Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Numerous studies have suggested that both the MMPI and MMPI-2 have a history of overpathologizing older adolescents and young adults. The MMPI-2-RF, published in 2008, continues to grow in popularity and use among an increasing number of psychologists. The MMIP-2-RF differs from its predecessors in several ways, including not only the scales that comprise the instrument, but also the methods by which the test was constructed. Therefore, one cannot rely on previous research conducted on the MMPI and MMPI-2 when talking about elevated scale interpretations. The present study examined associations between MMPI-2-RF T scale score elevations and GPA, FSIQ, treatment of psychological disorders, and several other behaviors and symptoms of psychopathology. Correlations were examined between GPA, FSIQ, ten measures that examine psychopathology, and the T scores of the 51 scales of the MMPI-2- RF. Results of the current study add to the absence of interpretative literature of the MMPI-2-RF for college students by examining associations between self-reported psychopathology and elevated T scale scores.
