Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The primary purpose of this study was to analyze expectations and perceptions from various groups concerning qualities of effective high schools. This study examined commonalities among groups of people in terms of their relationship to high schools. Stakeholders from Indiana surveyed during this study included: high school parents, high school educators, and state-level lawmakers, both senators and representatives. A total of 329 respondents participated in the study. After an extensive literature review of high school outcomes, characteristics, and purposes, I developed the Quality School Survey to collect the needed data. The instrument gathered data by asking respondents to indicate the level of importance on a four-point scale regarding multiple statements about high schools. The survey also presented the respondents with a list of 12 aspects of high schools and asked them to identify the top three priorities within that list. The data were collected and descriptive statistics were run to describe the level of importance placed on certain items by the overall sample and also the individual stakeholder groups. Frequency of selection within the prioritizing section was also described for the individual groups as well. Finally the data were put through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine significant difference between the groups. The variation among the expectations of the different stakeholder groups was tested at the alpha level of .01. Based on the results and significant findings of the data analysis of the research, the following conclusions were drawn. There was an alignment between groups and a high level of expectation with regards to the teaching of basic skills, the teaching of problem-solving skills, the development of a safe environment, the promotion of work ethic, the development of citizenship, and community responsibility. Also, there was significant difference among groups and a high level of expectation with regards to preparing students for skilled employment upon graduation, using a variety of instructional strategies to accommodate individual learning styles, and developing social skills within students. An alignment and a low level of importance was placed on high schools being small in size to ensure a sense of belonging. Lawmakers had a significantly lower expectation level than parents with regards to developing social skills within students and ensuring emotional health of students. Lawmakers had a significantly lower expectation level than educators when it came to positive home-school relationships, having a vision and mission statement to guide decision-making, and teaching an appreciation of the arts within high schools. The highest priority among all groups when asked to select three from the list was promotion of work ethic within high school students. Finally, the lowest priority among all groups when asked to select three from the list was that the high school should have high standardized test scores.
