Theses/Dissertations from 1936
An analysis of world history textbooks for high schools to determine modern trends, Albert E. Rinsch
A study of the personal and professional qualifications of school trustees in Indiana, Rhessa Routh
A study of the effect of education on superstition, John J. Rush
History and present status of pupil participation in school government, Hosea R. Russell
A comparative study of practical scientific knowledge possessed by rural and city children, Mabel Schauss
A survey of vocational choosing by high school pupils, Harold Schulte
A comparative study of industrial arts students and college course students at Indiana State Teachers College, Alfred P. Smith
A study of the length of service of teachers in the public schools of Indiana, Nola A. Smith
A comparative study of the written English in composition classes with the English in written work in the social studies, Nelle Strobel
Some factors related to the vocabularies of high school students, Mary Corona Sullivan
A study of scholarships offered to secondary school graduates by colleges and universities, William F. Summerville
A study of the trends in the teaching of secondary physics, Dwight Thomas
A comparative study of the effect of spelling by copying in longhand and typewriting, Herman Truelove
The home room and its activities in the secondary school, Lucy Wall
A study of the teaching of vocational agriculture in Daviess County, Harry Collins Wampler
Trend in theory and practice of extra-curriculum activities in secondary schools as shown in educational literature, L. D. Wesner
An analysis of guidance programs (educational and vocational) in high schools of various sizes, with a proposed program for Linton-Stockton High School, Ira Earle Williams
Comparison of I.S.T.C. recommendations with reported teacher success, Maurice L. Witty
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
A study of the evolution of the course of study in high school botany, Carl J. Belcher
A survey of vocational choosing, Oran I. Brown
A study of the vocational and prevocational offerings of the Morocco High School with recommendations for enrichment, V. Sydney Carlson
A history of the Wabash Valley High School Association, Norman R. Dunlap
A laboratory manual using chemicals and apparatus found in the home, on the farm, and locally, J. Eavey
A comparative study of social studies majors of Indiana State Teachers College for the years 1931-1933, Harry L. Epply
A study of the types of biography in the teaching of social studies in high school, William Alexander Fields
The need for sex education in the public schools, E. Perry Flick
A study of the status of mechanical drawing in the secondary schools of Indiana together with a suggested course of study, Finley French
A guide for laboratory work in elementary science in grades 7 and 8, Ralph W. Harris
An analysis of errors in English grammar made by beginning freshmen in Indiana State Teachers College, O. L. Johnson
A comparative study of the social attitudes of five hundred colored children and five hundred white children in the Louisville public schools, Clyde A. Liggin
A personnel survey of the Pleasantville High School, Charles B. Lind
An evaluation of the summer high school conducted by Indiana State Teachers College, Harold A. Lloyd
A prognosis test of stenographic abilty, Erma R. Mewhinney
The underlying principles and facts which have been basic in shaping United States history, Ernest R. Morrison
A comparison of the theory of education found in the philosophical dictionary of Voltaire and the modern theory of education, Dorothy Ayahr Neyhouse
Present status of teacher training courses in industrial arts in teacher-training institutions belonging to the American Association of Teachers Colleges, G. E. Nicholson
Pedagogical research in chemistry, 1925-1935, Wesley H. Powell
The organization of a more satisfactory and effective program in one-teacher schools in Grant County, Fred Ratliff
Favoritism in the schoolroom, Rolland R. Ripple
A critical study or analysis of rating sheets now in use for rating student teachers, Elmer L. Smith
An evaluation of elementary bookkeeping texts, Marvin Smith
High-school scholarship, psychological test rankings, and college scholarship indexes as factors of prediction of the success of the class of 1932 at Indiana State Teachers College, Horace A. Wilhelmus
Pupil progress in one-room rural schools versus pupil progress in consolidated schools, Wilbur Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
A study of the voluntary reading activities of the boys and girls of Terre Haute, Indiana, William Herbert Alman
A study of the withdrawal and failure marks in 245 high schools of Indiana 1923-24, Herbert Ray Brauchla
A study of the relationship between graduate and undergraduate scholarship at the Indiana State Teachers College, William G. Brown
A critical analysis of the content of the language type group intelligence tests, Orville Earl Cornwell
A study of the correlation between musical talent test scores and arithmetic marks for pupils in grades five, six, seven, and eight, F. Willard Crichfield
A survey of industrial Terre Haute, Nell Glenn Darrough
A new-type objective test in American history, Victor F. Dawald
A survey of parents' opinions concerning the qualifications of teachers, Maize Jane Elliott
A comparative study for determining the value of Latin in building the English vocabulary, Laura L. Ellis
Club organization of Central High School, Evansville, Indiana--who belongs and why, Victor Lee Fisher
Measurement of the sight reading ability of special public school music students in Indiana teacher education institutions, Arthur D. Hill
An achievement test in first year algebra, Ivan Horn
Correlation of marks in general and special methods with marks in student teaching, Harvey Laughlin
General metal work for the junior high school, A. H. Luehring
Trends in Indiana teacher's salaries in comparison with changing economic conditions, William M. May
An outline for individual instruction sheets for seventh and eighth grade woodwork, John S. McWethy
A study to determine the effect of vacation on the achievement of fifth grade children, Nellie Haton Perrin
A mental-educational survey of the pupils of Taylor Elementary School, Jeffersonville, Indiana, Corden Porter
The health and physical education progress of fifty-three colleges and universities for Negroes, Donalde B.D. Porter
A standardized English literature test for the first semester of the tenth grade, Eva Porter
A brief survey of recent objectives in the teaching of English expression in the junior high school, Rosalie Richardson
A study of the original exercises of fifteen plane geometry textbooks written since 1925, Dorothy D. Rucker
A personnel study of the teachers of Parke County, Indiana, Harry Smith
A survey of the classroom capacities, conditions, and utilization at Indiana State Teachers College, Robert W. Smith
A study of the reward and punishment practices of typical groups of Indiana schools, Everett F. Watkins
A study of high school physics in Porter County, with special emphasis on storage facilities and waste in apparatus, Charles W. Wefler
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
Signs of health in school children that a teacher should know, Aaron Albright
The status of health education in the Class A teachers colleges of the United States in 1931-1932, Glenn T. Andrew
A study of the direct and indirect methods of character training in high schools, M. Gabrielis Batenhorst
A study of the economic cost of the lengthened period, Archie E. Breeden
Procedures for stimulating the writing of original poetry by junior high school pupils, Georgia A. Brewster
The status of secondary commercial education in the Middle West, Katherine C. Browning
A study to determine the value of mathematical knowledge to home managers, Nanna Stuart Chestnut
Indiana's township high school principal, Paul Churchill
A method of arriving at probable teaching success based upon scholarship, George B. Clayton
A study of the achievement of Latin and non-Latin students of Indiana State Teachers College, John Cleveland Corn
Follow-up vocational study of students of the upper and lower quartiles of Brazil High School for the years 1914-1919, Margaret Crosser
A study of the value of the Indiana new-type test for the eighth grade for predicting success in the first year of high school, Floyd Mason Cunningham
The mental ability and scholastic attainment of colored students entering Indiana State Teachers College for a five-year period, 1924-1928, Theodore R. Dailey
A project in test construction and improvement in the Odon-Madison School system, Roy V. Davis
The history of the Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Grace DeVaney
An objective test in biology, Napoleon Dixon
College careers of high-school athletes, Dorothy Eaton
The development of education in the public schools of Terre Haute 1816-1860, Catheryn M. Farr
A study of La Porte County High School graduates relative to their educational needs, Lynn Cleopas Fisher
Recent investigations in the teaching of secondary biology, Ross Graham
A comparative study of the biology courses of the high schools and teachers colleges of the United States, William C. Hall
A problem book for prospective superintendents, Paul Mitchell Hanna