

Concussion; policy and procedure development; risk management and mitigation


Professional horse racing jockeys participate in a high-risk sport, however there is limited research and policies regarding welfare and safety. Despite the high incidence and risk of concussions, there are not standardized protocols for returning these unique athletes to participation following concussion. A return-to-ride concussion protocol for thoroughbred horse racing athletes must take into account the unique considerations and practices of the sport. Current concussion management strategies suggest removal from riding and activity when a concussion is suspected. This is followed by further evaluation for diagnosis, a period of both cognitive and physical rest before a gradual return-to-activity prior to full medical clearance and a return to previous levels of activity and competition. The proposed protocol follows suggested strategies while tailoring the graduated return-to-activity to meet the needs of the US jockey population. This protocol may be used following injury to ensure an adequate recovery and safe return-to-activity and is outlined such that it can be followed by an individual athlete and provides descriptions for each activity and stage.
