Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

McDaniel, Terry


The purpose of this study was to determine whether professional developmen t a nd collaboration practices are a ffected by performance pay in schools. The study investigated the differences in perceptions of principals, veteran teachers, and beginning teachers. S ix questions and statements were posed relating to both professional development and collaboration . Based on the findings, no significant difference in perception of professional development and collaboration exists between educators currently utilizing a compensation model and those not utilizing a compensation model. Second, where a compensation model was implemented, principals were predicted to have higher levels of agreement regarding their views on professional development. Additionally, beginnin g teachers were predicted to have higher levels of agreement regarding their views on professional development than veteran teachers. Third, where a compensation model was not implemented, principals were predicted to have higher levels of agreement regar ding their views on professional development . Also , beginning teachers were predicted to have higher levels of agreement regarding professional development than veteran teachers. Fourth , where a compensation model was implemented, principals were predict ed to have higher levels of agreement regarding their views on collaboration veteran and beginning teachers. B eginning teachers also were predicted to have higher levels of agreement regarding collaboration than veteran teachers. Last, where a compensati on model w as not implemented, building type, position, or years of experience do not serve as predictors of collaboration
