Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational and School Psychology


Literature on cultural competence has primarily developed in the fields of counseling psychology and counselor education. The field of school psychology has responded to the increased focus of cultural competency by providing recommended skills needed to provide psychological services in schools to diverse individuals and groups. Currently, research in effective cultural competency training has primarily focused on graduate training programs. This study extends the literature on cultural competency training by developing a training model that is appropriate for professionals who are already working in the field. This study first evaluated the impact of a needs assessment on the preparation of an 8-hour needs based training workshop. First, a needs assessment was conducted to identify areas to address in a training session for a southern, urban school district that serves predominately low-income, African American students. The training session was developed based on information obtained from the needs assessment using an Awareness-Knowledge-Skill developmental model of training and was then evaluated by the participants. A follow up assessment six weeks later was conducted. Results showed significant increases in ratings of cultural competency in the areas of awareness, knowledge, and skills. Further qualitative analysis established the importance of conducting a needs assessment prior to designing a training program as well as providing opportunities for interaction as an important training tool.
