Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The present study examined the usefulness of the Meisner Technique (a technique used in theatre to improve actors performances) in increasing relationship satisfaction and closeness in friendships and romantic relationships. It was hypothesized that the Meisner Technique would increase relationship satisfaction and closeness through increases in mindfulness, self-expansion, I-sharing, and empathy. The present study builds upon previous research on relationship building activities, while also investigating a previously unstudied technique. Fifty-five undergraduate students along with a partner (of their choosing) were randomly assigned to participate for two 20-minute sessions, two days apart, of the Meisner Technique (the experimental condition) or a word game (the control condition). Dyads consisted of both platonic friends and romantic partners. Prior to the first session and following the second session, participants completed various measures to assess their closeness, relationship satisfaction, mindfulness, self-expansion, empathy and I-sharing. Results revealed no significant effect of the Meisner Technique on relationship satisfaction, closeness, or any of the hypothesized mediators. There were several limitations of the study that might have affected the results, including the brevity and intensity of the intervention, as well as the composition of the participants. Although the Meisner Technique did not prove to be effective for enhancing relationships in this study, considerable research suggests that interventions that enhance mindfulness, empathy, I-sharing, and self-expansion will bring couples closer and increase relationship satisfaction. Given anecdotal support suggesting that a Meisner-based treatment will impact empathy, I-sharing, and self-expansion, further research is warranted to explore the impact of a Meisner-based treatment on improving closeness and relationship satisfaction.
