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The following thesis is an analysis of the rich and complex history of the state of Northern Ireland and its subsequent effects on government policy, cultural identification, and public opinion concerning the use of violence. I examined the historical precedents set into place which could explain the continued violence, political party orientation, and cultural evolution which is, even now, taking place as a result of the involvement of two very different populations. I provided evidence concerning current public opinion regarding the sectarian and paramilitary violence which plagued the state for hundreds of years and continues to occur, although much less frequently than in years past. Utilizing scholarly essays and reputable new sources, I have laid the foundation for a general analysis of the past few decades in the hopes of shedding more light on the currently shrouded present situation. It is my belief that, as a result of governmental cooperation, noteworthy but slight changes in cultural identification, and citizens who do not condone past, present, or future violence, there may well be a lasting peace in Northern Ireland

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