Nathan Freet
A selective digest of recent trends in the teaching of senior high school written composition, Helena C. Bolton
A self analysis sheet for teachers of physical education for women, Florence Davis
A self improvement sheet for biology teachers in the secondary schools, Ernestine Winifred Roberts
A self-rating scale for supervisors, Jno W. Lyda
ASIS&T 2014 Annual Meeting Summary, Steve Hardin
A Snapshot Of Successful Female Participants In A Drug Court Program With A Sub-Focus On Prescription Drug Abusers, Mallory E. Pugh
A socio-economic study of the marital status of teachers in Terre Haute and Vigo County, H. W. Fontaine
A speech and hearing drill book, Virgil Louis Grider
Assessing Environmental Conditions at the Friar Tuck Mining Complex, Dugger, Indiana, Windy Jo McBride
Assessing Environmental Conditions At The Friar Tuck Mining Complex, Dugger, Indiana, Windy Jo Mcbride
Assessing Environmental Conditions at the Friar Tuck Mining Complex, Dugger, Indiana, Windy Jo McBride
Assessing Global Citizenship After Participation in Service Learning in Physical Therapy Education, Mark Drnach, Craig Ruby, Kelley Kluender, Brian Palomba, and Marissa Ursick
Assessing Lower Extremity Injury Risk in a Mid-Atlantic Drum Corps Using the Weight Bearing Lunge Test, Nicolas C. Merritt and Cameron J. Powden
Assessing Outcomes of Service Learning: Student, Instructor, and Community Reflections, Emily Feuerherm, Kazuko Hiramatsu, Nathaniel S. Miller, and Kenneth Williams
Assessing Risk For Violent Recidivism: A Comparison Of The Psychopathy Checklist—Revised And The Child And Adolescent Taxon Scale When Calculating Violence Risk Appraisal Guide Scores, Joseph Calvin Bolton III
Assessing Risk of Violence in Caucasian and African-American Male Forensic Patients, Brandy Lynn Herriott
Assessing Risk Of Violence In Caucasian And African-American Male Forensic Patients, Brandy Lynn Herriott
Assessing Risk of Violence in Caucasian and African-American Male Forensic Patients, Brandy Lynn Herriott
Assessing Teacher Practice And Effect On Student Growth Mindset And Grit, Derek Leininger
Assessing The Core Construct? A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Of Positive Symptomology In Mmpi-2 Clinical Scale 8 And Restructured Clinical Scale 8, Aubrie R. Musselman
Assessing Urban Environmental Quality At Multiple Spatial And Temporal Scales Using Remote Sensing, Gis, And Geospatial Algorithms, Bingqing Liang
Assessment and Impact of Gentrified Public Housing Neighborhoods in the United States: a Case Study of Chicago, Todd W. Sink
Assessment and Impact of Gentrified Public Housing Neighborhoods in The United States: A Case Study of Chicago, Todd W. Sink
Assessment of emotionally disturbed adolescents using the Porschach:An analysis of the EA/es relationship., Jordan.L Mulder
Assessment of Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents Using the Rorschach: an Analysis of the Ea/es Relationship, Jordan L. Mulder
Assessment Of Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents Using The Rorschach: An Analysis Of The Ea/Es Relationship, Jordan L. Mulder
Assessment of Future Employment and Competency Skills in Building Information Modeling: a Delphi Study, Joseph A. Raiola III
Assessment Of Future Employment And Competency Skills In Building Information Modeling: A Delphi Study, Joseph A. Raiola III
Assessment Of Health Data Transformation Capabilities Of Health Information Networks In Early Endorsers Of A Nationwide Learning Health System, Stephanie Bryant
Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life (Hrqol) in a Sample of Children Referred for an ADHD Evaluation, Maria Riccardi
Assessment Of Health-Related Quality Of Life (Hrqol) In A Sample Of Children Referred For An Adhd Evaluation, Maria M. Riccardi
Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in a Sample of Children Referred for an ADHD Evaluation, Maria Riccardi
Assessments of Childhood Apraxia of Speech Disorder, Emily L. Teelucksingh
Assured Identity for the Cloud, Jeff Daniels
Assured Identity for The Cloud, Jeff Daniels
A standardized English literature test for the first semester of the tenth grade, Eva Porter
A standardized test for the first semester of world history, John E. Houston
A standardized test for the second semester of world history, Clinton M. Smith
A state aid county's ability to meet school costs, Roy C. Bullington
A statement of suitable objectives for an industrial arts department in a teachers' college, Marvin Ronald Bell
A statistical study of intelligence in the colored high schools of Indiana, Charles E. Rochelle
A study concerning awards and punishments from the students' viewpoint, Clifford G. Hallett
A study for the improvement of teacher training in the Indiana State Teachers College, Orville C. Hochstetler
A study in pupil achievement, Charles Woollard
A Study in the Difference of Warranty Failures of Common Platform Different Brand Name Dishwashing Appliances, Nathan Baker
A study in the facilitation of pupil adjustment, Nelle N. Jenkins
A study of accidents and violations in relation to behind-the-wheel training, Paul R. Hardesty
A Study Of A Computer-Aided Performance Rating Process And The Associated Process Improvement Opportunities, Timothy Chow
A Study of a Computer-Aided Performance Rating Process and the Associated Process Improvement Opportunities, Timothy Chow
A study of American elementary arithmetic textbooks for grades one and two written during the period, 1821 to 1938, to trace the attempts of the authors to conform to the changing aims of education, Vesta Blanche Harvey
A Study Of An Innovative Business School Curriculum, Robert D. Schuttler
A study of a school library charging system with a resultant individual reading record, Georgia Robinson Burton
A study of a school library charging system with a resultant individual reading record, Georgia Robinson Burton
A study of a school library charging system with a resultant individual reading record, Georgia Burton
A study of athletic honor awards in Indiana high schools, Leonard E. Lowe
A Study Of Attitudes Of Faculty And Administrators Towards InterprofessionalEducation, Catherine Christine Delnat
A study of attitudes of faculty and administrators towards interprofessional education., Catherine Christine Delnat
A study of children's literature in the program of the gifted child at the primary level, Ann Taylor
A study of citizenship in Augustine's "City of God" with a translation of part of Etienne Gilson's "Introduction A L'etude de Saint Augustin", David Francis Siemens
A study of college leaders, Laningham George Van
A study of color, Bessie C. Brown
A study of current texts in geography and history for grades five and six, Roy Everette Lucas
A study of dependent children in child-caring institutions of Indiana, Claude G. Boram
A Study of Effective Characteristics Most Valued In Superintendents by Principals, Camille Goldman
A Study Of Effective Characteristics Most Valued In Superintendents By Principals, Camille Goldman
A study of eight-man football in Indiana, Charles Cecil Broadwell
A study of failure in senior high school, Dorothy R. Lang
A study of financial aid to and the direction of vocational education in Indiana by the federal government, T. Arthur Pierrard
A Study of Group Conflict Within a Two-community Setting, Virgil L. Highsmith
A study of group conflict within a two-community setting, Virgil Highsmith
A study of group conflict within a two-community setting, Virgil Highsmith
A study of health habits of senior high-school girls, Mary V. Jones
A study of high school physics in Porter County, with special emphasis on storage facilities and waste in apparatus, Charles W. Wefler
A study of home influences on the 1948-1949 ninth grade of Parma, Ohio High School, Elmer H. Wright
A study of home influences on the 1948-1949 ninth grade of Parma, Ohio High School, Elmer H. Wright
A study of home influences on the 1948-1949 ninth grade of Parma, Ohio High School, Elmer H. Wright
A study of home preparation for school entrance, Marie Powell
A study of how girls of the seventh grade of Sarah Scott Junior High School manage their money, Mildred Hixon
A Study Of How Model-Centric Engineering Relates To Time-To-Market And Agility To Accommodate Customer-Required Changes, Craig A. Schroeder
A Study of How Model-centric Engineering Relates to Time-to-Market and Agility to Accommodate Customer-Required Changes, Craig A. Schroeder
A study of imagery in the poetry of Edward Taylor, Cynthia Nash Wolfe
A Study Of Indiana State University'S Pds Partnerships Through Qualitative Review Of Liaison Activities, Collaborative Inquiry, And Teacher Perceptions, Kevin Bruce Bolinger
A study of Indiana State University's PDS partnerships through qualitative review of liaison activities,collaborative inquiry and teacher perceptions., Kevin Bruce Bolinger
A study of insecurity and its causes as one factor in the personality development of the preadolescent, Charlotte K. Reynolds
A study of intelligence and achievement among children of foreign parentage and American children of grades five to eight in the Columbus School, Homer I. Stockdale
A study of juvenile delinquency in Vigo County, Indiana, and a survey of the agencies concerned, Margaret Burbeck Biddle
A study of La Porte County High School graduates relative to their educational needs, Lynn Cleopas Fisher
A study of libraries in the small high schools with special reference to Indiana and Illinois, Cliff O. Waldrip
A study of male juvenile delinquency, Nimrod Slaven
A study of moral and religious education in British Malaya, Thirza E. Bunce
A study of mycorhizal associations in two species of Botrychium, Rebecca A. Carr
A study of naturalism in Stephen Crane's short stories, Richard G. Whitworth
A study of needs and interests of seventh grade home economics students of the Vigo County School Corporation to provide a basis for a home economics curriculum, Reta McConchie Newman
A study of needs and interests of seventh grade home economics students of the Vigo County School Corporation to provide a basis for a home economics curriculum, Reta McConchie Newman
A study of needs and interests of seventh grade home economics students of the Vigo County School Corporation to provide a basis for a home economics curriculum, Reta McConchie Newman
A study of Niccolo Machiavelli's philosophy of the state as derived from The prince and the Discourses on the first ten books of Titus Livius, James Joesph Lynch
A study of ninth grade remedial reading programs, Jean Marilou Furry
A study of one hundred and three problem children in the Terre Haute city schools, James Dolph Acher
A study of one thousand problem children of the elementary schools selected by their teachers as problem children, Herman J. Ward
A study of opinions as to the value of the master's thesis as held by graduates of I.S.T.C., Robert E. Tirey
A study of opinions of school administrators concerning desirable and essential qualities in ideal and successful coaches, Marion U. Graham
A Study of parent and teacher attitude toward newer practices in kindergarten orientation, Dorothy K. McHargue
A study of place names in Lawrence County, Indiana, Florence Elise Gratzer
A Study Of Preschool Directors' And Elementary Principals' Perceptions Of Planning For Children'S Transitions From Preschool To Kindergarten, Edward Mitchell Greene
A Study of Quality Requirement Conveyance for Assignments in Technology and Engineering Master’s Degree Programs, Heather J. McCain
A Study Of Quality Requirement Conveyance For Assignments In Technology And Engineering Masters Degree Programs, Heather J. Mccain
A Study Of Relationships Between Job Satisfaction And Personality Needs Of College Student Volunteers At Indiana State University., Emanuel T. Newsome
A study of retarded children through teachers' subjective estimates, Bert Anson
A study of scholarships offered to secondary school graduates by colleges and universities, William F. Summerville
A study of school and outside school activities of junior and senior students of the East High School, Rockford, Illinois, Donald G. McNary
A study of science teachers and science instruction in a selected group of Indiana cities, Willa Mae Houk
A Study Of Selected Costs Of Public School Transportation In Indiana, John Joseph Kosco
A Study Of Selection, Training, And Host Country Cultural Adaptation Experiences Of Expatriate Faculty From United States Aascu Universities, Mark Gabriel Fenton
A Study of Selection, Training, and Host Country Cultural Adaptation Experiences of Expatriate Faculty from United States AASCU Universities, Mark Gabriel Fenton
A Study Of Social Support Variables In Three Stages Of Hiv-Illness, Urszula Izabela Klich
A Study of Some Factors Influencing Likes and Dislikes of Students in Secondary-school Mathematics, Sister Mary Josepha Brost
A study of some factors influencing likes and dislikes of students in secondary-school mathematics., Mary Josepha Brost
A study of some possibilities for correlating general language with other junior high school subjects, Mary Elizabeth Kintz
A Study of Staff-inmate Social Distance Seen as a Function of Contiguity in Two Correctional Settings, John Rhodes McCune
A Study Of Student Perceptions Of Exemplary Instruction And Servant Leader Behavioral Qualities, Richard C. Setliff Jr.
A study of student perceptions of exemplary instruction and servant leader behavioral qualities, Richard Setliff
A Study of student radio broadcasting as a motivation in speech improvement, Margaret Eller McWethy
A study of student withdrawals from the Union Hospital School of Nursing during the eleven year period 1935 to 1945 inclusive, Opal Allen Gilbert
A study of teacher tenure in the commissioned township high schools of Indiana for the years 1924-1930, Florence Good. Connerley
A study of teaching personnel in Clark County, Illinois, Harold Bright
A study of teaching personnel in Indiana, Edgar Allen Stahl
A study of the achievement and related factors of Kappa Delta Pi members at Indiana State Teachers College for the years 1926-1932, Hope V. Higgins
A study of the achievement, characteristics, and attitudes of the overage freshmen at Indiana State Teachers College, Charles W. Hardaway
A study of the achievement of Latin and non-Latin students of Indiana State Teachers College, John Cleveland Corn
A study of the achievement of Terre Haute freshmen in the mechanics of English composition, Eva Toma Martin
A study of the activities and home responsibilities of 500 Vigo County girls and boys, William Bitzegaio
A study of the administration of township schools in Indiana, M.E. Krausbeck
A Study Of The Applicability Of The Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving On Technology Management Of An E -Business Call Center, Aaron C. Goldsmith
A study of the arithmetic knowledge of students in the Clinton High School, Olin Swinney
A study of the associates and leisure-time activities of 1,042 Rockford, Illinois adolescents, Frances Gloria Bibb
A study of the attitudes of boys in the Terre Haute high schools toward their physical education programs, Searle Truman Proffitt
A study of the attitudes of selected pastors in the Indiana Baptist Convention toward the principles and practices of pastoral marriage counseling, Joseph L. Baker
A Study of the Background Scenes in the Life of John Milton, Frieda Bedwell
A Study of the Background Scenes in the Life of John Milton., Frieda Bedwell
A study of the bases of athletic awards in representative secondary schools of the North-central states, Noel E. Davis
A study of the causes of delinquency with special reference to the boys at the Indiana Boys' School, Charles Switzer
A study of the causes of disciplinary problems in the schools of Indiana, Carl H. McCullough
A study of the causes of failures in grades nine to twelve in five high schools of Kentucky for the school years 1936-1940, Laura Bigham Frazier
A study of the characteristics of intelligence apparent in free-design, Harry C. Friley
A study of the commercial curriculum and community needs, Freeman Scott McCoy
A study of the commercial curriculum and community needs, Freeman Scott McCoy
A Study of the Common Animals of Indiana Exclusive of Birds and Fishes, Mary Davis
A study of the consumer experiences and understandings of a group of upper elementary school children, Vertice C. Belcher
A study of the correctional value of work done by the Hillcrest and Glenview schools for delinquent children, Irving Frank Henderson
A study of the correlation between musical talent test scores and arithmetic marks for pupils in grades five, six, seven, and eight, F. Willard Crichfield
A study of the cost trends of Carroll County Schools for a ten-year period, William B. Wilson
A study of the direct and indirect methods of character training in high schools, M. Gabrielis Batenhorst
A study of the duties of office workers in Terre Haute, Indiana, Mabel E. Kerr
A study of the duties of office workers in Terre Haute, Indiana, Mabel E. Kerr
A study of the economic cost of the lengthened period, Archie E. Breeden
A study of the effectiveness of public playgrounds on juvenile delinquency areas in Negro communities of Indianapolis, Georgia P. Offutt
A Study Of The Effectiveness Of Social Learning Family Therapy For Reducing Aggressive Behavior In Boys, John M. Walker
A study of the effectiveness of teaching assistants in a closed-circuit television course, Sharon Brakley
A study of the effect of certain carcinogenic chemicals upon the growth and structure of selected protozoans, Dorcas Jane Anderson
A study of the effect of education on superstition, John J. Rush
A study of the effect of maturity on the language development of two sisters of pre-school age, Olive Andrews
A study of the effect of the abolition of the center jump on the height of outstanding college basketball players, John Robert Wooden
A study of the effect of the abolition of the center jump on the height of outstanding college basketball players, John Robert Wooden
A study of the effect of the abolition of the center jump on the height of outstanding college basketball players, John Robert Wooden
A Study Of The Effects Of Fieldbus Network Induced Delays On Control Systems, Joseph Mainoo
A study of the effects of fieldbus network inducted delays on control systems., Joseph Mianoo
A study of the effects of inflation on teachers' salaries in Indiana and a comparison with other occupations, Dick T. Morgan
A study of the effects of inflation on teachers' salaries in Indiana and a comparison with other occupations, Dick T. Morgan
A study of the effects of inflation on teachers' salaries in Indiana and a comparison with other occupations, Dick Morgan
A study of the effects of the 1950 amendments to Title II of the Social Security Act on the old-age assistance and aid to dependent children programs in Indiana, Jack Eckhart Heiken
A study of the effects of World War II on the position of geography in the curriculum of the junior and senior high schools of Indiana, Edward Jefferson Eames
A Study Of The Effects On Attitude From Listening To Mcguffey Readers And Dr. Seuss Books, Pamela June Farris
A study of the elementary-school principal in Indiana, Donald Vinson Smith
A study of the equalization of educational opportunity in the United States, Herschel L. Moss
A study of the errors made by three groups of pupils in arithmetic fundamentals, Bernard P. Brown
A study of the evidences of local color in Willa Sibert Cather's stories of the Midwestern plains, Charles Thomas Keller
A study of the evolution of the course of study in high school botany, Carl J. Belcher
A study of the extra cost of free education, Floyd Elza Tyree
A Study Of The Factors Contributing To Long -Term Relationships Between School Boards And Superintendents, Kent A. Dekoninck
A Study of the Factors Influencing Last Mile Residential Fixed Broadband Pricing in Kentucky, Michael Ramage
A Study Of The Factors Influencing Last Mile Residential Fixed Broadband Pricing In Kentucky, Michael Ramage
A study of the factual knowledge of current events possessed by one hundred high school seniors, Vyron Lloyd Jones
A study of the girl reserve movement in the senior high schools of Terre Haute and a comparison of scholastic and leadership attainments of members and non-members, Mary Amour Records
A study of the graduates of Indiana State Teachers College with reference to occupational tendencies, Edwin Yeager
A study of the guidance programs in the secondary schools of Indiana, Dessie Beanblossom
A study of the guidance programs of the secondary schools in Indiana cities, Harold L. Stafford
A study of the Indiana high school basketball tournaments, Raymond H. Bevington
A study of the intelligence and scholarship scores of graduates of teaching curriculums in the major departments at Indiana State Teachers College, Agnes Claudine Dodds
A study of the knowledge of mental hygiene of students in Indiana State Teachers College and of teachers with experience, Earl P. Murphy
A study of the legal background for a state supported school system in the state of Indiana, Ben H. Watt
A study of the length of service of teachers in the public schools of Indiana, Nola A. Smith
A Study of the Material Inspection Record and Quality Systems: a Case in the United States Department of the Navy, Larry W. Brown Jr.
A Study Of The Material Inspection Record And Quality Systems: A Case In The United States Department Of The Navy, Larry W. Brown Jr.
A study of the methodology of printing education, Frank Fessenden
A study of the methods of research, the techniques of collecting data, the statistical methods and procedures, and methods of presentation used in researches in education, Basil Orval Johnson
A study of the need for and an outline of a radio theory course for the public schools of Indiana, Lloyd B. Guernsey
A study of the Negro teaching personnel in Houston, Texas, William S. Holland
A study of the opinions held by Indiana public school music teachers about certain means of strengthening their relations with their communities, Philip L. Shields
A study of the organization and administration of a county speech and hearing conservation program, Alfred Lewis Larr
A study of the original exercises of fifteen plane geometry textbooks written since 1925, Dorothy D. Rucker
A study of the out-of-school radio listening habits of Terre Haute school children, Easter Straker
A Study Of The Perceptions Concerning School Consolidation And Shared Services Among Indiana Legislators, Chamber Of Commerce Presidents, And School Superintendents, Thomas P. Kopatich
A Study of the Perceptions of Administrators and Faculty Regarding the Relevancy and Frequency of Effective Characteristics of Alternative Schools in Indiana, Timothy Owen Edsell
A Study Of The Performance Of Third-Grade Mexican American Students On The Indiana Statewide Test ForEducational Progress, Javier Manuel Abrego
A study of the personal and professional qualifications of school trustees in Indiana, Rhessa Routh
A study of the polar chart problems of global navigation, Winston P. Wythe
A study of the post-school success of self-supporting students versus that of non-supporting students, Elizabeth Murphy Oliver
A study of the practical value of Latin to men and women in various occupations and professions, Charles Granderson Colvin
A study of the predictive value of the Seashore music talent tests in the public school music classes in Huntingburg, Indiana, John H. Bright
A study of the predictors of first year achievement at Indiana State Teachers College, Robert William Ahrens
A study of the problems involved in using historical fiction in teaching United States history in high school, Ellis Kittle Yaw
A study of the provisions for family life education in the public secondary schools of Indiana, Mary Ann V. Stephens
A study of the pupil personnel in Indiana State Training School, Olis Glen Jamison
A study of the purposes and factors of visual education in grades one to eight, Tegwith Ann Hise
A study of the relationship between agricultural efficiency and urban growth in the post-Revolutionary War period, Floyd C. Waggoner
A Study Of The Relationship Between Authentic Leadership And Job Satisfaction In Public Education, Todd Hitchcock
A study of the relationship between graduate and undergraduate scholarship at the Indiana State Teachers College, William G. Brown
A study of the relationship between number of study periods and grades of the pupils in John Adams High School, Cleveland, Ohio, Allen B. Richardson
A study of the relationship between the time of study periods and the achievement of the pupils in ninth grade algebra, Edna M. Sanders
A Study Of The Relationship Between The Utilization Of Nwea Map Testing And Student Achievement, Susan E. Delong
A Study of the Relationship in Financial Performance, Organization size, Business Classification, and Program Maturity of Six Sigma Systems, Diane J. Olson
A Study of the Relationship of Black Theatre to Black Theology as Exemplified in the Plays of Leroi Jones and Ed Bellins, Expressed in the Theological Writings of James H. Cone and Albert Cleage, and Amplified by the Categories of Paul Tillich, Sister Kathryn Martin S.P.
A Study Of The Relationship Of Psychological Androgyny And Sex To The Emotional Adjustment Of Adolescents, John Edwin Miller
A Study Of The Relationships In Financial Performance, Organization Size, Business Classification, And Program Maturity Of Six Sigma Systems, Diane J. Olson
A study of the relative effectiveness of two methods of presenting vocabulary in the teaching of reading in the second and third grade, Laverne Conover
A Study of the Responses of Pupils in Grades Four, Five, Six, Seven, and Eight in the Use of Signs, Expressions, and Forms in Fundamental Processes of Arithmetic, Muyrel M. Blaikie
A study of the results of a Kuder test battery for use in vocational guidance, Mildred Stinson
A study of the reward and punishment practices of typical groups of Indiana schools, Everett F. Watkins
A study of the status of mechanical drawing in the secondary schools of Indiana together with a suggested course of study, Finley French
A study of the status of the beginning teacher in Indiana for the school year 1946-47, Charles E. Fauset
A study of the subject offerings and teaching combinations of three hundred forty-seven Indiana secondary schools, Kenneth Edwin Williams
A study of the teaching combinations in the public secondary schools of Indiana during 1955, Leonard Paul Murtaugh
A Study of the Teaching Combinations in the Public Secondary Schools of Indiana During 1955-56, Leonard Paul Murtaugh
A study of the teaching of speech in the secondary schools of Indiana, Paul Louis Gill
A study of the teaching of the history of American education in the secondary schools, Billy Gene Loveless
A study of the teaching of vocational agriculture in Daviess County, Harry Collins Wampler
A study of the training and professional outlook of business education teachers, Charles C. Modesitt
A study of the training and professional outlook of business education teachers, Charles C. Modesitt
A study of the trend in theory and practice of physical education since 1900, Raymond J. King
A study of the trends, developments, and the present status of special methods in the social studies, John E. O'Connor
A study of the trends in the teaching of secondary physics, Dwight Thomas
A study of the types of biography in the teaching of social studies in high school, William Alexander Fields
A study of the unit plan of teaching chemistry, R. Paul Jones
A study of the uses of television in the education of public school teachers by educational institutions in the United States during 1958-1959, Frank Hayashida
A study of the value of the Indiana new-type test for the eighth grade for predicting success in the first year of high school, Floyd Mason Cunningham
A study of the vocational and prevocational offerings of the Morocco High School with recommendations for enrichment, V. Sydney Carlson
A study of the vocational pursuits of teachers' children, R. Harold VanCleave
A study of the voluntary reading activities of the boys and girls of Terre Haute, Indiana, William Herbert Alman
A study of the withdrawal and failure marks in 245 high schools of Indiana 1923-24, Herbert Ray Brauchla
A Study Of Three Specific Family Populations: Functional, Distressed, And Abusive, Brian A. Glaser
A Study Of Undergraduate Filial Piety As A Predictor Of Academic Achievement, Yan Kuang
A Study Of Views About The Inclusion Of EntrepreneurshipEducation In Community College Programs, Curtis A. James Jr.
A study of workable plans for the merger of school libraries in school consolidation, Hilda Louise Brackwinkle
A study of workable plans for the merger of school libraries in school consolidation, Hilda Louise Brackwinkle
A study of workable plans for the merger of school libraries in school consolidation, Hilda Louise Brackwinkle
A Study On The Impact Of The Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (Ipli), Benjamin Tonagel
A Study on What Factors Influence Teachers to Remain in the Teaching Profession, Louis S. Jensen Jr.
A Study On What Factors Influence Teachers To Remain In The Teaching Profession, Louis S. Jensen Jr.
A Study To Determine Beliefs Of Vocational Directors And L.E.A. Superintendents Toward The Implementation Of School-To-Work In Indiana, Mary Elizabeth Yoder
A study to determine the effect of vacation on the achievement of fifth grade children, Nellie Haton Perrin
A study to determine the factors which influence high school pupils in their attitude toward literature, Millage E. Nesler
A study to determine the kind of mathematics needed in the business of farming and by modern students of agriculture, Orville V. Melbourne
A study to determine the need for and the possibilities of offering industrial education in Terre Haute, Indiana, Wayne L. Lowe
A study to determine the predictive accuracy of the Van Wagenen Reading Readiness Test, Norris Eloise Johnson
A study to determine the value of mathematical knowledge to home managers, Nanna Stuart Chestnut
A study to determine the values of the various subjects included in the high school curriculum, Silas A. Smith
A Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of A Cognitive Change Program, Thinking For A Change, On The Behavior Of Adult Male Offenders Incarcerated In Indiana Prisons, Harry James Sykes
A Study Using Plagiarism Detection Services To Assess The Effect Of An Apa Formatting And Plagiarism Training Lesson On The Quality Of Student Originality Scores, Grant R. Townsend
A suggested course of study in physical education for boys of the ninth grade, Harold. Albright
A suggested program for the use of films in a 6-6 school with an enrollment of three hundred, Joseph Hoopingarner
A summary of the outstanding state school finance legislation proposed and enacted during the year 1931, Glenn E. Kester
A survey as to the probable incidence of educable mentally retarded children in the state of Indiana, Alfred Henry Cassell
A survey of activities of sophomore students of East High School, Rockford, Illinois, George K. Sycks
A survey of art needs in business, Richard A. Werneke
A survey of attendance officers in Indiana, Ralph B. Parker
A survey of current practices in judging debate and the formulation of a model ballot, Joseph Martin Marcinko
A survey of dramatic clubs in Indiana public high schools, Leland Brown
A survey of factors affecting the prospective supply of elementary teachers in Indiana, Wilhelmina Lowdermilk
A survey of health education activities in Terre Haute, Indiana, Robert L. Rogers
A survey of health education and practice in the schools for colored children and their communities, Morton A. Lewis
A survey of high school students' opinions in regard to factors important in moral development and conduct, Hubert Chipman McHargue
A survey of home influences which cause mental ill-health in children, Mona Halloran
A survey of Indiana teachers' salaries, William N. McPherson
A survey of industrial arts printing in the United States, James L. Milburn
A survey of industrial recreation in Indiana, Robert Edwin Arnett
A survey of industrial Terre Haute, Nell Glenn Darrough
A survey of industrial Terre Haute, Nell Glenn Darrough
A survey of intelligence and scholastic achievement in the Harrisburg Illinois Township High School, Louise Trevey Rice
A survey of junior high school literature texts based upon an evaluation of literary characteristics, William R. Moore
A Survey Of Kindergarten Teachers' Implementation Of MulticulturalEducation In The Classroom, Guda G. Gayle-Evans
A survey of music in the junior high schools of Indiana, Arline H. Feinberg
A survey of parental opinion toward the educational practices of the Meridan Street Elementary School of Brazil, Indiana, John Wayne Whittington
A survey of parents' opinions concerning the qualifications of teachers, Maize Jane Elliott
A survey of post-school adjustment of graduates of the James E. Roberts School for physically handicapped children, 1927-1941, Bernard William Stuvel
A survey of pupil failure in the elementary grades of Sullivan County for the nine year period 1932 to 1940 inclusive, David Leon LaDuke
A survey of religious education in the public high schools in Indiana, Emerson L. Aldrich
A survey of school transportation problems in the six northern townships of Putnam County, Indiana, Vernon Wayne Gardner
A survey of service work in the school shops of Indiana, Ursa Donald Walker
A survey of Seventh-day Adventist elementary schools in intelligence and achievement, Theodore Lucas
A survey of social experiences and skills of experienced teachers enrolled in the 1936 summer sessions of Indiana and Ball State teachers colleges, Blanche J. Richardson
A survey of state school systems of the United States, Campbell L. Upthegrove
A survey of student publications in the smaller high schools of the state of Indiana, Jennie F. Slack
A Survey of the African American Experience at Indiana State University 1870-1975: A Pictorial Timeline, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
A survey of the art training of the classroom teachers of Terre Haute, Indiana, Harriett J. Spangler
A survey of the branches of science pursued by teachers in Indiana who have been licensed to teach general science, Marguerite Evelyn Taylor
A survey of the business records of one hundred non-profit organizations, Warren Melvin Packer
A survey of the characteristics of the guidance programs in the small Negro high schools in Missouri, Carl M. Connor
A survey of the classroom capacities, conditions, and utilization at Indiana State Teachers College, Robert W. Smith
A survey of the colored rural schools of lower Richland County, South Carolina, Elizabeth E. Dowdy
A survey of the economic philosophy of Herbert Hoover, Delbert E. Rice
A survey of the effectiveness of the library in some of the secondary schools of Indiana, Saint Gates
A survey of the extent of teacher participation in administration of secondary schools in Indiana, William Bennie
A survey of the intelligence and achievement of the pupils of the Walnut Street School, Washington, Indiana, Eliza Hyatt
A survey of the leisure-time activities, opinions, interests, and attitudes of students in three Indiana rural high school communities, Dean Aubrey Dalton
A Survey of the mathematics and science programs for the gifted students in the secondary city schools of Indiana, George E. Roach
A survey of the mental ability and the personality adjustment of the 250 pupils of Concannon High School, Ralph E. Davidson
A survey of the methods, techniques, and procedures used in teaching slow-learners in industrial arts in Indiana, J. L. Simpson
A survey of the methods used to control high school finances, Roy O. Hunter
A survey of the organization, purposes, and activities of the community agencies of Terre Haute for 1949, Wayne Gormong
A survey of the policies of recognition pursued by the United States government in the recognition of foreign governments from August 25, 1921, until September 1, 1939, Charles Louis Jackson
A survey of the radio listening habits of the rural audience of Christian County, Kentucky, John Noble Hall
A survey of the radio units of colleges and universities throughout the United States, Ira Gordon Wiseman
A survey of the reading interests of the ninth and tenth grade pupils in four small high schools, M. Gerard Maher
A survey of the records and policies of small businesses in Terre Haute, Indiana, Mary Nasser
A survey of the records and policies of small businesses in Terre Haute, Indiana, Mary Nasser
A survey of the school libraries in Clay County, Evelyn Lucas
A survey of the status of the male physical education teachers in Indiana for the year of 1947-1948, Charles M. Berberich
A survey of the status of the male physical education teachers in Indiana for the year of 1947-1948, Charles M. Berberich
A survey of the status of the male physical education teachers in Indiana for the year of 1947-1948, Charles M. Berberich
A survey of the teaching load of 108 commercial teachers, Robert L. Richeson
A survey of the teaching load of 108 commercial teachers, Robert L. Richeson
A survey of the teaching loads of the secondary school teachers of Montgomery County, Russell Milton Nale
A survey of the teaching of sociology in the public high schools of Indiana as of 1941-42, Emma Jane Sabiston
A survey of the teaching of sociology in the public high schools of Indiana as of 1941-42, Emma Jane Sabiston
A survey of the teaching of sociology in the public high schools of Indiana as of 1941-42, Emma Jane Sabiston
A Survey of the testing program of the Reserve Township School in relationship to the establishment of a functional guidance program, Charles Warren Flicek
A survey of vocational choosing, Oran I. Brown
A survey of vocational choosing by high school pupils, Harold Schulte
A survey on the desirability of a psychology course in the high school curriculum and factors involved in its presentation, Jack Frederick Naughton
A survey to determine what professional teaching standards are being met by instructors in nursing schools, Betty Rogers
A survey to find the preferences and probable art needs for the sixth grade child in the state of Indiana, Lyman C. Foust
A survy of job opportunities for the educable mentally retarded in Anderson, Indiana, Rowena Piety
Asynchronous, Practice-Based Learning Module Designed To Enhance Athletic Trainers' Knowledge And Application Of Medical Documentation, Elizabeth Neil
Atalanta: The Exception to Social Normality Presented in the Ancient World, Sean C. Brink
Atalanta: The Exception to Social Normality Presented in the Ancient World, Sean C. Brink
A tentative art course of study for the senior high school, Dorothea T. Megenhardt
A test and a comparison of the effects of the prevailing physical education programs in the Terre Haute, Indiana high schools, Robert Paul Snyder
A Test Of The Transtheoretical Model Of Change With Adolescent Sex Offenders In Treatment, Stephen Leonce Mailloux
A Theory-Derived MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF Scale Of Suicidality, Catherine A. Ebarb
Athletic Classrooms: Attitudes Of Participants Toward The Developmental Value Of Athletics And The Evolution Of Interscholastic Sport In High Schools, Michael Lynn Blackburn
Athletic Trainers’ Attitudes Towards Concussion Biomarkers and Their Future Use in Concussion Diagnosis, JM Allen, T McCormick, KGS Swindell, and T Campbell
Athletic Trainers’ Familiarity with Potential Concussion Biomarkers: A Descriptive Study, T R. Campbell, B J. Davis, J C. Martinez, and J M. Cavallario
Athletic Trainers’ Perceived and Actual Knowledge of Cold Related Modalities, B J. Warner, M McKenney, D M. Gallegos, and S A. Cage
Athletic Trainers’ Perceived Readiness to Recognize Mental Health Symptoms in Student Athletes, K M. Sumrall and H Salisbury
Athletic Trainers’ Value in Physician Practice, Forrest Q. Pecha
A Thorough And Efficient Education: School Funding, Student Achievement And Productivity, Richard W. Ahlgrim
A Thorough and Efficient Education: School Funding, Student Achievement and Productivity, Richard W. Ahlgrim
A three year study of the college remedial reading program at Indiana State Teachers College, Helen Patton
A Transition-To-College Course For Adult Learners: Effects On Gpa And Time To Graduation, Pamela J. Collins
Attachments to care-giver as reflected in early recollections and social interest of normal and conduct disorder adolescents., Michael Lee Latta
Attachment To Care-Giver As Reflected In Early Recollections And Social Interest Of Normal And Conduct Disorder Adolescents, Michael Lee Latta
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Preschool-Aged Children: A Critical Review, Will Anastasiadis
Attention -Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder And Sleep Disturbances: Consideration Of Familial Influences, Gretchen Stuckert Noble
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder and Sleep Disturbances: Consideration of Familial Influences, Gretchen Stuckert Noble
Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder and Sleep Disturbances: Consideration of Familial Influences, Gretchen Stuckert Noble
Attitudes Among Collegiate Volleyball and Women’s Soccer Players Prior to the COVID-19 Altered 2020-21 Season, D M. Gallegos, B J. Warner, and S A. Cage
Attitudes of boys and girls toward some common forms of behavior, George Spencer Schwartz
Attitudes of high school pupils toward various subjects of the curriculum, M. Theresa Markowitz
Attitudes Of Indiana Public School Superintendents And School Board Presidents Toward Women As Secondary School Principals, Edwyna Rebecca Hord
Attitudes Of Indiana SpecialEducation Teachers Towards The Use And Implementation Of Assistive Technology, Bruce H. Guggenberger
Attitudes of Northwest OHIO UAW Locals regarding Lifelong Learning, Use of Online Strategies, and Union-Led Learning, David P. Heiser
Attitudes Of Two Northwest Ohio UAW Locals Regarding Lifelong Learning, Use Of Online Strategies, And Union-Led Learning, David P. Heiser
Attitudes Toward Implicit Bias Among NCAA Medical Support Staff, B J. Warner, A P. Jacobsen, M Decker, and S A. Cage
Attitudes Towards Dependent Personality Disorder: The Role Of Sex And Sexual Orientation, Brandon Sentell
Attitudes Toward Transsexual People: Effects of Gender and Appearance, Kelly R. Gerhardstein
Attitudes Toward Transsexual People: Effects Of Gender And Appearance, Kelly R. Gerhardstein
Attitudes toward Transsexual People: Effects of Gender and Appearance, Kelly R. Gerhardstein
Attitudinal And Motivational Factors That Most Influence A Change Of Attitude Toward The Learning Of Spanish Language And Culture, Lucy Campbell
Authentic Classroom Problems And Effect On Self -Efficacy Scores Of Pre -Service Teachers, Kiran Padmaraju
Authoring Their Journey: The Experiences Of First-Generation College Women Who Became Faculty, Rachel L. Kartz
Autism Social Skills Group Proposal, Anna Thames
A Vigo County Population and Land Use Forecast for 1990, Harry M. Raley
A vocational study of the graduates and withdrawals of Union High School, Dugger, Indiana, Clarence W. Stegemoller
Bakerman Student Research Awards 2010 Guidelines, Indiana State University, Library
Baltimore and Johns Hopkins University: How Community Voices Offer New Perspectives, Victoria E. Harms
Barriers To Attention -Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder Intervention Implementation In The Public School Setting, Amy Marie Stagg
Barriers to Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Intervention Implementation in the Public School Setting, Amy Marie Stagg
Barriers To Implementation Of Rti At The Secondary Level, Nancy Jane Holsapple
Barriers to Implementation of RTI at the Secondary Level, Nancy Jane Holsapple
Bat Box Design Affects Microclimate And Suitability As Habitat, Francis Edward Tillman Jr.
Bat Species Diversity at an Urban-rural Interface: Dominance by One Species in an Urban Area, Jason Philip Damm
Bat Species Diversity at an Urban-Rural Interface: Dominance by One Species in an Urban Area, Jason Philip Damm
BD Owens Library Virtual Tour 1.10.14, Cheryl Blevens
Beauty And The Boss: The Role Of Conforming Pressures Of Physical Appearance On The Career Experiences Of Senior-Level Black Women Administrators In Higher Education, Uzoma Florence Obidike
Before It Rains, Veronica O. Parkman
Before It Rains, Veronica O. Parkman
Before It Rains, Veronica O. Parkman
Behaviors and Perceptions Concerning Online Nutrition Information Among Young Adult Midwest University Students, Brenda Moeckly
Behaviors And Perceptions Concerning Online Nutrition Information Among Young Adult Midwest University Students, Brenda Moeckly
Behaviors and Perceptions Concerning Online Nutrition Information Among Young Adult Midwest University Students, Brenda Moeckly
Benefits girls in Kentucky receive from their girl reserve work and a suggested program, Lottie Offett Robinson
Benefits of Air Transportation vs Ground Transportation in the Medical Field, Mackenzie Carpenter
Benefits of Air Transportation vs Ground Transportation in the Medical Field, Mackenzie Carpenter
Berry Exotic: Alternative Therapies, Marissa Willimann
Berry Exotic: Alternative Therapies, Marissa Willimann
Best and Worst Nutrition Plan, Lawren Kariuki
Best Practice, Actual Practice And Teacher Training In Early Childhood SpecialEducation In Indiana, Emma Beatrice Jurrens
Best Practice, Current Practice, And Parent Satisfaction With Psychological Evaluation Services Through First Steps In Indiana, Sara Elizabeth Davis
Best Practices for Clinical Evaluation of Sacroiliac Joint Pain: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Nicolette A. Harris, Adriana Peña, and Sofia Núñez Rivera
Best Practices in Patellar Tendinopathy Management: An Evidence to Practice Review, Christopher J. Burcal, Adam B. Rosen, Tony Taylor, and Mike Nicola
Beyond Objectivity: Examining the Effects of Incorporating Civic Engagement into Higher Education Journalism Courses, Jennifer Brannock Cox
Bias in a Just World? Sexual Prejudice, Gender Self-esteem, and Intimate Partner Violence, Crystal D. Mahoy
Bias In A Just World? Sexual Prejudice, Gender Self-Esteem, And Intimate Partner Violence, Crystal D. Mahoy
Bias in a Just World? Sexual Prejudice, Gender Self-Esteem, and Intimate Partner Violence, Crystal D. Mahoy
Bi-Lateral Hand Compartment Syndrome Secondary to Autoimmune Disorder in a Former High School Multi-Sport Athlete, Alyssa Vaniman
Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in the U.S., Zakaria Jouaibi
Biofilm Associated Proteins In Community Associated MRSA USA300 JE2: A Study Of FNBPA And FNBPB, Nicholas Gallina
Black And White Undergraduate Resident University Students' Stages Of Intercultural Sensitivity And Racial Identity At Indiana State University, Kenneth Darryl Coopwood
Board of Trustees Minutes 1968-1969, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1968-1969, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1969-1970, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1970-1971, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1970-1971, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1971-1972, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1972-1973, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1973-1974, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1974-1975, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1975-1976, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1976-1977, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1977-1978, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1978-1979, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1979-1980, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1980-1981, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1981-1982, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1982-1983, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1983-1984, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1984-1985, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1985-1986, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1986-1987, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1987-1988, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes 1988-1989, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1989-1990, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1991-1992, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1992-1993, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1993-1994, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1994-1995, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1995-1996, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, 1998-1999, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Dec. 10 2021, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Dec. 11 2020, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Dec. 9 2022, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Feb. 16 2024, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Feb. 17 2023, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Feb. 18 2022, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Feb. 19 2021, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Feb 21 2020, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Jul. 28 2023, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Jul. 29 2022, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Jul. 30 2021, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Jul. 31 2020, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Jun. 15 2023, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Jun. 18 2021, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 10 2024, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 5 2023, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 6 2022, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 7 2021, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, May 8 2020, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Oct. 1 2020 (Special Meeting), Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Oct. 20 2023, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Oct. 21 2022, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Oct. 22 2021, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Oct. 23 2020, Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Minutes, Sep. 16 2020 (Special Meeting), Indiana State University Board of Trustees
Body as a Vessel, Matt Chenoweth
Body Tempering and its Effect on Ankle Dorsiflexion and Power, Neal Ori, Justin Goins, Jay Patel, and Robbie Ingle
Book Review: A Theory of African American Offending: Race, Racism, and Crime, David Polizzi
Book Review: A Theory of African American Offending: Race, Racism, and Crime, David Polizzi
Book Review: "Been a Heavy Life: Stories of Violent Men" (Lois Presser), Laura King
Book Review: "Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race" (George Yancy), David Polizzi
Book Review: "Criminology: An Integrated Approach" (Gregg Barak), Joshua Smallridge
Book Review: Essential Criminology 3rd Edition, Roger Schaefer
Book Review: Psychosocial Criminology: An Introduction, Roger Schaefer
Book Review: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Justin Grinage
Books to add to your flag library, Rolland McGiverin
Border Pedagogy and the Acculturation of Korean Students in U.S. Institutions of High Education, Randy Green
Border Pedagogy And The Acculturation Of Korean Students In U.S. Institutions Of HigherEducation, Randy Green
Border Pedagogy and the Acculturation of Korean Students in U.s. Institutions of Higher Education, Randy Green
Bowling Alone in the Library: Building Social Capital on Campus, Susan Frey and Margit Codispoti
Breeding Migrations, Survivorship, And Obligate Crayfish Burrow Use By Adult Crawfish Frog (Lithobates Areolatus), Jennifer L. Heemeyer
Breeding Migrations, Survivorship, and Obligate Crayfish Burrow Use by Adult Crawfish Frogs (Lithobates Areolatus), Jennifer L. Heemeyer
Bridge Build, Andrew Little
Bridging Education and Service Learning Through Palliative Care, Jamie Borchardt
Bridging The Chasm: The Impact Of Dual Credit Courses At A Rural Illinois Community College, David Seiler
Bridging the Gap of Age and Awkwardness: Improving Geriatric Sex Education, Anne Watson
Bridging the Gap of Age and Awkwardness: Improving Geriatric Sex Education, Anne Watson
British Collection: Bibliography of Dictionaries and Lexicographic Tools, Rolland McGiverin
Budgeting the finances of small high school libraries, Mary Edna La Follette
Building Administrators' Literacy Expertise And Student Achievement, Tamara S. Swarens
Building Social Capital Through Community-Based Service-Learning in Teacher Education, Alan Tinkler and Barri Tinkler
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Incivility, And Sexual Harassment: A Spectrum Of Interpersonal Mistreatment, Christine D. Love
Bullying, cyberbullying, incivility, and sexual harrasment: A spectrum of interpersonal mistreatment., Christine D. Love
Burnout in Athletic Training: Measured by Survey in Most Common Settings for Athletic Trainers, R Johnson Krug, N Sand, S Brooks, and T Smith
Burnout in Sport Specializers Versus Samplers: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Katherine Godfrey, Justin DiSanti, and Tamara Valovich McLeod
Business Buddies, Markila Hall
CAD associate degree programs in public post-secondary eduaction., Xin-Ran Duan
CAD Associate Degree Programs In Public Post-SecondaryEducation, Xin-Ran Duan
Caesars Archaeological Project Overview: Geomorphology, Archeobotany & Other Specialty Analyses, C. Russell Stafford
Caffeine Consumption on Sports Performance Measures in College Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic, JA Wills and AL Fraley
Campus Environment Influence on Women's Leadership Development at Small Private Institutions, Kasie Weina
Can An Instrument Be Developed To Evaluate Trauma Intervention Programs?, Julie D. Hancock
Candy Unicorn Horn Chandelier, Kari Breitigam
Can Fidgeting Help Students Maintain Attention? How Restricting Movement And Varying Cognitive Load Relate To Attention On Reading Comprehension Task, Patrick Frankenthal
Cannabis: Its Benefits and Risks, Becca Bischoff
Can One Paint Criminology?, Ronnie Lippens
Can One Paint Criminology?, Ronnie Lippens
Can SLAP Lesions be clinically diagnosed?, Eric Bales
Capacities Facilitating School Change Involving Project-Based Learning At The Middle School Level, Lee Shane Browder
Capacities facilitating school change involving project-based learning at the middle school level, Lee Shane Browder
Career Aspirations, Expectations, And Beliefs Of African-American, White, And Hispanic Male Adolescents With Holland Social Personality Types, Davies E. Bellamy
Career Changers As Long-Term Teachers In The Classroom, Matthew Hollowell
Career Decision Certainty And College Students' Psychological And Social Development, Michael David Zlatos
Career Decisions: Goodness-of-fit and Attrition of Teachers in Alternative Schools, Deidre S. Coulter
Career Decisions: Goodness-Of-Fit And Attrition Of Teachers In Alternative Schools, Deidre S. Coulter
Career Decisions: Goodness-Of-Fit and Attrition of Teachers in Alternative Schools, Deidre S. Coulter
Carmita Cerda aprende a cocinar, Alexandra Christian Burkley
Cassandra-Guarino, Cassandra Guarino
Casting and Splinting Options for Pseudo-Jones Avulsion Fractures: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Amber M. Kingsley, Aysha B. Reyes, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Catalog, 1870-1871, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1871-1872, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1872-1873, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1873-1874, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1874-1875, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1875-1876, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1876-1877, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1877-1878, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1878-1879, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1879-1880, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1880-1881, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1881-1882, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1882-1883, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1883-1884, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1884-1885, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1885-1886, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1886-1887, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1887-1888, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1888-1889, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1889-1890, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1890-1891, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1891-1892, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1892-1893, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1893-1894, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1894-1895, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1895-1896, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1896-1897, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1897-1898, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1898-1899, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1899-1900, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1900-1901, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1901-1902, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1902-1903, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1903-1904, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1904-1905, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1905-1906, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1906-1907, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1907-1908, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1908-1909, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1909-1910, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1910-1911, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1911-1912, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1912-1913, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1913-1914, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1914-1915, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1915-1916, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1916-1917, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1917-1918, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1918-1919 Winter, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1918 Fall, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1919 Spring, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1920-1921, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1920 Anniversary, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1920 Summer, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1921-1922, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1922-1923, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1923-1924, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1924-1925, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1925-1926, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1926-1927, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1926 Addresses Delivered At The Memorial Services For Dr. William Wood Parsons, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1926 Announcement Of Travel Courses, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1926 Songs Of The Indiana State Normal, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1927-1928, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1927 Announcements, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1927 Book and The Torch Memorials, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1927 Industrial Arts and Home Economics, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1927 Training School, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1927 Views Of Buildings, Grounds and Student Groups, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1928-1929, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1928 Announcement, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1928 Views Of Buildings, Grounds and Student Groups, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1929-1930, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1930-1931, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1931-1932, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1931 Announcement, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1931 Announcements, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1931 Indiana State Teachers College in Pictures, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1932-1933, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1932 Graduate School, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1932 Information Sessions, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1932 Senior Class Day Exercises, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1933-1934, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1933 August Announcements, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1933 February Announcements, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1933 March Announcements, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1934-1935, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1934 Induction Exercises, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1934 Short Terms Schedules, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1934 The Trail Divides, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1935-1936, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1935 Alumni Quarterly, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1935 Bulletin Of Information, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1935 Short Terms Schedules, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1935 Vocational Aspects Of The General Field Of Teaching: Opportunities Offered For Teachers Of Industrial Arts, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1936-1937, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1937-1938, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1938-1939, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1939-1940, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940-1941, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Commencement, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Conference On Social Science, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Dedication, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Extension, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Homecoming, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Laboratory School, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Summer, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1940 Summer Speech and Reading Institute, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1941-1942, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1943-1944, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1944-1945, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945-1946, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 August, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 December, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 Diamond Jubilee, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 Special Education, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 Summer, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 Summer Music, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1945 Veteran, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1946-1947, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1948-1949, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1949-1950, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1950-1951, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1951-1952, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1952-1953, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1953-1954, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1953-1955, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1954-1955, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1955-1956, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1955-1957, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1956-1957, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1957-1958, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1957-1959, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1958-1959, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1959-1960, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1959-1961, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1960-1961, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1961-1962, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1961-1963, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1962-1963, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1962-1963, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1963-1964, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1963-1965, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1963-1965, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1965-1967, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1967-1968, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1967-1969 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1968-1970, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1970-1972, Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1970-1972, Undergraduate, Indiana State University, Communications and Marketing
Catalog, 1972-1973, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1972-1974 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1974-1976 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1975-1977, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1976-1978, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1977-1979, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1978-1980 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1982-1984 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1984-1986 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1986-1988 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1988-1990 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1989-1991, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1990-1992 Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1997-1999, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog, 1999-2001, Graduate, Indiana State University
Catalog of Dictionaries, Word Books, and Philological Texts,1440-1900: Inventory of the Cordell Collection, Indiana State University, David E. Vancil
Causes Of Correctional Officer Stress And Its Consequences, William Daniel Mccarthy
Celebrating our First Year, Lindsey E. Eberman
Cellular Proliferation And Differentiation Factors: Stathmin And Mtj1, John Frederick Rebhun
Centralizing tendencies in public school administration in Indiana since 1900 and an evaluation of the changes, Paul Lemmon
Central Plaza Recommendations, Jim Speer
Certified Athletic Trainer's Knowledge Of Posterolateral Corner Injuries, Stephen Edwards
Cervical Kyphosis in a Collegiate Baseball Player, L E. Trail, B J. Warner, and D M. Gallegos
Challenges To Successful Total Quality Management (Tqm) Implementation In Saudi Higher Education Institutions, Ahmed Aljuhani
Changes in Neural Excitability Following 6-week of Balance Training in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability, SH Chung, J Freeman, and RS McCann
Changes In Student Attitudes And Beliefs After Sbirt Training, Jennifer Todd
Changes in the Ideal Body Type, Jessica L. Hoffman
Changes in the Ideal Body Type, Jessica L. Hoffman
Changing Conceptions Of Vocational Guidance And Concomitant Value-Orientations, 1920 - 1930, Alan Haynes Johnson
Character and extent of recent agricultural credit and its effect upon the solvency of Indiana farmers, Cecil B. Thomas
Characteristics Associated With Resilience in Battered Women, Mei-I Chang
Characteristics associated with resilience in battered women., Mei-I Chang
Characteristics Of An Effective Administrative Leadership Team, Todd D. Bess
Characteristics of Difficult Patients in Prisons Compared to Difficult Patients in Primary Care Settings, Emily Kistler
Characteristics of Difficult Patients in Prisons Compared to Difficult Patients in Primary Care Settings, Emily Kistler
Characteristics of Sickle Cell Trait Policies and Procedures at NCAA Division III Institutions, M A. Eilers, B J. Warner, D M. Gallegos, J A. Clark, and S A. Cage
Characteristics of Sickle Cell Trait Policies and Procedures at NCAA Division I Institutions, H Parker, B J. Warner, D M. Gallegos, and S A. Cage
Characteristics Of State Trial Court Judges And Self-Reported Extralegal Factors That Influence Their Sentencing Decisions With Older Offenders, Martha S. Smith
Characteristics Of Student Judicial Offenders, Petra Maria Roter
Characteristics That Support The Recruitment And Retention Of Effective Teachers, Ernesto F. Martinez
Characterization Of Cowpea Mottle Virus Genome And Expression Of The Viral Rna Replicase Gene, Xue-Juan You
Characterization Of Hypothetical Protein, SAUSA300_1759, From A Common, Community-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strain, USA300, And A Contact Lens Case Study, Ashley Nikol Clodfelder
Characterization Of Hypothetical Proteins SAS0760 And SAS1738 From "Community Associated Staphylococcus Aureus" MSSA476., Ramalinga Anupama Byrappa
Characterization of Hypothetical Proteins SAS0760 and SAS1738 From “Community Associated Staphylococcus Aureus” MSSA476, Anupama B. Ramalinga
Characterization Of Inflammation In Tendinitis And Application Of Electromagnetic Fields, Brittany Jayne Wetzel
Characterization Of Phosphate Uptake System In Helicobacter Pylori, Gengshi Lu
Characterizing And Quantifying Regulatory Changes In Cancer, Lizhong Ding
Chauncey Rose--his life and contribution to education, Maurice Burke
Chemoresistance In Breast Cancer: Acquisition, Microtubule-Associated Proteins, And Combinatorial Therapy, Keeley Cleghorn
Chicago 7, Morgan Patterson
Childhood Closed Head Injury And Memory Outcomes, Mary C. Boyd
Childhood Mental Health Outcomes Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An Evidence-to-Practice Review Leona J. Keller, MS, ATC*; Sooji M. Berthiaume, MS, ATC†; Karis J. L, Leona J. Keller, Sooji M. Berthiaume, Karis J. Landry, Alyssa L. Bolno, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Chinese College Students' Gender Self-Esteem And Transprejudice, Bing Chen
Chinese College Students'gender Self-Esteem and Transprejudice, Bing Chen
Chinese International Student Orientation To A U.S. Public Institution Of HigherEducation, Yi Lin
Chinese international student orientation to a U.S. public institution of higher education, Yi Lin
Choosing To Be Of The World: Why Amish Parents Choose To Send Their Children To Public Schools, Steven Thalheimer
Chronic Neck Pain, Vasculopathy, and Pre-Syncope in a Young Adult: A Type 4 Case Study, TN Crane, K Moore, and A Field
“Circling the Wagons and Shooting Inward”: Understanding How Nursing Administrators Approach The Policy Process, Jill M. Moore
Circling The Wagons And Shooting Inward: Understanding How Nursing Administrators Approach The Policy Process, Jill M. Moore
Citation Accuracy of Scholarly Journal Articles in Sports Medicine, LK Warner, LE Trail, BJ Warner, and SA Cage
Civic Engagement Through Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies: Cultivating Capacity for Social Justice Through Critical Service Learning, Jennifer A. Yee
Civic Identity Development in a Critical Service-Learning Context: A Critique of the Civic-Minded Graduate Rubric 2.0, Audrey Hudgins
Civic-mindedness Development Throughout a Physical Therapy Curriculum, Kerstin M. Palombaro, Jill D. Black, Robin L. Dole, Heather A. Burns, Sidney A. Jones, and Alexander Stewart
Civic-University Synergy: Addressing Fair Housing Through Engaged Community Programming, Michael Rios, Bryan J. Hains, Kristina D. Hains, and Carolyn Abrams
Classification of boys in physical education at Crispus Attucks High School, Cortland H. Bishop
Classification of Urban Features Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data, Bharath Ganesh Babu
Classification of Urban features using Airborne Hyperspectral Data, Bharath Ganesh Babu
Clay County north of Eel River including all of Washington and Cass Townships as a high school corporation with natural boundaries, Ralph G. Miller
Client And Counselor Learning Style And Its Effect On Client Perceptions, Wendy Jo Hunsucker
Clin AT – The Year in Review, 2021: An Outlet for the Clinician, Matthew J. Rivera
Clinical Athletic Trainers Decrease Orthopedic Physician Clinical Burden, A Barloon, K Meadows, A Pennuto, K Petrachaianan, N Glass, and M Hogue
Clinical Experts Statement: The Definition, Prescription, and Application of Cupping Therapy, S. Andrew Cage, Diana M. Gallegos, Brian Coulombe, and Brandon J. Warner
Clinical Implications of Telemedicine for Surgical Care: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Adam M. Hollien, Mary Catherine Avey, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Clinical Usefulness Of The Oppositional Defiant Disorder Rating Scale, Jessica L. Hackenberg
Clinical Utility Of The Smell Identification Test In Differentiating Persons With Dementia Of The Alzheimer'S Type From Depressed Elderly And Elderly Controls, Theodore Lynn Moretz
Clinician-Administered Versus Self-Administered Suboccipital Release on Superficial Backline Function, Colin Wilhite, Kristin A. Paloncy, Karen Rawkowski, and Todd Daniel
Clinician's Negative Attitudes Toward Borderline Personality Disorder: Implications For Diagnosis And Treatment Recommendations, Sarah Aldridge
Cloning and Characterization of Hypothetical Exported Proteins from Community Associated Staphylococcus Aureus, Haninder Kaur
Cloning and Characterization of Hypothetical Exported Proteins from Community Associated Staphylococcus Aureus, Haninder Kaur
Cloning and characterization of SAS0754, a hypothetical protein from community associated Staphylococcus aureus, Unknown Unknown
Cloning and Characterization of SAS1738, a Hypothetical Exported Protein From Community-associated Strain of Staphylococcus Aureus, Deepak Kumar Vijaya Kumar
Cloning And Characterization Of SAS1738, A Hypothetical Exported Protein From Community-Associated Strain Of Staphylococcus Aureus, Kumar Deepak Vijaya
Cloning and Characterization of SAS1738, a Hypothetical Exported Protein from Community-Associated Strain of Staphylococcus Aureus, Kumar Deepak Vijaya
Cloning And Expression Of Heterologous Proteins In Bacteria And Yeast, Urvi J. Desai
Cloning and purification of SAS0397 from community associated Staphylococcus aureus, Amber Wannemacher and H. Kathleen Dannelly
Closets and TV Screens: LGBTQ Representation on Prime-Time Network Television in the 1990s, Will Wortman
Closets and TV Screens: LGBTQ Representation on Prime-Time Network Television in the 1990s, Will Wortman
Club organization of Central High School, Evansville, Indiana--who belongs and why, Victor Lee Fisher
Club work in the high school, Burlin F. Downing
Cognitive, Academic, And Behavioral Differences Between Children With Different Subtypes Of Adhd, Gregory Scott Howell
Cognitive And Non-Cognitive Predictors Of Academic Success For Conditionally Admitted Students At Indiana State University, Jeffrey Tincher
Cognitive, Personality, and Demographic Attributes of Student Change, Jeanne Marie Hemy
Cognitive, Personality, And Demographic Attributes Of Student Change, Jeanne Marie Henry
Cognitive,personality and demographic attributes of student change., Jeanne Marie Henry
Cognitive Processing Effects Of Natural Elements In A Psychotherapy Treatment Space, Daniel J. Gilbride
Cold Stress Induced Modulation Of Cellular Immune Responses On The Pathogenesis Of Acute Murine Toxoplasmosis, Suman Kumar Banerjee
Collaboration and Advocacy: A Community-University Partnership and the Well-being of Children, Alycia Elfreich and Robert Helfenbein
Collaborative Teaching Strategies And Methods Used Between SpecialEducation And GeneralEducation Teachers In Collaborative Classrooms, Alexandra M. Kanellis
Collective Bargaining And Community Colleges: Faculty Unionization Effects On Student Outcomes, Aaron Baute
College Athletes Attitudes' Toward Transgender Athletes Participation In Collegiate Level Sports, Jaclyn Merrill
College At Risk: A Case Study Of Institutional Renewal Of A Catholic Liberal Arts Institution, Maureen V. Egan
College careers of high-school athletes, Dorothy Eaton
College Students’ Perceptions of Barriers to Seeking Health Care, Harika Medavarapu
Collegiate Student Athlete Perception of Satisfaction and Comfort with Athletic Training Students, Keith Tebbe
Collegiate Student Athlete Perception Of Satisfaction And Comfort With Athletic Training Students, Keith Tebbe
Commentary on “Inmate Mental Health, Solitary Confinement, And Cruel And Unusual Punishment: An Ethical And Justice Policy Inquiry”, Terry A. Kupers
Common Bonds, Laurie-Ann Curry
Communication Satisfaction and its Relationship to Organizational Commitment Among Secondary Teachers in Kuwait, Ahmad Salamah Alanezi
Community-Based Participatory Research, Catherine Stemmans Paterson
Community‐Based Participatory Research on Urban Parks and Health DispariƟes: PerspecƟves from an Urban Planning Researcher, Yingling Fan
Community‐Based Research and the Historian’s Craft, Zorian Maksymec, Christina Redmond, and Nina Reid-Maroney
Community College Student Success: The Effect Of Faculty Type On Course Completion, Lea Anne Crooks
Community Context and Connections in the Development of a Parenting Support Curriculum for Low‐Income African‐American Families, Lauren Martin
Community Engagement Initiative: Academia Partnering with the Health Department and Community Agencies for Change, Martha L. Coulter, Karen D. Liller, Chukwudi Ejiofor, Casey McBride, John Roth, and Lilia Cruz
Community Facing Athletic Trainer, Eric Post
Community Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Distribution Programs: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Madison M. Hauge, Kathryn C. Downs, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Comparative Analysis Of Breast Cancer Stem-Like Cells And The Bulk Tumor Through Whole Transcriptome Sequencing And Expression Analysis, Samuel A. Verga II
Comparative cost of education and other functions of government in Indiana and Illinois, Curtis B. Michael
Comparative progress of kindergarten and non-kindergarten pupils in the East Chicago Public Schools, Geneva Ross
Comparative Study: Critical Thinking Skills Of Western Philosophy Versus Non-Western Philosophy Students, Jhansi Chagalakonda
Comparative study of Indiana coaches, James L. Wittenauer
Comparative study of Indiana coaches, James L. Wittenauer
Comparative study of Indiana coaches, James L. Wittenauer
Comparative study of retirement systems of the United States of America, Orville Jones
Comparing Functions, Costs and Rewards of Quality Engineers and Six Sigma Black Belts, C. Grant Short
Comparing The Health Belief Model And Theory Of Planned Behavior In Predicting Intent To Vaccinate Against The Human Papillomavirus In College Women, Juli A. Buchanan
Comparing the Perceived Relevance of Informal and Formal Learning in Skill Acquisition in a Leadership Development Program, William Kirk Smith
Comparison Between Faculty And Student Perception Of Instructor Presence In Online Courses, Samantha D. Penney
Comparison of Blood Flow Changes with Soft Tissue Mobilization and Massage Therapy, Andrea M. Portillo Soto
Comparison Of Blood Flow Changes With Soft Tissue Mobilization And Massage Therapy, Soto Andrea Portillo
Comparison of Data Protection Laws in the United States vs. the European Union, Trey Decker
Comparison of Data Protection Laws in the United States vs. the European Union, Trey Decker
Comparison Of Empathy, Burnout, And Attitudes Toward Sex Offender Treatment Among Mental Health Professionals, Melanie E. Mivshek
Comparison of I.S.T.C. recommendations with reported teacher success, Maurice L. Witty
Comparison of Lower Trapezius Muscle Thickness In Patients With and Without Scapular Dyskinesis Measured With Diagnostic Ultrasound, Alex VanDeusen
Comparison of Muscle Activation in the Active Straight Leg Raise and Double Straight Leg Lowering Tests, Megan Callahan
Comparison of Muscle Activation in The Active Straight Leg Raise and Double Straight Leg Lowering Tests, Megan Callahan
Comparison Of Osteoporosis Knowledge, Beliefs, Attitudes, And Behavior Among College Students Of Various Racial/Ethnic Groups, Lauri Deruiter-Willems
Comparison Of Regionally Developed Literature-Based Reading Programs To Commercially Produced Literature-Based Basal Reading Programs, Alicia Kay Sutton
Comparison of the adjustment of Amish and Non-Amish children in Van Buren Township Schools, Clarence R. Stuffle
Comparison of the Closed Shoulder Reduction Techniques: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Kaitlin Sznajder, Dylan Arango, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Comparisons of Distributions and Isotopic Geochemistry of Benthic Foraminifera From Seep and Non-seep Environments, Offshore of Costa Rica, Ashley M. Burkett
Comparisons of Distributions and Isotopic Geochemistry of Benthic Foraminifera from Seep and Non-seep Environments, Offshore of Costa Rica, Ashley M. Burkett
Comparitive life histories of some species of redhorse,subgenus moxostoma,genus Moxostoma, Barbara A. Brown
Complete Streets, Jim Speer
Components Of Family Engagement Programs In Evansville, Indiana, Middle Schools That Impact Parent Participation And Student Success, Elizabeth S. Wells
Computer -Mediated Communication In Society: A Study On Self -Disclosure, Scott C. Green
Concerns And Perceptions Of Parents Of Children And Adolescents With Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Stephen Gerard Viola
Concussion Clinical Pathway: Headache and Cervical Assessment Framework, Nicholas Hattrup, Nicholas Pfeifer, and Tamara Valovich McLeod
Concussion Profiles: Moving Beyond the Graded Symptom Scale, Tamara Valovich McLeod and Brian Vesci
Concussions related to Football, Jerry Stephen
Concussions related to Football, Jerry Stephen
Conduct problem study in elementary school, Russel H. Rayburn
Cone Of Gaze In Schizotypy: Potential Differences Among Positive, Negative, And Disorganized Subtypes, Courtney N. Wiesepape
Conflict In Darfur: Calculation And Inadequate International Response, Bob Zaremba
Conflict Management in Athletic Training: The Influence of Organizational Culture, CC Emerson
Conflict Resolution For Peace: Giving Voice To Young Children, Nancy Alice Grote
Connecting Disease with the Enviornment:what can multidisciplinary science do for Epidemiology?, Amanda Jamison
Connecting Patient-Centered Care Research into Athletic Training Clinical Practice, Lindsey E. Eberman and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Connections: Building Partnerships with Museums to Promote Intergenerational Service Learning and Alzheimer’s Care, Catherine Wilkins
Considerations In The Classification Of Orthorexia Nervosa, Bethany Garcia
Consistency In Patient-Reported Outcomes Survey Response, ME Beck, J Johnson, WZ Garrett, and C Lavender
Constructing a pupil progress report for the primary department of Pine Village (Indiana) School, Freda M. Dysert
Contempohary Criticism of Charlotte Bronte's Three Novels (1847-1855) and the Author's Reaction to the Criticism, Ola A. Jerry
Contemporary Criticism of Charlotte Brontë's Three Novels (1847- 1855) and the Author's Reaction to the Criticism, Ola A. Jerry
Continuing Education Outcomes In The Medical And Health Professions: A Meta-Analysis, Emilie Nicole Miley
Continuing Education Seminar’s Impact on Knowledge and Retention among Athletic Trainers., Brandon Warner, D Gill, S Shultz, W Karper, and SA Cage
Contribution Of Parent Attributions And Adhd Knowledge In Predicting Help-Seeking Interest, Ashley Bazier
Contributions home-making classes should make to the future education of boys and girls, Eithel Bray Irwin
Convenient Parallel Synthesis of Alkyl- and Aryl-S-tert-Butyl Thiothers, Rebecca Norcross, Jessica Stanfield, and Richard W. Fitch
Conversations for Change: The Impact of Service-Learning Dialogues with Incarcerated Men on Social Work Students, Yvonne Eaton-Stull, Kathleen Kocherzat, and Kerry Edwards
Convicted Drunk Drivers Placed In Two Community-Based Programs: A Look At Program Outcomes, Kerisha L. Alexander
Correlates Of MMPI-2-RF Scale Scores Among College Students, Kevin R. Myers
Correlation of marks in general and special methods with marks in student teaching, Harvey Laughlin
Cost Structures in American Commercial Banks Under $10 Billion: Trend Analysis with Policy Considerations, Thomas Stucker
Cost Structures in American Commercial Banks Under $10 Billion: Trend Analysis with Policy Considerations, Thomas Stucker
Costumes worn by William Henry Harrison and his associates about the year 1811, Georgia Holt Parker
Counselor-Trainee Attitudes Toward Aids Victims, Dale Marie Lutes
County superintendency in Indiana, Crawford Fox
Course Catalog, 1970-1972, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1973-1975, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1977-1979, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1979-1981, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1981-1983, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1983-1985, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1985-1987, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1987-1989, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1989-1991, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1992-1994, Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1993-1995, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1994-1996, Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1995-1997, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1996-1998, Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 1998-2000, Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 2000-2002, Undergraduate, Indiana State University
Course Catalog, 2001-2003, Graduate, Indiana State University
Course Materials In The Foreign Language Classroom: A Study Of Student And Instructor Perceptions, Katherine Joy Christie
COVID-19 Investigated in Terms of Disparities: An Analysis of the Past, Present, and Future of Public Health in Illinois, Hannah DeBlock
COVID-19 Investigated in Terms of Disparities: An Analysis of the Past, Present, and Future of Public Health in Illinois, Hannah DeBlock
Creating a LGBTQ+ Inclusive Culture in the Athletic Training Facility, Sean M. Rogers, Ashley K. Crossway, and Patricia A. Aronson
Creating and Implementing a COVID-19 Prevention and Response Program in the Performing Arts: A Clinician Expertise Commentary, David Tomchuk, Kyle Schneider, and Jacklyn Bascomb-Harrison
Creating an Institutional Agenda for Community-Engaged Scholarship Faculty Development, Andrew Furco
Creating Culturally Relevant and Responsive Health Care Models, Naomi N. Duke
Creating Environmental Education for Children: Focusing on the Vigo County/Terre Haute Community, Jordanna Bilyeu
Creating Environmental Education for Children: Focusing on the Vigo County/Terre Haute Community, Jordanna Bilyeu
Creating Inclusivity While Providing Accommodations: A Practical Guide to Champion Individuals with (Dis)abilities on Campus, Amy E. French and Sarah E. Schoper
Creating Pathways to Success: Lessons Learned from a Multi-Tiered Partnership Grant, Brant Burkey, Hatha Parrish, and Mikle McBride
Creating Superheroes: Implementing a new student training program, Andrea Boehme and Paula Huey
Creative Problem Solving For GeneralEducation Intervention Teams: Examining Student Outcomes, Jennifer S. Sears
Crisis On Campus: Case Studies In University Policy Evolution, Chelsea Marin Rood-Emmick
Critical Analysis of the Content, Techniques, and Instructional Aids in the Teaching of Navigation, Versper Dale Moore
Critical Success Factors for Implementing Blockchain in the Supply Chain for Product Traceability, Gary Lee
Criticism of Anne Brontë's two novels, Betty Jean Johnson
Criticism of Anne Brontë's two novels, Betty Jean Johnson
Cross Correlation Method for Measuring Amplitude Modulation (Am) and Phase Modulation (Pm) Noise, William F. Crespo
Cross-Racial Helping Behaviors Of College Students, Judi Lee Oleski
Cross Racial Preferences in Viewing Sexually Explicit Material: a Comparison Between African-american and Caucasian Males, Boyd Randal Horton
Cross racial preferences in viewing sexually explicit material:a comparison bewteen African-American and Caucasian males., Boyd Randal Horton
Cultivating a Civic Mindset: Assessing Public Relations Student Perceptions of Service Learning and Community Involvement Beyond the Course, Christopher J. McCollough
Cultural Competency In Game Based Three Dimensional Battlefield Simulations, Michael A. Dascanio
Cultural-competency Training for School-based Mental Health Service Providers, Natasha Lian Smith
Cultural-competency training for school-based mental health service providers., Natasha Lian Smith
Cultural Intelligence in Foreign Language Classes, Daniela Báez
Cultural Intelligence in Foreign Language Classes, Daniela Báez
Cultural Month Celebrations At Predominantly White Institutions, Brice Yates
Culture and Government in a Land of Conflict: An Analysis of Northern Ireland, Emily Starbuck
Culture and Government in a Land of Conflict: An Analysis of Northern Ireland, Emily Starbuck
Culture In Successful Title I Middle Schools, Bruce C. Lautenschlager
Culture in Successful Title I Middle Schools, Bruce Lautenschlager
Cultures Represented in Everyday life: Japanese and American Values and Culture, Andrea Korbel
Current Grading Practices For Indiana Elementary Grades K-5 And The Impact On Communication, Assessment, And Student Mindset, Paula Rae Concus
Current Recruitment Strategies For Pre-Service Technology And Engineering Educators In Indiana, Megan Mcmanus
Curricula for the social studies for the junior high school, Edith K. Price
Curriculum construction illustrated by a junior high school course of study in biology, Elliott Clarence Bratt
Curriculum in music for the junior high school, Katharine U. Rogers
Cyberbullying And How It Impacts Schools, Vida Zoe Choucalas
Cyberbullying and How It Impacts Schools, Vida Zoe Choucalas
Cyberpunk as an Evolution from Science-Fiction and its Social Critiques, William C. Svihla
Cyberpunk as an Evolution from Science-Fiction and its Social Critiques, William C. Svihla
Cybervictimization and Depression: A Cultural Standpoint, Paige Heagy
Cyclic Di Amp Level In Various Mutants And Clinical Isolates Of Streptococcus Pyogenes, Tasmim Hossain
Cyclops Lesion In a Collegiate Men’s Lacrosse Player: A Type 4 Clinical CASE Study, K Powers, R Moen, and G Siarkas
Daddy, Can We Play Beatles Rock Band? The Lived Experiences Of A Married Student With Children In A Cohort-Based Education Doctoral Program, Tony J. Thomas
Daddy, can we play Beatles rock band? The lived experiences of a married student with children in a cohort-based education doctoral program, Tony J. Thomas
Data Curation at Indiana State University: Investing in and Advancing the Future of Research, Kayla Siddell
Deep Vein Thrombosis in Lower Extremity of a Female Collegiate Volleyball Athlete: A Case Study, Lucas D. Dargo, Kendra Borton, Rachel Roths, and Zachary Dougal
Defining Student Success and Identifying the Rhetorical Appeals That Colleges and Universities Use to Engage Students in the Pursuit of Higher Education Degrees, Michael J. Baker
Defining Student Success And Identifying The Rhetorical Appeals That Colleges And Universities Use To Engage Students In The Pursuit Of HigherEducation Degrees, Michael J. Baker
Defying Poverty: Educator Impact On High Performing, High Poverty Students, Matthew M. Thompson
Degradation Of An Arid Environment: Earth Fissures In Central Arizona, Leonard Hugh Alger Jr.
Delimitation Of Soil Units Using Multispectral Video Data, Godfrey Kalaluka
Delineation Of Crop Residue Patterns In Selected Indiana Mollisols And Alfisols Using Aviris Data, You Wu
Dendroclimatic Reconstruction From Bald Cypress in Southwestern Indiana, Robin Lyn Van De Veer
Denial And Locus Of Control In Cardiac Rehabilitation, Jami Barto Hoxmeier
Designing And Testing The Efficacy Of Recombinant Idiotype -Mycobacterial Hsp70 Fusion Protein As A Vaccine Model Against B -Cell Lymphomas, Lavakumar Karyampudi
Desirable personality traits of teachers, Loren T. Reed
Detailed Phosphorus Geochemistry Of Sediments From The Equatorial Proto-Atlantic At Demerara Rise During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, Mary Elizabeth Smith
Determining How Team Communication and Project Outcomes Evolve in a Midwestern Healthcare Company: a Case Study Approach, Gregory J. Ash
Determining the Influence of the Network Time Protocol (Ntp) on the Domain Name Service Security Extension (Dnssec) Protocol, Sherman J. Cold
Determining The Influence Of The Network Time Protocol (Ntp) On The Domain Name Service Security Extension (Dnssec) Protocol, Sherman J. Cold
Determining the Optimal Healthcare System for America: Comparing the Current American and Universal Healthcare Systems, Tejas Kandharkar
Determining the Optimal Healthcare System for America: Comparing the Current American and Universal Healthcare Systems, Tejas Kandharkar
Developing Resilience In The School Setting: A Response To Trauma, Michelle Nutter
Developing the Athletic Training Clinical Scholar, Lindsey E. Eberman
Developing Trauma-Informed Schools: A Needs Assessment Of Social And Emotional Learning, Professional Development, And Implementation For Primary Teachers In Indiana, Christopher Matthew Alber
Development And Standardization Of The School-Based Consultation Orientation Rating Scale, Susan Marie Wilczynski
Development of a Methodology for Evaluating Quality Characteristics of Fused Deposition Modeling, Dominique Winston Sealy
Development Of A Model For First Year Algebra Instruction: The Principal'S Role In Implementation, Jack Seymour Ford
Development Of An Instrument To Measure Faculty Adherence To The Norms Of Science, Eric D. Motycka
Development of an Instrument to Measure Faculty Adherence to the Norms Of Science, Eric D. Motycka
Development of an Optimal Lean Six Sigma Model, James Taylor
Development of a Quality Management Assessment Tool to Evaluate Software Using Software Quality Management Best Practices, Kishore Erukulapati
Development of Community‐Based Workshops for Mexican‐Origin Rural, Low‐Income Study Participants, Rosa D. Manzo, Yvette G. Flores, and Adela de la Torre
Development Of The Differentiated Instruction Assessment, Bonnia Cook Fouts
Deviation Comparisons Of 3D Printed Features Produced From Material Extrusion Machines, J. Rudy Ottway
Devising and initiating a program with adolescent mentally retarded, Charles Nipple
Dharathula “Dolly” Hood Millender: The Joy of Giving Service, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
Diagnosis and Intervention of Posterior Shoulder Impingement in a Non-Throwing Athlete, K Orrick
Diagnosis of Depersonalization Disorder, Margaret R. DeHoff
Diagnosis Of Depersonalization Disorder, Margaret R. Dehoff
Diagnosis of Depersonalization Disorder, Margaret R. DeHoff
Diagnostic Accuracy of Imaging Techniques for Rotator Cuff Pathology: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Hayley O’Connell, Brittany deCamp, and Zachary Winkelmann
Difference Does Not Mean Deficient: the Cultural and Higher Education Experiences of Appalachian Women, Andrea D. Welch
Differences between good and poor students chosen on the basis of achievement in their first term in Indiana State Teachers College, Paul L. Hendricks
Differences in achievement between elementary school groups in high school subjects and prognosis of semester marks, Alex Jardine
Differences In Coping Behavior Based On Epistemic Style, Lance Evans
Differentiation And In -Law Satisfaction Among Newly Married Lds Couples, Travis Robert Adams
Differing Impact Of Internalizing Symptoms And Emotional Dysregulation On Executive Functioning Among Children With Adhd, Carrie Lewis
Digital and clinical refractometers are valid instruments for the measure of hydration status, A. J. Niemann, S. W. Yeargin, L. E. Eberman, H. M. Mata, H. A. Adams, and D. J. Dziedzicki
Digital Health Care: Time for a New Standard?, Z K. Winkelmann
Digital Initiative Services and Sycamore Scholars, Kayla Siddell
Digital Primary Resources for Women’s Studies Students, Scholars and Potential Contributors, Marsha Miller
Dignity, Virtue, and Punishment: The Ethical Justification of Disciplinary Segregation in Prisoners, Tony Ward
Dimensions Or Discrete Entities?: Cluster A Personality Disorders In A Psychometrically Identified Schizotypic Sample, Kaitlin M. Keister
Disablement Model Case Study: Running with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Jordan Fenney, Wendy Reitz, and Hayley M. Ericksen
Disclosure Involving a Third-Party: Reciprocity and Liking Outcomes, Keith Cotterell
Disclosure Involving A Third-Party: Reciprocity And Liking Outcomes, Keith Cotterell
Disclosure Involving a Third-Party: Reciprocity and Liking Outcomes, Keith Cotterell
Discovering buried treasure: Teaching strategies for the aging population, Susan Frey and Juliet Kerico
Disney’s Female Gender Roles: The Change of Modern Culture, McKenzie Barber
Disney’s Female Gender Roles: The Change of Modern Culture, McKenzie Barber
Disordered Eating And Its Psychosocial Correlates Among Hispanic Adolescent Females, Annette Santiago
Dissonance During International Service-Learning: “You can’t go back to the way you were before”, Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco, Leah S. Dunn, and Maggie Truitt
Distributed Computing in Internet of Things (Iot) Using Mobile Ad Hoc Network (Manet): a Swarm Intelligence Based Approach, John Selvadurai
Diterpene and Gibberellin Synthesis by Certain Fusarium Species and Bacteria, Chao-Ying Kuo
Diurnal and Nocturnal Avian Antipredator Behavior in Thermally Challenging Conditions, Jennie M. Carr
Diurnal And Nocturnal Avian Antipredator Behavior In Thermally Challenging Conditions, Jennie M. Carr
Diurnal and nocturnal avian antipredator behavior in thermally challenging conditions, Jennie M. Carr
Diversity and Inclusion in The Information Technology Industry: Relating Perceptions and Expectations to Demographic Dimensions, Suanu Bliss Wikina
Doctoral Program Quality Through The Lens Of The Carnegie-Based Program Review, Magnolia Hernandez
Document Library Organizations with Oral History, Heather Rayl
Do Direct Behavior Rating-Single Item Scales (DBR-SIS) Help Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Regulate?, Regina M. Hildenbrand-Moore
Does Pressure from Coaches Affect the Eating Habits of Male Collegiate Athletes?, C Bynum and M Long
Does the training of school board members make a difference?, James M. Halik
Do Factors Of Social Comparison Theory Influence School Choice In A Public School Marketplace?, Shawn M. Hannon
Domain Specific Identity Commitment and Alcohol Use and Problems, Alison Glanville
Domain Specific Identity Commitment And Alcohol Use And Problems, Alison Glanville
Domain specific identity commitment and alcohol use and problems., Alison Glanville
Down The Leash: A Phenomenological Study Of K9 Officers Stresses And Rewards, Jennifer C. Anglin
Dream Job or Money Pit?, Benjamin Wilcox
Dream Job or Money Pit?, Benjamin Wilcox
Dr. James E. Conyers: Trailblazer, Crystal Mikell Reynolds
Drowning, Jason Krueger
Drug Strategy: The City of Marshall, Arif Akgul
Dr. Willa Beatrice Player: A Quiet But Resolute Force For Social Justice, Kelsey Bogard
Dry Needling and Management of Trigger Points with Low Back Pain: An Evidence to Practice Review, Matthew J. Drescher, Matthew J. Rivera, and Lindsey E. Eberman
Dual Credit In Indiana High Schools: What School Barriers Exist For Students?, John Newport
Due Process in Higher Education: A Study of Due Process in Relation to Greek Life Affairs, Brooklyn M. Hollis
Due Process in Higher Education: A Study of Due Process in Relation to Greek Life Affairs, Brooklyn M. Hollis
Dweck’s Mindset Theory as Context for Service Learning, Marion Eppler and Marsha Ironsmith
Dynamic Warm-Up Effect on 5-Km Performance and Running Economy in Collegiate Cross-Country Runners, Adriane Wunderlich
Early Archaic Occupations at the James Farnsley Site, Caesars Archaeological Project, Harrison County, Indiana, Mark Canton and C. Russell Stafford
Early Childhood Educators' Beliefs, Knowledge Bases, And Practices Related To Assessing Early Literacy, Linda G. Marley
Early recollection and hypnosis., Gregory J. Coram
Early Recollections Of Women In Mathematics, Michael Robert Elmore
Early Woodland and Middle Woodland Occupations at the Knob Creek Site (12HR484), Caesars Archaeological Project, Harrison County, Indiana, Stephen T. Mocas
Earthquake! We Were Crying Everyday! The Resilience Of Haitian Survivors In Academia, Luceandy Tooley
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Editor’s Statement, David Polizzi
Educating for Social Justice Through Activist-Oriented Sites, Colleen Rost-Banik
Educational Outcomes of the DAT: A Document Review and Thematic Analysis, S H. Orr, L E. Eberman, and M J. Rivera
Educational publications of Caleb Mills, Ralph Worley
Educational Referendum Voting In Ohio Based On District Size, Socio-Economic Status, And Median Income, Thomas A. Galovic IV
Educational Referendum Voting in Ohio Based on District Size, Socio-Economic Status, and Median Income, IV Galovic
Educational Research Services, inc., New York, Landplus West (Yorktown, Ind.); James Associates Vincennes
Educational Technology Discontinuance: Development Of An Instrument To Guide K Through 12 Decision Making, Jason Brames
Educator Perceptions of the Importance of Using Strategies for At-risk Students in Indiana Elementary Schools, Teresa Gremaux
Educator Perceptions Of The Importance Of Using Strategies For At-Risk Students In Indiana Elementary Schools, Teresa Gremaux
Educator Perceptions of the Opitimal Professional Development Experience, Kent Lloyd Pettet
Educator Perceptions Of The Optimal Professional Development Experience, Kent Lloyd Pettet
Educators' Opinions Towards the Factors that increase Educational Television Programs and Channels' Effectiveness: A Survey on a sample of Teachers and Inspectors in the schools of Kuwait, Fahad Z. AlShammari
Educators Perspectives On Bullying And Cyberbullying Prevention And Intervention Efforts Within The Autism Spectrum Disorder Population, Lisa Bridgewater
Effective Educational Leadership Attributes Of Indiana High School Principals, Bryan A. Perry
Effective Educational Leadership Attributes of Indiana High School Principals, Bryan A. Perry
Effective Literacy Instruction Across the Curriculum At the Secondary Level in Indiana, Paul Michael White
Effective Literacy Instruction Across The Curriculum At The Secondary Level In Indiana, Paul Michael White
Effectiveness of Campusclarity by Everfi’s Sexual Harassment Prevention Program on Victimization Rates, Harold Leon Seifers III
Effectiveness Of Campusclarity By Everfis Sexual Harassment Prevention Program On Victimization Rates, Harold Leon Seifers III
Effectiveness of Information Technology Infrastructure Library Process Implementations by Information Technology Departments within United States Organizations, Jon F. Persinger
Effectiveness Of SpecialEducation Programs On The Reading Achievement Of Students With Learning Disabilities, Martin H. Wleklinski
Effectiveness of Take-Home Naloxone Programs in Athletic Training: An Evidence-to-Practice Review, Michael J. Palm, Amanda N. Flanscha, and Zachary K. Winkelmann
Effective Practices for Student Success in Algebra, Michelle M. Ginkins
Effective Practices For Student Success In Algebra, Michelle M. Ginkins
Effective Relationships: Managing And Measuring The Impact On Learning And Teaching, Emily Ann Brown
Effective School Leadership Mentoring Characteristics In The 21St Century: Moving Beyond Compliance And Conformity, Timothy R. Krieg
Effect of Adolescent Cell Phone Use on Independence, Kendra M. Mang
Effect of Core Strength on the Measure of Power in the Extremities, Justin Shinkle
Effect of Core Strength on the Measure of Power in the Extremities, Justin Shinkle
Effect of Directed Study of Mathematics Vocabulary on Standardized Mathematics Assessment Questions, Adel Marlane Waite
Effect Of Directed Study Of Mathematics Vocabulary On Standardized Mathematics Assessment Questions, Adel Marlane Waite
Effect of Dry Needling on Sinus Congestion in Otherwise Healthy Adults, D M. Gallegos, B J. Warner, R Peebles, and S A. Cage
Effect Of Embedded Streaming Video Strategy In An Online Learning Environment On The Learning Of Neuroscience, Pornsook Tantrarungroj
Effect of Fluid Administration on Fluid Consumption and Hydration Status, Megan E. Finn
Effect of Fluid Administration on Fluid Consumption and Hydration Status, Megan E. Finn
Effect Of High Frequency And Low Frequency Tens On Pain Threshold And Pain Tolerance In Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis, Robert Vallandingham
Effect of Item Clarity and Probability of Item Endorsement on Response Latencies on Personality Test Items, James R. Kinney
Effect Of Item Clarity And Probability Of Item Endorsement On Response Latencies On Personality Test Items, James Robert Kinney
Effect of item clarity and probability of item endorsement on response latencies on personality test items., James.R Kinney
Effect Of Low-Level Laser Therapy On Muscle Fatigue, Connor Barnes
Effect Of Selected Student Incentives On Average Daily Attendance Rates, Student Dropout Rates And Academic Performance In Indiana Senior High Schools, Kirk Alan Freeman
Effect Of Tai Chi On Cardiac Autonomic Function And Salivary Cortisol Level In Healthy Adults, Pratik Kalsaria
Effect of Tai Chi on Cardiac Autonomic Function and Salivary Cortisol Level in Healthy Adults., Pratik Kalsaria
Effect of Tissue Flossing on Grip Strength in Collegiate Baseball Players, M A. Eilers, B J. Warner, D M. Gallegos, I Hopper, and S A. Cage
Effect of Urine Agitation on Measurements of Hydration Status., Heather Adams
Effects of Autonomy-supported Learning on Academic Achievement in Indiana Schools, Nicole L. Singer
Effects Of Comparison/Contrast Writing Instruction On The Reading Comprehension Of Tenth-Grade Students, Catherine Anne Baker
Effects of Concussion History on Risk Taking Behaviors in Collegiate Athletes, K Formey and TR Campbell
Effects Of Delayed And Immediate Feedback In The Computer -Based Testing Environment, Luis Lopez
Effects of Ectoparasites and Reproductive Class on Roost-Switching and Foraging Behavior of Indiana Bats (Myotis sodalis), Nicholas S. Gikas
Effects of Ectoparasites and Reproductive Class on Roost-Switching and Foraging Behavior of Indiana Bats (Myotis sodalis), Nicholas S. Gikas
Effects Of Explicit Learning On The Temporal Allocation Of Attentional Resources, Matthew Junker
Effects Of Gender Role Orientation On Responses Of Counselors-In-Training, Joanne Kay Urschel
Effects of gender-role orientation on responses of counselors-in-training, Joanne.K Urschel
Effects of Globalization on the Gas Engine Manufacturing and Parts Industry in Indiana as Experienced by Those Working in This Sector, Patricia Polastri
Effects of Globalization on the Gas Engine Manufacturing and Parts Industry in Indiana As Experienced By Those Working In This Sector, Patricia Polastri
Effects of Joint Preparation Angle of Single-vee Butt Welds on the Tensile Strength of ASTM A36 Carbon Steel, Matthew McClure
Effects of Joint Preparation Angle of Single-vee Butt Welds on the Tensile Strength of ASTM A36 Carbon Steel, Matthew McClure
Effects of Light Brushing on Clinical Pain Intensity and Experimental Pain Sensitivity in Fibromyalgia Patients, Melissa Wassink
Effects Of Light Brushing On Clinical Pain Intensity And Experimental Pain Sensitivity In Fibromyalgia Patients, Melissa Wassink
Effects Of Low Oxygen On Cytokine And Nitric Oxide Release Of Activated N9 Microglia, Henry Owegi
Effects Of Message Interactivity Upon Relational Maintenance Strategy In Digital Communications Between Organizations And The Public, Zhan-Qing Liu
Effects Of Monetary Incentives On Academic Performance Of Fourth-Grade Students From Low Socioeconomic Status, Sandra O. Dafiaghor
Effects of Monetary Incentives on Academic Performance of Fourth-Grade Students from Low Socioeconomic Status, Sandra O. Dafiaghor
Effects Of Parental Presence/Absence On Children In Extended Families, Shirlene Denise Smith
Effects of Passive Heat Interventions on a Person’s Active Heat Acclimatization: A Critically Appraised Topic, Sl Dickstein, DM Emerson, and AL Fraley
Effects Of Peer Mentoring On High-Achieving, Low-Income First Year College Students, Ronda D. Taylor
Effects Of Rural High School Size And Socioeconomic Status On Achievement Of Tenth Graders, Peter W. O'Rourke
Effects of selctive lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis on working memory in rats., Michelle Marie Noble
Effects of Sex Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle on Knee Joint Laxity in Physically Active Females: A Critically Appraised Topic, AE Eicher, RJ Gage, and K Park-Braswell
Effects Of Size And Wealth On Implementation Of Tech Prep In Indiana, John Robert Hutton
Effects of Social Determinants of Health and Diabetes on a Lower Extremity Workplace Injury: A Disablement Model Case Study, Bridget L. Davidson, Richelle M. Williams, and Sean M. Rogers
Effects Of Student Response System Use On Student Learning And Verbal Participation For A Sixth-Grade Mathematics Unit, Gary Thomas Grissom II
Effects Of *Text, Audio, And Graphic Aids In Multimedia Instruction On The Achievement Of Students In Vocabulary Learning, Dae-Sang Kim
Effects of the Interaction of Religion and Internalized Homonegativity on Psychological Well-being, Ashleigh C. Young
Effects Of The Interaction Of Religion And Internalized Homonegativity On Psychological Well-Being, Ashleigh C. Young
Effects Of Theoretically Distinct Mathematics Interventions On Student Performance And Treatment Acceptability, Christopher Todd Arra
Effects Of Title I Pre-Kindergarten On Istep+ Scores, Janice Lynne Schroeder
Effects Of Unilateral Resistance Training Of The Biceps Brachii With And Without A Mirror On Maximal Isometric Voluntary Contraction And Muscle Activation, Brendon David Truax
Efficacy In English: A Correlational Study Of Chinese Emi Professors, Genevieve Balderston
Electronic properties of memantine (Alzheimer's disease) and amantadine (anti-flu) drugs, Kirsten Middleton, Guo-ping Zhang, and Thomas F. George
Elementary Classroom Placement Of Multiples, Robin Keller Shamsaie
Elementary School Inclusion for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Attitudes of General Education Teachers, Sarah Wareham
Elementary Schools With High-Achieving iRead-3 Scores: What They Do Differently, Charles L. Terhune
Elementary School-University Partnership: The Elementary Parent Leadership Academy, M. Blake Berryhill, Madalyn Riggins, and Rosiana Gray
Emerging Adult Bereavement Experiences After The Death Of A Close Peer, Grissom Dynesha Mason
Emotional disturbances of children which interfere with normal adjustments--specific problems of worry, Anna S. Howard
Emotional Intelligence And Its Effect On Juvenile Delinquency, Rex E. Hammond
Emotional Intelligence And Transformational Leadership Of K-12 Principals, Christopher A. Kates
Emotional Intelligence In Certified Athletic Trainers, Elizabeth Houser
Emotion Recognition Deficits As An Endophenotype For Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Alison V. James
Empathy, Gender, Victimization And Altruistic Helping, Christopher J. Tillitski
Employers Perception On Readiness Of Recently Certified Athletic Trainers, Denny Wongosari
Employers’ Perceptions of and Experiences Working with Residency-Trained Athletic Trainers, C E. Welch Bacon, J M. Cavallario, L E. Eberman, J J. Wetherington, F Q. Pecha, and B L. Van Lunen
Energy-saving hypothermia reduces flight ability in mourning doves, Jennie M. Carr and Steven L. Lima
Engaging Undergraduates in Co-curricular Community-based Research: Strategies for Success, Monica Williams and Pamela B. Payne
Engaging Vulnerable Youth in Community-Based Participatory Research: Opportunities and Challenges, Melissa Tremblay, Bethan Kingsley, Rebecca Gokiert, and Gary Benthem
Engineer Manual 385 Effectiveness: A Study of Predictive Analytics, Scott Arias
English Language Learners: A Comparison Of The Effects Of Wida Proficiency On Online, Blended And Traditional Learning, Buskirk Candida Van
English Newspapers at Indiana State University, Rolland McGiverin
Enhancing Cultural Competency in Sports Medicine Resident and Fellowship Physicians Through the Coming Out Star Exercise., SA Cage and AP Jacobsen
Enhancing Learning, Changing the World: How Service-Learning Influences the Brain, Tracey Honeycutt Sigler and Kristi Lewis Tyran
Enhancing Service-Learning Experiences for International Students: An Auto-ethnography and a Dialogue, Li Mao, Laura Servage, and Donna Chovanec
Entrance Criteria for Nursing Programs, Pamela B. Primrose
Entrance Criteria For Nursing Programs: Equality Of Opportunity Or De Facto Discrimination, Pamela B. Primrose
Environmental Conditions of Green Valley Lake, Jennifer Bellamy
Environmental Conditions Of Green Valley Lake, Jennifer Bellamy
Environmental Conditions of Green Valley Lake, Jennifer Bellamy
Epidemiological Criminology (EpiCrim): Definition and Application, Mark M. Lanie
Equal Status: Shifting Scholarship Paradigms To Fully Include Community-Based Research Into Undergraduate Research Programs, Susan B. Harden, Kim Buch, and Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell
ESL Students' Attitudes And Communicative Competence, Sadiq H. Midraj
Esophageal Candidiasis in a Baseball Athlete, A Fitzgerald and N Carvino
Essential and non-essential syntax and inflection in high-school Latin, William H. Strain
Essential Leadership Characteristics For Retaining High-Quality Teachers, Smith Lyndsi Wisher
Establishing A Web-Based Integration Module In .Net And Labview Environment, Yuqiu You
Estimating land surface temperature using a thermal sharpening technique, Yitong Jiang and Qihao Weng
Ethical Considerations for Sedation of Terminal Wean Patients, Laura Livingston
Ethnicity and Therapeutic Alliance., Victor M. Huertas
Eugene Victor Debs : the Kansas years, Marvin Grooms
Euthanasia: Is it Ethically and Morally Acceptable?, Hannah Carmichael
Euthanasia: Is it Ethically and Morally Acceptable?, Hannah Carmichael
Evaluating Beyond the Ivory Tower: Lessons Learned from the Scholars Program, Catherine M. Jordan, Scott Chazdon, and Kristina Alviz
Evaluating The Alignment Of Indiana Career Advisement Practices With Projected Workforce Demands, Sandra Adams
Evaluating The Equity Of Access And Achievement Within The Indiana Voucher Program, Jamie L. Garwood
Evaluating The Influence Of Some Factors On Capability Maturity Model Integration For Development (Cmmi-dev) Maturity Level, Sakawa Ogega
Evaluating Vocational Tertiary Education Programs In A Small Remote Community In Aotearoa, New Zealand, Heather Hamerton and Sharlene Henare
Evaluation and Treatment of the Water-polo player with Anterior Glenohumeral Instability, M Zimmerman
Evaluation of an Avian Radar System, Michael B. Gerringer
Evaluation of an Avian Radar System, Michael B. Gerringer
Evaluation Of Substance Abuse Measures In Identifying Drug Seeking Behavior, Dylan M. Songer
Evaluation of the GNPV Method for Decision-making In Non-conventional Projects, Ningning Song
Evaluator Characteristics And Evaluation Procedures In The Assessment Of Competency For Execution, Kulynych Ryan Harr
Evidence-Based Practices For Autism Spectrum Disorders: Through The Eyes Of Practitioners, Sue Marie Corbin
Evolution of education in Sullivan County since 1850, Ronald B. Russell
Examination of elementary Latin texts belonging to the pre and post classical investigation periods, Helen Wright Johnson
Examination Of Growth Mindset Through The Teacher Evaluation Model, Chrystal Street
Examination Of Pre-Kindergarten Programming And Kindergarten Success In The State Of Indiana, Scott Allen Deetz
Examination Of Quality Indicators In Public And Private Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms In Indiana, Rhonda M. Peterson
Examination of Quality Indicators in Public and Private Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms in Indiana, Rhonda M. Peterson
Examining Correlates Of Color Signaling And Aggression In Female Sceloporus Jarrovii, Savannah Price
Examining Job Satisfaction Through Five Job Facets Of Public-School Speech-Language Pathologists, Kimberly Boynton
Examining Service-Learning Pedagogical Practice Through Centering BIPOC Student Voices, Nelson Omar Valencia-Garcia and Marilee Coles-Ritchie
Examining State Development in West Africa, Through Senegal and Nigeria, Kasandra L. Housley
Examining State Development in West Africa, through Senegal and Nigeria, Kasandra L. Housley
Examining Student Athletes' Perceptions Of Autonomy Support In Coaching And Learning Climates, Landon J. Brothers
Examining The Decision Making Process Of A Literacy Coach For Literacy Implementation In A Secondary School Setting, Sandra J. Wilson
Examining the Decision Making Process of a Literacy Coach for Literacy Implementation in a Secondary School Setting, Sandra Wilson
Examining The Gap: The Relationship Between Levels Of Acculturation And Scholastic Achievement Test (Sat) Scores Among African American College Students, Tonika E. Duren
Examining The Impact Parental Educational Attainment Has On Students' Perceptions Of Residence Hall Living, Joshua D. Lawrie
Examining the Impact Parental Educational Attainment Has on Students' Perceptions of Residence Hall Living, Joshua D. Lawrie
Examining The Psychometric Properties Of The Toronto Alexithymia Scale -20 With A Sample Of Domestic Violence Offenders, Bernard James Kniery
Examining The Relationship Between Organizational Health And Faculty Satisfaction In Institutions Of Higher Education, Malea Crosby
Examining The Teacher: Factors Influencing Teachers' Usage Of Culturally Responsive Practices And Classroom Management, Myeshia Smith
Examining Validity Characteristics of the MMPI-2 PSY-5 Psychoticism Scale, Enrique G. Covarrubias
Examining Validity Characteristics Of The Mmpi-2 Psy-5 Psychoticism Scale, Enrique G. Covarrubias
Examining Validity Characteristics of the MMPI-2 PSY-5 Psychoticism Scale, Enrique G. Covarrubias
Examining Variables Related to Help-seeking and Victimization Differences After Coercive Intercourse, Ginger Faulkner
Examining Variables Related To Help-Seeking And Victimization Differences After Coercive Intercourse, Ginger Faulkner
Examining Variables Related to Help-seeking and Victimization Differences after Coercive Intercourse, Ginger Faulkner
Exercise Dependence and Shin Pain in a Division I Cross-Country Runner: A Case Study, Allyssa K. Memmini
Exercise Induced Laryngeal Obstruction in a Collegiate Runner: A Case Report of a Novel Therapy, Cody Inskeep, Todd Olin, and Robert Arthur
Exertional Heat Stroke in a Male High School Runner with Disordered Eating: A Disablement Model Case Study, Brittni G. Hoover, Rebecca M. Hirschhorn, Allison B. Smith, and Amy F. Hand
Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: Studying the Perfect Storm, Nicholas B. Holtgrieve
Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: Studying The Perfect Storm, Nicholas B. Holtgrieve
Expanding Clinical Practice with Complementary and Integrative Health, such as Tai Chi, as Therapeutic Interventions, Connor A. Burton
Experiences And Coping Among Female Caseworkers At Women'S Shelters: A Qualitative Study, H. Norene Wu
Experiences and coping among female caseworkers at women's shelters: A qualitative study., H.Norene Wu
Experiences That Impact The Recruitment And Retention Of International (Non-Native Speaker Of English) Student-Athletes In Ncaa Division I Institutions, Evangelos Kontaxakis
Experiences That Impact the Recruitment and Retention of International (Non-Native Speaker of English) Student-Athletes in NCAA Division I Institutions, Evangelos Kontaxakis
Experimental Guidelines For Evaluating The Reliability, Validity And Professional Utility Of Wisc-R Computer Based Test Interpretations (Cbti), Barry Michael Shear
Exploring Double Consciousness For Black Students In K-12 Settings, Virgil Khalid Griffin
Exploring Experiences, Support, And Growth With Advanced Cancer Caregivers From Rural Communities, Melissa Ketner
Exploring Female STEM Learners' Perceptions Of Masculinity As Presented By Male Instructors Of Technology, Chad Clark
Exploring Parallels in the Bible, The Analects, and The Epic of Gilgamesh, Cassidy McFarling
Exploring Parallels in the Bible, The Analects, and The Epic of Gilgamesh, Cassidy McFarling
Exploring The Construct Validity Of The Behavioral Rating Inventory Of Executive Function (Brief): Comparing Variance Associated With Common Method Versus Similar Constructs, Lauren K. Hoefling
Exploring the Essence of Student-Athlete Spirituality: a Phenomenological Investigation of NCAA Division I Athletes, Mark H. Raikes
Exploring The Experiences Of A Literacy Coach In A Reading First School In Indiana, Debra R. Knaebel
Exploring the Impact of Community-Engaged Programs on Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes Toward Intellectual Disability, Jennifer L. Jones, Kami L. Gallus, and Amber Manning-Ouellette
Exploring The Impact Of Diversity In Medicine Through The Narratives Of Underrepresented Minoritized Medical Students, Brittany Russell
Exploring The Lived Experience Of Doctoral Study In CounselingPsychology: A Phenomenological Approach, Ryan Evans Gillespie
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Rural African American Millennials at Predominantly White Institutions, Corey Guyton
Exploring The Principal's Role In High Poverty Schools With High Literacy Achievement, Jill E. Jay
Exploring the Principal's Role in High Poverty Schools with High Literacy Achievement, Jill E. Jay
Exploring The Relationship Between The Feelings Of Isolation Among Distance Learners And The Levels Of Interaction Built Into The Online Course, Jianling Jiang
Exploring the Work-Related Quality of Life of Athletic Trainers in Physician Practice, N T. Anderson, K E. Games, J P. Young, M J. Rivera, and L E. Eberman
Exploring White Critical Consciousness Of Christian College Students At A Midwestern College, Jesse M. Brown
Exploring With Stathmin And SCG10 Interactomes, Jim Jose Aloor
Expression And Regulation Of Homeobox-Like Maize Root-Specific Gene, Zeung-Keun Cho
Expression Of POU Domain Genes In Zebrafish Development, Karuna Sampath
Ex-servicemen's estimates of the United States Army motion picture program, John B. Boren
External Pressures on Injured Athletes’ and Their Effects on Mental Health and Return to Play, A Graham and J Johnson
Extracellular Matrix Proteins: Implications for Angiogenesis, Kent Edward Williams
Extracellular Matrix Proteins: Implications For Angiogenesis, Kent Edward Williams
Extracellular Matrix Proteins: Implications for Angiogenesis, Kent Edward Williams
Extra-curriculum activities of Garfield High School of Terre Haute, Indiana, Homer Powell
Extra-legal control of high school interscholastic athletics in Indiana, J. Ord Fortner
Extra-legal Control of High School Interscholastic Athletics in Indiana, Ord Fortner
Extra-legal control of high school interscholastic athletics in Indiana, J. Ord Fortner
Facial Affect And Recognition Patterns, Dennis Ryan Allen
Factors Affecting Retention In Online Courses, Victoria L. Berling
Factors Affecting Retention in Online Courses, Victoria L. Berling
Factors Affecting Student Success In An Online And Face -To -FaceEducational Research Class, Yue Serena Guan
Factors Affecting The Academic Success Of High School Students Participating In Dual Credit Career And Technical Programs In Indiana, Jon W. Hineman
Factors Affecting the Probability of Acoustic Detection and Site Occupancy of Bats in Central Indiana, Zachary David Epping Kaiser
Factors Associated With Marital Adjustment In Remarriage, Randall David Martin
Factors Contributing to the Academic Success Of Low-SES Students, Lynn Kathryn Daanen
Factors Contributing To The Academic Success Of Low-Ses Students, Lynn Kathryn Daanen
Factors Influencing Athletic Trainers' Continuing Education Motivators And Application, Jessica Edler
Factors Influencing Family Medicine Residents' Screening for Intimate Partner Violence, Melissa Bruder
Factors Influencing Family Medicine Residents’ Screening for Intimate Partner Violence, Melissa Bruder
Factors Influencing Males To Teach At The Elementary Level: An Interview -Based Exploration Of The Thoughts And Rationale For Their Career Choice, Daniel J. Carter
Factors Influencing Non-Implementation Of The Iso 9000 Quality Management System Among Business Organizations In The Caribbean Sub-Region, Errol F. Samuel
Factors Influencing Parent Help-Seeking, Stephanie J. Murphy
Factors Influencing Parent-Teacher Discrepancies In Ratings Of Child Externalizing Behavior, Erin F. Mctiernan
Factors Influencing The Association Between Combat-Related Ptsd And Partner Burden, Michelle D. Ertl
Factors Predicting Internalizing and Externalizing Psychopathology in a Sample of Inner City Minority Women, Antonio Gonzalez
Factors Predicting Internalizing And Externalizing Psychopathology In A Sample Of Inner City Minority Women, Antonio Gonzalez
Factors Predicting Teacher Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education, Michael Mccarthy
Factors Related To Academic Gains For Adult Learners In A CorrectionalEducation Program, Maria Deanne Sells
Factors Related to Women's Undergraduate Success, Tanya Michelle Baker
Factors That Impact End-of-course Assessments in Indiana Public, Non-charter High Schools, Donald Edward Harman
Factors That Impact End-Of-Course Assessments In Indiana Public, Non-Charter High Schools, Donald Edward Harman
Factors That Impact the Perceived Confidence of Indiana Public School Principals in the Area of Special Education Practices, Tara L. Rinehart
Factors That Most Influence Elementary Teacher Morale, Suzanne Michelle Marrs
Faculty Feel It Too: The Emotions of Teaching Through Service‐learning, Carrie W. LeCrom, Lynn Pelco, and Jill W. Lassiter
Faculty Perceptions About Attributes and Barriers Impacting the Diffusion of Online Education in Two Saudi Universities, Mohammed Mfarij Alhawiti
Faculty Perceptions About Attributes and Barriers Impacting the Diffusion of Online Education in Two Saudi Universities, Mohammed Mfarij Alhawiti
Faculty Perceptions About Attributes And Barriers Impacting The Diffusion Of OnlineEducation In Two Saudi Universities, Mohammed Mfarij Alhawiti
Failure Mode And Effects Analysis As A Mechanism For Assessing The Cost Consequence Of A Failure, Jeffrey Guinot
Fair Trade Learning Evaluation of a Global Partnership, Roxanne Amerson, Jade Parker-Manderson, Chloe Garrison, Sarah Finleyson, and Michelle Kunkle
Family factors of resilient and non-resilient children, Roger Duane Williams
Family functioning and temperament as predictors of preschoolers coping with daily stressors., Pamela.D Jones
Family Literacy Bags: a Rural-appalachian Approach For Parental Involvement and Education, Ashley Good Overton
Family Literacy Bags: A Rural-Appalachian Approach For Parental Involvement And Education, Ashley Good Overton
Family Strengths, Stress, And Well -Being Among Troubled And Well Adjusted Adolescents, Leah A. Powell
Farmer’s Market Research & Recommendations, Jim Speer
Fatherless Homes and Implications on Student Achievement, Timothy James Garland
Fatherless Homes And Implications On Student Achievement, Timothy James Garland
Favoritism in the schoolroom, Rolland R. Ripple
Fear of Crime and Punishment, Annalise Acorn
Feasibility Study of Residential Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the State of Indiana, Mahmoud Al-Odeh
February 25, 1960: Stories of Inspiration, Risk, and the Fight for Freedom, Laura Harlow
Feeling Special: A Study Of Local, Named, Need-Based Scholarships For Remediated Community College Students, Ronald M. Oler
Feeling Special: A Study of Local, Named, Need-Based Scholarships for Remediated Community College Students, Ronald M. Oler
Figure-8-Reconstruction of Posterior Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation 18 Days Post Initial Injury, M Suri and S Bunemann
Filling in the Gaps in Culture-Based Theories of Organizational Crime, Adam Trahan
Film as Engaged Learning: A Study on Teaching Civics Through Spanish Culture, Kajsa C. Larson
Financial Literacy: Should it be included in high school curriculum?, Callie DeVore
Financing a small band in Greene Township Rural Consolidated School, Dorothy Moore