Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology


Financial concerns and public scrutiny are causing many Educational leaders and community stakeholders to study the district configurations of school corporations, academic preparation, and ideal school size. The purpose of this qualitative case-study research design was to identify and better understand successful small school districts as defined by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) accountability model. This study also sought to uncover the relationship of successful school districts as an integral partner in the local communities they serve. The results of analyzed data from interviews, observations, and school tours led to the emergence of three themes. The three themes included: 1. School corporation stakeholders viewed their roles and responsibilities as professional educators as more than a job, describing it as an extension of their family commitments, likening the academic process similar to the rearing of a child. 2. Students, staff and community members shared an intimate knowledge and understanding of each other, fostering improved communication and efficiencies in the Educational environment. 3. School corporation and community stakeholders possessed deep loyalties for one another. This study adds to the existing body of research by providing renewed interest in the importance of small school corporations in the Educational landscape.
