Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Reform movements in K-12 schools in the United States have grown in urgency over the past 25 years. The urgency for reform was spurred by, A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform (National Commission on Teaching, 1996). Following the report educators in K-12 schools became more accountable due to the No Child Left Behind Act (2001). As a result, the National Commission on Excellence in Education recommended the establishment of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This group developed the optional certification of National Board Certification of teachers. The purpose of this study was to investigate National Board Certified Teachers perception of teacher leadership and compare their views to teachers who were not certified in the state of Illinois. The study revealed that National Board Certified Teachers in Illinois believe they have more school support for teacher leadership involvement than teachers who were not certified. The conclusions and recommendations may assist school leaders in seeking ways to better engage in school reform.
