
Sakawa Ogega

Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College of Technology


Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV) is a collection of characteristics of effective processes that guide improving an organization's operations and ability to manage software projects' development. The CMMI-DEV maturity levels range from 1 to 5 for the staged model; however, there are no certifications for maturity level 1. Organizations appraised may seek higher CMMI-DEV maturity levels. Most clients will seek to do business with organizations with at least CMMI Maturity Level 3 certification. This research aimed to find if software development methodology (SDM), CMMI training, and other process improvement (OPI) standards affect CMMI maturity level rating. The dependent variable (maturity level rating) was ordinal, and the three independent variables were nominal with categories. Ordinal regression was used for hypothesis testing and data analysis. Data was collected using a web-based questionnaire from participants across the globe from organizations engaged in software development and with a current maturity rating in the CMMI Institute online database. The response rate was low as there were only 119 participants with only 109 valid responses. The researcher used descriptive statistics to describe the sample for this research. The data was processed using SPSS for ordinal regression. The results revealed that there was no statistical significance of SDM and OPI on the CMMI maturity level rating. However, the CMMI training was found to have a significant effect on the CMMI maturity level. The CMMI training – training without certification was found to be statistically significant in predicting the next iv CMMI maturity level on the sample used. The study can be used to investigate factors for the other CMMI constellations, i.e., services and acquisitions. The results from this study cannot be generalized but can be used in conclusions related to this study. This research yielded various unexpected results due to a low participation or response rate. There were 119 responses from the more than 400 selected participants and only 109 valid responses for this research. CMMI is still relevant in today’s software development world; however, these SDOs should allow access to researchers to explore the factors that can benefit SDOs and add to their bottom line.
