Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Primary and secondary schools do not seem able to produce enough students with the interest, motivation, knowledge, and skills they will need to compete and prosper in the emerging world” (National Academy of Sciences [NAS], 2007a, p. 94). This quote indicated that there are changing expectations for todays students which have ultimately led to new models of Education, such as charters, online and blended programs, career and technical centers, and for the purposes of this research, STEM schools. STEM Education as defined in this study is a non-traditional model of teaching and learning intended to equip them [students] with critical thinking, problem solving, creative and collaborative skills, and ultimately establishes connections between the school, work place, community and the global economy” (Science Foundation Arizona, 2014, p. 1). Focusing on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) Education is believed by many Educational stakeholders to be the solution for the deficits many students hold as they move on to college and careers. The National Governors Association (NGA; 2011) believes that building STEM skills in the nations students will lead to the ability to compete globally with a new workforce that has the capacity to innovate and will in turn spur economic growth. In order to accomplish the STEM model of Education, a group of educators and business leaders from Indiana developed a comprehensive plan for STEM Education as an option for schools to use in order to close this gap. This plan has been promoted by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE, 2014a) with the goal of increasing STEM schools throughout Indiana. To determine what Indianas elementary STEM schools are doing, this study analyzed two of the elementary schools that were certified STEM by the IDOE. This qualitative case study described the findings and themes from two elementary STEM schools. Specifically, the research looked at the vital components to accomplish STEM Education in an elementary school setting. Through use of the interviews, observations, and document analysis, information was gained about the characteristics of each of these two distinct schools. Analysis of all this evidence emerged eight distinct themes common to both STEM schools.
