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Architecture is a world that many people take advantage of and don’t understand the complexity behind it. There are many people in history who made a path for the way the world functions today, some of these people are architects. There are five men specifically: Antoni Gaudi, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ludwig Meis Van Der Rohe, Le Corbusier, and Louis Kahn, who pioneered the way for technology, education, aesthetics, and functionality of architecture. By researching we can learn who they were, what they did, and how they did it. Each one of these architects had different struggles, goals, backgrounds, and ideas. Their lifetime spans a total of 122 years, ending in 1974 with Louis Kahn. That means 50 years after the end of Louis Kahn they are still impacting architecture. All five of them crossed over and learned from one another to create buildings that are still standing today. There are many examples of their work spread across the world: France, England, Switzerland, Japan, New York, Chicago, Germany, and Barcelona are a few. Without their hard work and passion for architecture the world would not know what skyscrapers, open concepts, or organic buildings are.

Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2024
