Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


College of Technology


Satashi Nakamoto’s introduction of blockchain in 2008 initially directed the technology for the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008). In recent years the technology has been identified for other use cases. Businesses are currently developing this technology to reduce or eliminate transactional costs. Along with this anticipated use, businesses are using this technology to include traceability across the supply chain. This research looks at implementing blockchain technology in supply chain traceability. Clohessy (2019) identified critical success factors for implementing blockchain, but what is not existing in the literature are the relative importance of each factor for implementation of blockchain in the supply chain. The problem for this study is that we do not know which factors have the greatest influence on implementation of blockchain in the supply chain. Blockchain is in the incipient stages of implementation and there are no developed guidelines for practitioners to follow for implementing blockchain technology in the supply chain. The purpose is to provide practitioners with a foundational model as a guideline for implementing blockchain in the supply chain for product traceability. To do this, the researcher used the critical success factors identified by Clohessy in a survey instrument administered to Association of Supply Chain Management (ASCM) members. The survey had 88 respondents but only 58 that had useable data provided about the iv critical success factors. There were 9 respondents who had implemented blockchain. Using the 9 respondents who had implemented blockchain, a regression model was created to correlate the critical success factors to successful implementation. Other findings from the 58 respondents were that there is a significant difference on the critical success factors between small and large organizations for implementing blockchain in the supply chain, there is no significant difference on the critical success factors between low and high revenues for implementing blockchain in the supply chain, and there is a significant difference on the critical success factors between manufacturing and service industry for implementing blockchain in the supply chain. This was a quantitative non-probabilistic study based on a convenience sample of ASCM members. After the data was collected, a stepwise regression was applied to the data, so that implementation factors are considered, to create the model. Three factors were found to create a regression model for implementing blockchain in the supply chain.
