Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology


The purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual model for technology planning by administrators in public schools. Research for the study consisted of model building rather than hypothesis testing. The goal of the study was to develop a model that would be helpful to K-12 administrators responsible for technology planning. The study was guided by the following research questions: (1) What are the learning needs of children? (2) What are the characteristics of technology which seem likely to meet the identified learning needs of children? (3) Which concepts from the realm of organizational theory seem likely to address the changes necessary for a public school district to apply technologies with the characteristics identified? The study involved: (1) the examination of three groups of issues derived from the research questions in the application of technology to public schoolEducation. In examining the three seminal areas, it became evident that a fourth area, assessment, had to also be examined. (2) Collecting the writings of experts in the four areas thus addressed. (3) The creation of a model based on interpretations of those collected writings. The model was expressed in the metaphor of technology heaped on a platform resting on four pillars representing the four areas. The following conclusions were derived from the study: (1) That the metaphor of a technology platform resting on four pillars which are metaphors for: (a) a useful theory of developmentalPsychology, (b) an integrated systems design methodology, (c) a useful theory of organizational behavior, and (d) a proven program evaluation methodology can be used as the "blueprint" for technology planners in publicEducation. (2) That this model be used as a starting point for research addressing such questions as "Are some combinations of instances of the 'pillars' more effective than others in technology planning?"
