Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The field of music Education faces a host of challenges. Challenges have plagued music educators since the first accounts of music found in the school setting. The challenges require music educators and stakeholders to continually push for change in the field of music Education. This quantitative study examined the impact of music Education and participation on Grade 12 cumulative grade point average (GPA), student achievement using the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and the Indiana Statewide Testing for Progress Plus (ISTEP+) end of course English 10, and Algebra 1 assessment (ECA) measures in Grades 9 through 12. The study examined whether there was a significant difference between music and non-music students on student achievement. This study also examined if the number of music credits a student earns predicts student achievement success through standardized performance and GPA. As a result of the inferential analysis, statistical significance was found in several of the variables or combination of variables in relation to the impact music has on student achievement.
