Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




There is a long history of debate regarding the validity of the Rorschach Inkblot test. Much of the previous research has involved adult subjects within clinical settings. This study investigates the validity of the Rorschach with adolescents classified as being emotionally disturbed according to theEducational definition. School personnel and, particularly, school psychologists have the difficult task of identifying individuals who are emotionally disturbed (ED). It appears that a valid measure of covert processes may be helpful in making these determinations. Due to the vast number of scores and codes generated from the Rorschach using Exner's (1978) Comprehensive Scoring System, this study is limited to analysis of the EA, es and codes that comprise them. Forty-nine adolescents classified as ED were used for the experimental sample. Sample data were compared to normative data published in Exner's workbook (Exner, 1990). The findings show ED adolescents have lower EA and es scores than non-ED individuals. Nearly two thirds of the ED sample had EA scores that were lower than their es scores. Results support that interpretation of the EA and es provides information regarding emotional functioning. Analysis of the codes that comprise the EA and es, perhaps, raised more questions than found answers. However, there was evidence that achromatic and shading responses are associated with emotional disturbance.
