Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This quantitative study examined the perception of Hispanic Heritage Month and LGBT History Month celebratory events at 10 public Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) in the Midwestern region. Utilizing a research-developed, self-administered questionnaire, data were collected from participants who identified involvement with a Hispanic/Latinx cultural center or LGBTQ+ resource center at the selected PWIs. The questionnaire measured the following variables: (a) recognition, (b) support, (c) impact on campus community, (d) welcoming environment, and (e) participation impact of center staff/students. Cultural month celebration events provide the opportunity for cross-cultural programming to exist on campuses. Cross-cultural programming provides the campus community educational opportunities to learn about various cultures present on campus. Being able to interact and learn about differences promotes student success and cognitive awareness of differences. Cultural month celebrations assist in providing intentional learning opportunities for the campus community.
