Service-Learning and Civic Attitudes: A Mixed Methods Approach to Civic Engagement in the First Year of College
Amber Manning-Ouellette and Kevin M. Hemer
Leadership Opportunities in Service-Learning: A Pilot Study in a Homeland Security Classroom
Jess Bonnan-White and Emily Lanaras
Service Learning in Physical Therapy Professional Education: Student Reflections of the Special Olympics FUNfitness Program
Stasia Tapley, Howell Tapley, Tiffany Idlewine, and John Kiesel
Civic-University Synergy: Addressing Fair Housing
Through Engaged Community Programming
Michael Rios, Bryan J. Hains, Kristina D. Hains, and Carolyn Abrams
Focused Engagement: Lessons Learned from a Study Assessing Campus Climates for Political Learning and Engagement in Democracy
Jodi Benenson, Barbara Pickering, Andrea M. Weare, and Anthony M. Starke