Perceptions and Visions of Community Engagement: A Pilot Study for Assessment Across the Institution
Sandra Sgoutas-Emch, Kevin Guerrieri, and Colton C. Strawser
Conversations for Change: The Impact of Service-Learning Dialogues with Incarcerated Men on Social Work Students
Yvonne Eaton-Stull, Kathleen Kocherzat, and Kerry Edwards
Fair Trade Learning Evaluation of a Global Partnership
Roxanne Amerson, Jade Parker-Manderson, Chloe Garrison, Sarah Finleyson, and Michelle Kunkle
Imparting the Skills Employers Seek: Community-Engaged Learning as Career Preparation
Elizabeth Otto and Elizabeth Dunens
Next Generation Practitioner-Scholars Navigating Community Engagement Professional Development: A Collaborative Autoethnography
Lori E. Kniffin, Trina Van Schyndel, Elisabeth G. Fornaro, Jennifer W. Purcell, and Stacey Muse