Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology


The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare management practices as they relate to team management in both private sector companies and public school corporations. Areas measured related to the team's use of task values, task skills, maintenance values and maintenance skills. An initial letter was sent to 250 companies registered with the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. These companies had employee populations between 100 and 250. A similar letter was sent to school corporation superintendents who student populations numbered 1000–2000. Included in this letter was a post card to return with two questions to check off pertaining as to whether the respondent used teaming in their management. A second letter and the survey instrument were sent to positive respondents. The survey instrument used was the Team Orientation and Behavior Inventory” (TOBI) developed in 1983 by Goodstein, Cooke and Goodstein. Demographic information collected included: was the participant a CEO or a superintendent; did the participant have formal training in team management practices? The descriptive analysis indicated there were no significant differences in the mean values in areas of task values, task skills, maintenance values and maintenance skills between CEOs of Indiana companies and superintendents of Indiana schools.
