Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Industrial Technology Education


The top problems faced by manufacturing enterprises to implement system integration solutions are confusing solutions and terminology, the lack of understanding of cross-domain technologies, and the lack of business justification. In this study, a generalized web-based partial module was established to interface between manufacturing control functions and higher management level functions in a manufacturing enterprise. It is composed of three parts, a LabVIEW-based data collector, a system server, and a web-based interface. The data collector was constructed as an open source system module for data collection from LabVIEW-based control applications. It can be integrated into LabVIEW VIs without requiring extra system resource from the control server. The web interface and data structure in the module are designed by using the terminology and methodologies from the Generalized Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (GERAM) and ISA S95. To evaluate the efficiency of the data collector, a queuing network model is established to analyze the effect of system change. The resource measurements are sampled from the same control server to analyze the effect of the data collector on the system resource. A statistical method, one-way ANOVA, is applied to evaluate the effect on the system. And SPSS statistical software is used for the statistical analysis.
