Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of this study was to analyze student teachers' perceptions of the university supervisor's role in regards to influencing the development of the effective teaching performance of the teacher trainee and to being involved in promoting a quality student teaching experience. Student teachers' perceptions regarding effective teaching performance were based on achieving the INTASC standards. Student teachers' perceptions regarding the quality of the student teaching experience were based on the functions consistently performed by the university supervisor as a mentor, a professional, and a facilitator. The population in this study consisted of elementary and secondary student teachers registered in the TeacherEducation Program at a major public university in Indiana who were completing their student teaching experience during the 2000 spring semester. A Spearman Rho correlation was used to test the two null hypotheses which were (Ho1) There is no relationship between student teachers' perceptions of their achieved level of effective teaching performance and the influence of the university supervisor in achieving the INTASC standards. (Ho2) There is no relationship between student teachers' perceptions of the functions necessary to enhance the quality of the student teaching experience and the involvement of the university supervisor in promoting a quality student teaching experience. An alpha level of .05 was used as a basis of accepting or rejecting the null hypotheses. The data analysis focused on the perceptions of student teachers relative to the university supervisor's involvement in promoting a quality student teaching experience as well as having an influential role on their effective teaching performance. Significant positive relationships were found in each of the two null hypotheses. From a review of the literature and the stated findings of this study there is indication that the role of the university supervisor must be recognized as both a beneficial and integral component in the growth and effective teaching development of student teachers. It was concluded that the university supervisor's effective and direct supervision is noted to be a significant and vital component of the entire teacher training experience.
