Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Industrial Technology Education


As developing economies face the challenges of liberalization in the global market place, the ISO 9000 Quality Management System (QMS) must be an integrated concept and tool in the planning and implementation of these counties' national and regional technological and socioeconomic development programs. This concern is especially acute for the countries in the Caribbean sub-region where most business organizations are not ISO 9000 certified. This study was conducted to identify factors that prevent public and private sector business organizations in the Caribbean sub-region from pursuing and obtaining the ISO 9000 certification. The study employed the survey research methodology and utilized a structured questionnaire. The population sample was drawn from the country of Antigua and Barbuda and consisted of 40 business organizations. The data was collected during June 25--October 15, 2004 through face-to-face interviews. With the aid of the SPSS computer software, version 11.5, the statistical techniques of descriptive statistics, multiple analysis of variance and factor analysis were used in the data analysis process. The statistical findings and analyses showed a general lack of awareness of the ISO 9000 QMS. Based on these findings, inferences were drawn, and recommendations made to assist in the systematic deployment and increased implementation of the ISO 9000 QMS in technological and socioeconomic development programs of these developing economies.
