Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


College of Technology


The purpose of this study was to survey perceived job satisfaction and turnover intention ofBailey College of Engineering and Technology professionals in the California State University (CSU) system. Employee satisfaction facets (work, pay, opportunities for promotion, supervision, and co-workers), overall satisfaction, and turnover intention were measured. Further, the study identified whether there was a significant difference in perceived job satisfaction or turnover intention based on years of service in the CSU system, gender, or campus in the CSU system. The study also examined the uniqueness ofBailey College of Engineering and Technology professionals at campuses in the CSU system. This study utilized a mixed-methods methodology with two distinct phases. The quantitative phase of the study involved participants responding to an on-line survey. An invitation was sent to 622Bailey College of Engineering and Technology professionals at six campuses in the CSU system with a request to complete the survey. A total of 59Bailey College of Engineering and Technology employees responded, for a response rate of 9.49%. The quantitative results support earlier studies that report a negative correlation between overall job satisfaction and turnover intention. Of the five facets of job satisfaction, the mean satisfaction with opportunities for promotion was the lowest. The qualitative phase followed the quantitative phase and involved interviewingBailey College of Engineering and Technology managers from the CSU system, using a semi-structured interview protocol, to gain additional clarity about the data gathered in the quantitative phase. The managers did not perceive a difference between the job satisfaction ofBailey College of Engineering and Technology professionals and other professionals. The majority of managers reported viewing turnover positively, but suggested that their view of turnover is highly situational depending on whether the turnover is of a high or low performer. The culture ofBailey College of Engineering and Technology professional turnover intention was described as somewhat different for other professionals given the ease of skills transfer and demand forBailey College of Engineering and Technology professionals in the market.
