Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


College of Technology


This paper proposes to conduct research on the vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) area of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) with a focus on investigating safety methods that will significantly reduce passenger vehicle collisions which ultimately will help to save lives and reduce property losses. Key areas of this ITS research will include highway infrastructure or wireless sensor networks (WSN) to the cloud (web service) and the cloud (web service) to highway infrastructure or wireless sensor network (WSN). In turn, the cloud (web service) will communicate with passenger vehicles as components of a highway infrastructure (WSN) to vehicle (I2V) systems and a vehicle to highway infrastructure (V2I) systems. In turn, the cloud (web service) will communicate with passenger vehicles as components of a vehicle to highway infrastructure (V2I) system and a highway infrastructure to vehicle (I2V) system. Active circuit emulation will be used as an analysis tool for this research. The cloud web service in this case, will be a database that will be connected through an IEEE802.11 broadband (Wi-Fi) gateway via a border router or a network capable application processor (NCAP) to hardware and software wireless sensor networks or a simulated wireless network. The highway infrastructure portion of this design will be the IEEE1451 standard-based wireless sensor network called wireless transducer interface modules (WTIM). These WTIMs will be responsible for disseminating information from their multitude of sensors to vehicles and/or to the cloud via NCAP routers.
