Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This study examined athletic trainers perceptions of continuing Education, their motivators for choosing continuing Education, and how they choose to implement knowledge and skills gained from continuing Education sessions. Audio-recorded interviews were completed using a semi-structured interview consisting of 8 questions. Fourteen certified athletic trainers in good standing with the Board of Certification participated in the interviews. Four themes emerged from the data: 1) value of continuing Education, 2) clinician centered continuing Education selection, 3) improvements for continuing Education, and 4) implementation of continuing Education. Clinician centered continuing Education selection and implementation of continuing Education each contained 3 and 4 subthemes, respectively. Athletic trainers believe continuing Education is valuable to help them maintain evidence-based practice, advance their knowledge, and provide the most up-to-date care to their patients. When choosing continuing Education sessions, athletic trainers focus on their perceived needs, areas of interest, patient population, and current clinical setting. Time, cost and travel distance to a conference are all barriers to engaging in continuing Education activities. Participants suggested more hands-on and interactive continuing Education sessions, along with a centralized location for resources and a handout with key points from each session. Lastly, participants chose to implement knowledge and skills from continuing Education sessions based on their confidence in their knowledge and abilities. They also identified overall positive patient responses to the new skills they implemented; however, these assessments were predominantly subjective in nature. The data collected in this study identified key motivators and barriers to participation in continuing Education, along with methods of implementing continuing Education knowledge and skills into clinical practice.
