Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology

First Advisor



The focus of this research was on the affective learning experienced at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center—a museum that tells the history of slavery in the United States, the courage, cooperation, and perseverance enacted by many who overcame the challenges and consequences of the unfreedoms once practiced in America. Such a study is important in order to understand the challenges faced and how adversity was prevailed upon. The qualitative approach adopted in this study included focus groups, observations, artifact collection, and a review of literature. The findings from this research provide evidence that the participants in this study did experience affective learning, which led to a dialogue about societal concerns regarding racial tensions in America. Conclusions drawn from this study are the 21st century paradigm shift of how the Freedom Center advocates courage cooperation and perseverance in its mission; also, that history should be retold to understand present-day ideologies and circumstances. This study provides a solid foundation for further work investigating affective learning school-age children experience when visiting the Freedom Center. A longitudinal behavioral study to see if these children reach the fifth level of the affective domain is recommended.
