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Nurses play a huge role in the medication administration process. Medication administration errors have been around for a while and keep increasing in number. Communication amongst healthcare professionals helps prevent medication errors from happening. Communication increases the knowledge that patients have about their care to reduce any adverse errors that could occur. Medication administration programs, like MedEye and IndentRx, help prevent medication errors. A way to familiarize nurses with medication is to start implementing the administration process in the nursing program curriculum. There are different influential factors that can result in medication errors. The similar packaging of the medications alongside the skill set and experience nurses have could influence medication errors from happening. Other influential events would be the nurse-to-patient ratio and the number of nurses that are working on specific units. Medication administration errors are often not reported due to outside factors and personal factors. Outside factors would include nursing management responses, educational levels and the extensiveness of filling out incident reports. On the other side, personal factors would include fear of consequences, protection of pride, accountability, and reputation. Medication administration errors are on the incline, but looking at all aspects on how they occur, would help reduce them.

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