Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The role of the principal has never been as multi-faceted or as scrutinized as it is in today's schools. Principals are looked to for leadership and guidance in the processes, communications, relationships, instructions, and curriculum of today's schools. Marzano (2013) listed 21 responsibilities of the principal of today. Principals of today wear many hats and are looked to have knowledge and skills beyond the scope of leaders in many other professions. The purpose of the quantitative study was to examine the perceptions of the teachers in Indiana high schools pertaining to their principal's level of effectiveness as measured by the Audit of Principal Effectiveness. The results of this study can be beneficial to principals of all schools. Regardless of the grade assigned to the school, the study suggests the value of building relationships with administrative colleagues, the interaction with students, and the setting of high professional goals for all involved.
