Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of this qualitative, multi-site case study was to observe and examine the strategies, techniques, and leadership styles of principals in effective middle schools with high poverty and high achievement. This study focused on defining a core of specific strategies utilized by staff members in these schools. Two high-poverty middle schools in Indiana that have done an exemplary job of attaining high scores on the state's standardized test were examined. Data for this research was collected via interviews of the school's principal, leadership team, and teachers. Classroom observations and teacher department meetings were also conducted. After the staff interviews and observations were completed, all notes and tape recordings reviewed, and all obtained information was processed and analyzed, five themes emerged. These themes included the following: principal leadership, student scheduling, staff scheduling, building culture, and curriculum and professional development. Within these themes, some of the detailed strategies and techniques were similar at both schools and some were different. Based on the significant findings of the data analysis within the five themes, the following seven strategies were utilized by both principals and seemed to play a critical role in the high achievement of the students in both schools: (a) there was a strategic system in place to address the academic core; (b) the daily schedule was developed for student needs; (c) collaboration for teaching staff was invaluable and they wanted more time together; (d) teacher-led professional development was utilized; (e) data was used in a meaningful way; (f) though principal leadership styles differed, creating a strong team of teacher leaders was essential; (f) and the staff created a relational learning environment. These five themes and seven strategies appear to be critical and essential components that could hold true value for other schools attempting to make gains in their students' academic achievement.
