Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology


Higher Education in India is considered an essential part of nation-building because Education is emphasized as the key driver for the development of the country. With the recognition of the importance of Education, the Indian government shows a strong desire to develop a system of higher Education to match with global competition in producing citizens who are highly trained technical personnel. Students must be active recipients in classrooms to become global citizens and to be able to foster the creation of knowledge rather than be mere passive recipients (Altbach, 2012). The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine and understand the instructional practices at a selected institute of higher Education in India. Specifically, this study was intended to obtain the perceptions of faculty in fostering inquiry skills and considering culture while teaching in higher Education classrooms. To this end, this study examined these perceptions in terms of utilizing laptop technology. This study revealed the instructional strategies used by the faculty at the selected institute of higher Education, faculty understanding of the key instructional strategies, and the impact of using these identified key instructional strategies. Furthermore, this study investigated the current instructional practices, factors affecting the use of these strategies, and ways to improve to practice new instructional strategies. In conclusion, this study indicated three areas where improvements must occur to provide engaging learning opportunities for students. Additionally, this research indicated the need for training and professional development opportunities to encourage faculty to practice student-centered instructional strategies.
