Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of this qualitative, multi-site case study was to observe and survey the methodologies used in elementary schools where Conscious Discipline ® was implemented. This study focused on defining a core of specific approaches utilized by leaders and staff members in these schools that facilitated the implementation of Conscious Discipline. Three elementary schools in the United States where the structures of Conscious Discipline had been embedded were examined. One school was in Indiana and the other two schools were in Texas. Each of the chosen schools was designated a school where Conscious Discipline was implemented by the Conscious Discipline staff at Loving Guidance, Inc. Data for this research were collected via interviews of the schools principals, the counselors, and teachers. Classroom observations and a school-wide assembly were also witnessed. After the staff interviews and observations were completed, all notes and tape recordings reviewed, and all obtained information was processed and analyzed, five themes emerged. These themes included (a) the leadership teams overtly modeled the implementation components, (b) established rituals and celebrations were embedded into the schools, (c) identifying and overcoming the challenges with implementation, (d) the unexpected personal impact and effects of using Conscious Discipline, and (e) clear strategies for future progression. Within these themes, some of the detailed approaches and practices were similar at all three schools and some were different. Based on the significant findings of the data analysis within the five themes, the following five strategies were utilized by the three principals and seemed to play a critical role in the implementation of the program in all three schools (a) there was an established leadership team to drive the implementation; (b) training was provided to staff to help facilitate the implementation; (c) there was a gradual expectancy to implement components into the classrooms; (d) there was an established, routine school-wide celebration in each building; and (e) there were clear goals for broadening the implementation of Conscious Discipline. These five themes and five strategies appear to be critical and essential components that could hold true value for other schools attempting to implement this self-regulation program.
