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In this paper, I will take an investigative deep dive into all that is the literary genre of cyberpunk. I will touch on the origins and development of science-fiction, the genre that birthed cyberpunk, and how science-fiction led up to cyberpunk’s birth. I discuss the origins of cyberpunk and where and when it first entered the scene. The literary differences between the two genres. And the main areas of social critique that are focused on for each as well. For science-fiction’s areas of social critique, I discuss their ever-present use of the dangers of man’s hubris first made present in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the ideas of reaction to the unknown that have changed drastically during the evolution of the genre. For cyberpunk’s areas of social critique, I analyze their portrayal of corporate/ capitalistic greed, the portrayal of gender roles, and the dangers of human nature. I conducted my research through assorted literature and media within the respective genres and literary reviews on the works I analyzed. I also used interviews with authors to get a better picture of the ideas that were meant to be conveyed by their works.

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