Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The primary goal of this qualitative case study was to identify instructors perspectives toward the use of the flipped classroom instructional model in teaching mathematics in universities in Saudi Arabia. Many universities in Saudi Arabia use traditional methods of instruction. The flipped classroom instructional model is a more modern concept that promotes self-learning skills among students. The use of the flipped classroom instructional model has shown success in mathematics instruction elsewhere, but there is a paucity of research on the efficacy of the model in Saudi Arabia. To achieve the purpose of this study, a case research design was chosen. The researcher conducted an online survey, three classroom observations, and a semi-structured interview with each of the seven purposefully selected male volunteer mathematics instructors at seven different Saudi Arabian universities. Data from interviews and observations were used to answer the following research questions: (a) to what extent do mathematics instructors implement the flipped classroom instructional model in teaching mathematics in higher learning institutions in Saudi Arabia? (b) to what extent do the perceptions and opinions of mathematics instructors toward the use of flipped classroom instructional model affect the teaching of mathematics in higher learning institutions in Saudi Arabia? (c) to what extent does the flipped classroom instructional model influence students interactions and engagement in mathematics at institutions of higher learning? The results indicated that participants were in favor of the flipped classroom instructional model, confirming existing research. Perceived benefits included better use of available time, differentiating to address students needs, and increased student engagement and comprehension. The findings of this study may increase the implementation of the flipped classroom instructional model in higher mathematics in Saudi Arabian universities and can be used to promote an awareness of the need to thoroughly understand the model to fully benefit students.
