Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The study's purposes were to (1) analyze the difference among the level of implementation of middle level programmatic characteristics (Advisor/Advisee guidance program, cocurricular activities, exploratory classes, flexible scheduling, interdisciplinary teams, and integrated curriculum) and middle level grade configuration (K–8, 6–8, 7–8, 7–12); (2) analyze the relationship between the level of implementation of middle level programmatic characteristics and 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores; (3) analyze the difference in 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores among middle level grade configurations; (4) analyze the linear composite of middle level programmatic characteristics which explains the amount of the variance in 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores; (5) analyze the relationship among the level of implementation of middle level programmatic characteristics, middle level grade configuration, and 8 th Grade ISTEP scores. Principals of schools that house 8 th Grade students with the grade configurations of K–8, 7–8, 7–12, and 6–8 were surveyed to determine the appropriateness and current level of implementation of six middle level characteristics. The level of implementation was based on the principal's perception and the implementation levels were: no implementation of the characteristic at this time, partial implementation of the characteristic, or full implementation of the characteristic. Usable responses were received from 20 of the 24 K–8 buildings (83%), 56 of the 68 7–8 buildings (82%), 74 of the 91 7–12 buildings (81%) and 128 of the 160 6–8 buildings in the sample population (80%). Grade 8 ISTEP+ Total Battery Mean NCE scores were collected for each school from the Indiana Department ofEducation's website. Statistical analysis of the data included descriptive statistics regarding the number of responses for selected items, mean, standard deviation, and frequency. Chi-Square Test for Independence, Pearson product moment correlation, analysis of variance, multiple regression, and Stepwise regression were used to test the null hypotheses and the significance was identified at the .05 level. The level of implementation of six, common middle level characteristics (advisor/advisee guidance program, cocurricular activities, exploratory classes, flexible scheduling, interdisciplinary teams, and integrated curriculum) are dependent on the school's grade configuration. The 7–8 grade configuration has significantly higher 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores than the 6–8 grade configuration. There is also a small, negative relationship between the level of implementation of the middle level characteristics and 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores. The results indicate that as the implementation level of middle level programmatic characteristics increases then the 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores decrease. In addition, the 7–8 grade configuration and the implementation level of the middle level characteristics are significant predictors of 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores. However, the level of implementation of middle level programs had a negative correlation on the 8 th Grade ISTEP+ scores. Most researchers agree that it is not the grade configuration that contributes to the success of students, but effective programs and practices along with a qualityEducational staff.
