Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Computer Science


Streaming of 60 de-interlaced fields per second digital uncompressed video with 720x480 resolution without a loss of video fields is one of the desired technologies by scientists in biomechanics. If it is possible to stream digital uncompressed video without dropped video fields, then a sophisticated computer analysis of the transmitted via IEEE 1394a connection video is possible. Such process is used in biomechanics when it is important to analyze athletes' performance via streaming digital uncompressed video to a computer and then analyzing it using specific software such as Arial Performance Analysis Systems. Unfortunately, when 60 de-interlaced fields per second digital uncompressed video is streamed to a computer, some video fields maybe lost and not stored on a laptop computer successfully. If the streamed video does not contain all video fields, then it is not possible to utilize it for further analysis and; important decisions resulting from the desired video may not occur. This study emphasizes and relates to biomechanics as the loss of video fields becomes an essential limitation in digital video processing when biomechanical computer analysis is performed. The purpose of this proposed research is to identify an optimal computer hardware model that results in reducing the number of factors that contribute to the loss of video fields when 60 de-interlaced fields per second digital uncompressed video streaming is performed over IEEE 1394a connection.
