Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of this case study was to examine the schools in Indiana with students identified with disabilities who are performing successfully on the state achievement assessment, ISTEP+. The intent was not to focus on how to help this population of students pass the state assessment, rather it was to see what was happening to make this type of impact on students so that they may achieve at the same level as typical peers. The research questions centered around leadership qualities and practices demonstrated by the building principal, as well as the service delivery models employed as a means of providing supports and services to this group of students and whether cultural messages concerning students with disabilities existed in the school environment. Participant selection for this project was a multi-step process in order to extract a sample that closely resembles state averages for the number of students identified as demonstrating evidence of a disability, the percent of students within the school requiring financial assistance, and the overall number of students with individualized Education programs (IEPs) taking the state assessment. The final criteria determining selection was that 70% or more of the population of students with IEPs were passing both English and Math sections of ISTEP+. The search initially produced a field of 11 schools; however, when applying the same selection criteria to the most recent ISTEP+ scores available, only one school remained meeting the set criteria. Rather than changing the selection parameters to fit the current data, a single-site case study was conducted to investigate the school whose students identified for special Education support were able to maintain a high level of performance when so many others faltered. Five interviews were completed with the principal and teacher focus groups along with a document review and observations of the learning environment at the selected school. The interviews were transcribed into written form so they could be analyzed. Open and axial coding was completed during the analysis stage, and four overarching themes were identified. The themes revolved around the actions of the school principal in the way she was communicating a vision, facilitating a cooperative atmosphere, maintaining accountability for student growth, and transforming the school. The findings indicated that the principal facilitates and models a team” approach to address the needs of all students. The principal was found to play two roles in this team: leader and team member. The evidence uncovered a principal who understands how to lead from within the ranks of the team. She provides her staff with needed support as well as opportunities to step into leadership roles as they are ready. She encourages and models a symbiotic type of relationship among staff in that everyone is willing to give what they have and, in turn, they get what they need. This form of leadership has led to an effective model for supporting teachers so that they are able to better support students. The principal communicates her vision of making a difference for every child to the staff who embraces this philosophy and works as a team to make it happen.
