Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of his study was to examine the characteristics of the Professional Development School partnership between Indiana State University and several local school sites to determine the extent of institutional commitment, the roles which are valued and practiced by university liaisons, and the types of collaborative inquiry research which are conducted by university and school personnel. A survey of school teachers within PDS school sites was conducted to elaborate on the perceptions and opinions about the function and results of the PDS partnership. A sample of 425 teachers was non-randomly selected from five PDS sites; 171 teachers completed and returned the survey. Additionally, 18 past and present university liaisons were surveyed to provide descriptions of both their activities and priorities as a liaison. Fourteen liaisons returned the survey. A review of the collaborative inquiry projects funded by the ISU PDS program over the past six years was conducted to classify the types of research occurring within the program. Sixty-six projects were examined. Results showed that classroom teachers' expectations of the program are commensurate with the goals of the ISU PDS program, but that 58% of the respondents could not or did not cite specific changes within the school resulting from the partnership. 70% of the respondents cited lack of involvement or lack of collaboration as a weakness of the ISU PDS Program. The liaison survey results showed a high degree of disagreement between liaisons as to the priorities and performances of their roles as liaisons. The collaborative inquiry review showed a majority of qualitative projects primarily investigating instructional techniques or teaching methods.
