Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The intent of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitudinal and motivational variables and successful English as a second language (ESL) learning among ESL international students in the State of Indiana. To carry out this intent, the students' achievement on the TOEFL test, which was used to measure the participants' attained language proficiency, was related to anomie, integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, willingness to communicate with people from other cultures, and willingness to spend time and to learn English. Lambert-Gardner's questionnaire concerning attitude and motivation was modified and administered. Fifty items were prepared to measure five independent variables that led to measuring ESL students, attitude and motivations. The sample in this study consisted of 73 ESL international students in advanced levels studying English as a second language at intensive English programs. ESL international students were measured on all the variables and the variables were entered into a regression analysis to determine the relationships among them. Results of factor analysis of the attitudinal and motivational scales included in the questionnaire revealed clusters of attitudinal and motivational variables were related to scores on the TOEFL test via a multiple regression analysis. The results showed significant correlations between attained TOEFL scores and three attitudinal and motivation variables: anomie,” the desire to learn and to spend time on learning,” and instrumental motivation.” These results support Gardner and Lambert theories regarding the correlation between the attitudinal factors and the attainment of the target language proficiency. on the other hand, the highest significant correlation was between the instrumental motivation and the attained TOEFL scores. This showed that International ESL students were driven by utilitarian reasons such as getting admission at anEducational institution in the United States and/or improving their careers.
