Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology


The purpose of this qualitative study was to evaluate the perceived effectiveness of the Safety Program at Newport Chemical Depot, Newport, Indiana. A desired outcome of the qualitative study was to inform management about how previous events affected the Safety Program and there direct effect on lowering accident statistics and worker compensation costs. Constant comparative analysis was selected to collect, codify, and analyze the data. Data for this qualitative study was supplied from record and document reviews and validated by the use of a three-member evaluation team and by interviewing workers that were working at Newport Chemical Depot between 1986 and 1994. The first of the three events discussed within the qualitative study was the publication of a more comprehensive safety plan(s). The second event was a tree cutting accident involving severe injuries to a worker at Newport Chemical Depot while trying to fall a tree. The third, was a safety assessment program involving the identification of particular operating steps within procedures at Newport Chemical Depot which could result in the loss of life, limb or sight and worker awareness of safety steps to preclude such an accident. Safety professionals continuously reviewed accident records to ensure that appropriate countermeasures were in place to prevent accidents from reoccurring. This qualitative study looked at accident trends over a nine-year period and attempted to explain the factors, which resulted in the reduction of accidents in the later four years. A three-member evaluation team was used to validate the numerical data and summations. In addition, workers were interviewed from the time period to determine which event had the greatest impact in reducing injuries and illnesses.
