Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A Comparison of Sixth Grade Student Academic Performance in Indiana Elementary Schools and Middle Schools, Bret Bailey
The Role of the Interventionist In Creating Middle School Student Connectedness, Tonya A. Dieken
Evidence of Capacity Building and Critical Consciousness in an Institutional Partnership: an Organizational Case Study of the Gateway Research Park, Natasha E. Johnson
Indiana School Teachers’ Self-efficacy Perceptions in the Areas of Clear and High Expectations, Collaborative Inquiry, and Feedback, Jacinda Smith
Teachers’ Life Experience of Trauma and Its Impact in the Classroom, Casey Voelz
Why Am I the Only Black Student? An Examination of the Expected Level of Engagement at Indiana Universities for High Achieving African American Students Based on Precollege Factors, Zoretta Ward-Holloway
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Relationship Between Principal Perceptions On Leadership And Inclusive Education With Growth Model Outcomes For Students With Disabilities, Jason Bletzinger
Networking For Mid-level Administrators In Higher Education: Increase Job Performance And Reduce Burnout, Laura Glasbrenner
Developing Resilience In The School Setting: A Response To Trauma, Michelle Nutter
State Charter School Law Scores As A Predictor Of Illegal Activity Within The Chartering Sector, David Stashevsky
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Organizational Role Conflict: The Lived Experience of the Long-term Department Chairperson in Higher Education, Susan M. Frey
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Operationalizing Humility: a Model of Situational Humility for Christian College Student Leaders, Scott T. Barrett
The Perspective of Education From Black–white–biracial Students in Middle and High School, Eric Deville Jackson II
An Exploration of Job Satisfaction Levels, Pathways Into Education, and Recruiting Behaviors Of Teachers in Indiana, Tricia Johnson
The Effects of Secondary School Accountability Grades On College and University Transfer, Jill Robinson Kramer
Trends in NAEP Scores Among 17-year-old Students in the Era of Accountability, Katherine Kyler
An Investigation of Principal Leadership Behaviors and Implementation of Adult Learning Strategies On the Professional Learning Environment Of a K-12 School, Christina Larson
I Am Commanded to Love You: the Journey of Three Women College Presidents, Carey Monroe
Relationship Between Athletic Identity and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy Among Korean Collegiate Student Athletes, Jong Joo Moon
Family Literacy Bags: a Rural-appalachian Approach For Parental Involvement and Education, Ashley Good Overton
Teacher Evaluations: Do Classroom Observations and Evaluator Training Really Matter?, Sarah J. Pies
African American High School Students’ Perceptions of Their College Counseling Experience, LaTonya M. Turner
Elementary School Inclusion for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Attitudes of General Education Teachers, Sarah Wareham
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
“The Languages of Other People”: The Experiences of Tutors, Administrators, and Students in a South African Multilingual Writing Center, Nicole Bailey
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Experiences of African-born Women Faculty and Administrators at Colleges and Universities In the United States, Oyibo H. Afoaku
Measuring School Accountability: Perceptions From Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents, Keith Thomas Bush
Factors Contributing to the Academic Success Of Low-SES Students, Lynn Kathryn Daanen
The Performance of Leadership: All the School’s a Stage and the Teachers and Students Are Merely Players, Christi Anne Fenton
Fatherless Homes and Implications on Student Achievement, Timothy James Garland
Effective Practices for Student Success in Algebra, Michelle M. Ginkins
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory and Alternative School Educators, Heidi Lynn Gutwein
Analysis of Communication Between Indiana Superintendents and Public School Boards, Travis Brent Haire
Factors That Impact End-of-course Assessments in Indiana Public, Non-charter High Schools, Donald Edward Harman
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Role of Tuskegee Institute in the Establishment of a Higher Education Pipeline for Black Students: The Case of Snow Hill Institute, Barbara J. Aaron Brooks
Defining Student Success and Identifying the Rhetorical Appeals That Colleges and Universities Use to Engage Students in the Pursuit of Higher Education Degrees, Michael J. Baker
The Experiences of Gay and Lesbian College Athletes, Channell Barbour
Capacities facilitating school change involving project-based learning at the middle school level, Lee Shane Browder
An Investigation Into the Traits of and Strategies Used by Highly Effective Teachers, Stephanie J. Ciolli-Stewart
The Effects of Instructional Schedule Type on Student Achievement, Attendance, and Graduation At the High School Level, Andrew S. Freeman
Teachers’ Perceptions of Technology Effectiveness in High School, Heather L. Gianfagna
A Study of Effective Characteristics Most Valued In Superintendents by Principals, Camille Goldman
Educator Perceptions of the Importance of Using Strategies for At-risk Students in Indiana Elementary Schools, Teresa Gremaux
Use of Social Media by Indiana Principals and Superintendents, Robert Stephen Griffin Jr.
How High Achieving Elementary Schools Improve Struggling Readers, Kimberly C. Hartlage
“The Moment I Came in It Got Much Easier . . . I Should Come Here More”: Student Experiences at Three Midwestern LGBT Resource Centers, Burr Dyral Hartman II
The Balanced Approach to Literacy Instruction in Middle Schools, Tenicia Rae Helmberger
Finding the Correct Fit or Quickly Finding an Exit for School Superintendents: Perceptions From Those Who Placed Them or Are Commissioned to Replace Them, David Andrew Hoffert
Identifying, Cultivating, and Utilizing Elementary Teacher Leaders, April Holder
The Essence of a Gentleman: a Phenomenological Study of Honor and Masculinity in Wabash College’s Gentleman’s Rule, Jacob Isaacs
A Study on What Factors Influence Teachers to Remain in the Teaching Profession, Louis S. Jensen Jr.
Chinese international student orientation to a U.S. public institution of higher education, Yi Lin
“Circling the Wagons and Shooting Inward”: Understanding How Nursing Administrators Approach The Policy Process, Jill M. Moore
An Examination of Principals in Effective High-Poverty Middle Schools with High Achievement, Rhonda J. Mull
Parental Involvement and Its Relationship To a Child’s Educational Success, Abbigail Suzanne Oliver
The impact of compensation models on professional development and collaboration, Kathryn Margaret Reckard
The Lived Career Experiences of Professional Academic Advisors Who Went on to Earn Doctoral Degrees In Higher Education Administration, Alison K. Rynearson
An investigation of research-based teaching practices through the teacher evaluations in Indiana public schools, Michael Steven Sargent
A Qualitative Study of Stakeholders‘ Beliefs About the Elements Of Teacher Induction Programs Most Effective in Increasing Teacher Competence, Lynn Pretorius Simmers
A Comparison of Teacher Perceptions of Principal Leadership Actions in Highly Effective Schools as Measured by the Audit of Principal Effectiveness, Michael Stephens
Daddy, can we play Beatles rock band? The lived experiences of a married student with children in a cohort-based education doctoral program, Tony J. Thomas
Virtual schools and the affective domain, Kimberly J. Tucker
Out-of-school Suspensions and Academic Achievement in Indiana High Schools, Joseph A. Voelker
The life and leadership of William P. Foster: the maestro and the legend, Richard L. Walker
Effective Literacy Instruction Across the Curriculum At the Secondary Level in Indiana, Paul Michael White
How Effective Superintendents Select and Develop Principals, Rob Willman
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
K-12 System Reforms Across Studies: The Significance of Change, Meta-Analysis, and Logistics Regression, Mashal Almutairi
K-12 System Reforms Across Studies: The Significance of Change,Meta-Analysis, and Logistics Regression, Mashal Almutairi
The Impact of First-, Second-, and Third-Grade Teachers on Third-Grade Student ISTEP+ Scores, Jane A. Bartley
Cyberbullying and How It Impacts Schools, Vida Zoe Choucalas
Psychometric Analysis of the Appreciative Advising Inventory, Nancy J. Crone
A collaborative approach to school leadership in improvement, Shawn Edwin Greiner
The Impact of High School Schedule Type on Instructional Effectiveness and Student Achievement in Mathematics, Joel Hackney
Priorities and Practices of Career and Technical Education Directors in Indiana, Cory Herrin
Barriers to Implementation of RTI at the Secondary Level, Nancy Jane Holsapple
Culture in Successful Title I Middle Schools, Bruce Lautenschlager
Use of Social Media as a School Principal, Neal McCutcheon
Analysis of Stakeholder Expectations of Effective Indiana High Schools, Doug Miller
School Factors Related to Reading Achievement in Rural Schools with and without High Poverty, Seth W. Miller
To Lift the Leaden-eyed: Ernest Boyer’s Career in Higher Education, Drew Moser
Effective Educational Leadership Attributes of Indiana High School Principals, Bryan A. Perry
Examination of Quality Indicators in Public and Private Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms in Indiana, Rhonda M. Peterson
Educator Perceptions of the Opitimal Professional Development Experience, Kent Lloyd Pettet
School Size and Student Achievement, Vicki Riggen
Effects of Autonomy-supported Learning on Academic Achievement in Indiana Schools, Nicole L. Singer
Retention As a State Policy Mandate: IRead In Indiana, Velinda F. Stubbs
What Effective Principals Do to Improve Instruction and Increase Student Achievement, Elizabeth Anne Turner
Difference Does Not Mean Deficient: the Cultural and Higher Education Experiences of Appalachian Women, Andrea D. Welch
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
An analysis of indiana schools implementing alternative teacher evaluation systems., Corey Wade Austin
Public school superintendent philosophies and their tenure., John Garner
The perception of teachers toward the use of mobile technology as a tool to engage students in learning., Kathryn Dawn Goad
Does the training of school board members make a difference?, James M. Halik
Superintendent perceptions of the success and failure of school construction referendums from 2008-2010 in the state of Indiana, Walter Albert Lambert
Examining the Impact Parental Educational Attainment Has on Students' Perceptions of Residence Hall Living, Joshua D. Lawrie
School leadership mentoring characteristics in an era of significant educational reform., Bobbie Jo Monahan
Perceptions of Teacher Efficacy in Changing Times, Jack Lee Parker
A comparison of elementary mathematics achievement in everyday math and saxon math schools in illinois, Clayton Roan