Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




This research study explored and analysed the reasons for school-leader attrition in Saudi Arabias schools. The research was conducted using a qualitative, positivist methodology. The purpose of the research was to explore the influences that have contributed to the phenomenon of principals returning to teaching positions in Saudi Arabian schools after spending considerable amounts of time in leadership positions. Therefore, the principal focus of this research was to explore the intersection between school-leader attrition and leadership styles in Saudi Arabian schools. This research used data collected from scientific literature on this subject matter and interviews conducted with eight former principals who were employed as teachers at different schools and Educational institutions in Bisha during the 2018–2019 school year. The research found that there are a variety of reasons for principals attrition in schools that can be categorized as professional, personal, and financial reasons. There are three themes that were revealed by this research, which are related to professional reasons, financial reasons and the role of Ministry of Education in the attrition rates of principals.
