Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The purpose of this study was to examine the professional development received and needed in the area of English language learners (ELLs) by building principals. All Indiana principals were invited to participate in this study through an online survey. Survey data were collected to examine the professional development that principals have received most and the professional development that is most desired. The areas of professional development that were surveyed are second language acquisition, culturally responsive Education practices, family and community involvement strategies, research-based instructional methods, assessment practices for ELLs, the WIDA English Language Development Standards, and Response to Intervention for ELLs. These seven areas were combined into one composite score to determine the principals knowledge of professional development in the area of ELLs. A one-way analysis of variance and simple linear equations were utilized to determine significance between professional development needs, school locale, and the schoolwide percentage of ELLs. As a result of data analysis, significant difference was found in the schoolwide percentage of ELLs and principal comfort level in leading ELL professional development.
