Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This research study examined the relationship between authentic leadership and job satisfaction of certified teachers within the state of Indiana. In total, 171 complete responses to the survey were returned. The survey instrument collected some basic demographic information along with combining the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire to measure the perceived authenticity of the principal and the Abridged Job Descriptive Index to measure the job satisfaction of the teacher. Simple linear regression was used investigate the relationship between the two variables. The study also checked to see if the relationship was the same or different based on the teachers school size, setting, experience, grade assignment, and gender. The results of the study indicated a statistically significant relationship exists between the authenticity of the leader and the job satisfaction of the teacher. The study also found that this relationship does vary somewhat based on years of teaching experience, gender, and school setting. A discussion of the implications of this study, the limitations, and recommendations for future research is provided in Chapter 5.
