Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of the research study was to identify those factors contributing to long-term-relationships between school boards and superintendents. The primary focus of the study was about how conflict is resolved between superintendents and school boards. There were school districts where superintendents have chosen to and were allowed to lead for a long period of time. What factors led to this long term relationship? Other districts can use this information to help their school boards form a philosophy to sustain long-term relationships with the primaryEducational leader in the school community. School boards, communities, and superintendents can look at these factors and use them as the blueprint to positively impact theEducational system in their school community. Five of the longest serving superintendents in Marion County, Indiana and the immediate surrounding counties were identified. Those five superintendents were then asked to choose a long-serving board member who would have a level perspective on the school board-superintendent relationship. Once identified, board members and superintendents were interviewed to determine those factors leading to the long-term relationship. After researching the current literature and then corroborating the literature review results with interview questions, the researcher was able to assess those factors leading to long-term relationships between school boards and superintendents. Those factors can be found in the following statements: (1) There were common reasons why relationships between school boards and superintendents endured. (2) When conflict happened, there were common reasons why a positive resolution occurred. (3) Conflict was usually resolved, leaving little or no underlying conflict as a foundation for future discord. (4) The informal evaluation of the superintendent was an agreed upon process that promoted a common understanding of the board's direction to the superintendent. There was also a formal evaluation process utilized but both superintendents and board members agreed that it was not as effective and helpful as the informal formative evaluation. (5) There were common personality and work qualities that school boards sought out and expected superintendents to possess. The literature review and accompanying interviews also helped answer the Grand Tour questions that ultimately prompted the research to determine those factors leading to long-term relationships between school boards and superintendents. The answers to the Grand Tour questions follow: (1) School boards and superintendents have similar views of conflict. (2) When conflict occurs, school boards and superintendents have similar views on how to resolve them.
