Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Context: Research has suggested a knowledge gap exist within the healthcare community. Identifying potential knowledge gaps and the use of self-reflection can be used to decrease these gaps can affect patient outcomes. Objective: To determine if knowledge gaps do exist within athletic training student's (ATS) clinicalEducation. Design: Longitudinal non-experimental retrospective study. Subjects: 141 mid semester evaluations of sophomore ATS over a four year period. Main Outcome Measures: We assessed potential knowledge gaps of ATS in the clinical setting. We calculated the difference between a preceptor evaluation of the student and student's self-evaluation using a One-way ANOVA. We also looked to see if a relationship exists between a preceptor's evaluation of an ATS and ATS's self-evaluation using a Cohen's Kappa. Mean professional behavior scores, clinical proficiency scores and overall score will be assessed. Results: A significant difference was observed for CIP:6 emergent care (p=.016, F=4.661) while no significant difference existed for professional behaviors (p=.099,F=2.350), CIP:2 (p=.055, F=2.989), CIP:3 (p=.322, F=1.161), and overall score(p=.066, F=2.780). A fair to poor relationship was observed for professional behaviors (k=.128 p=.079), CIP:2 (k=.251 p=.001), CIP:3 (k=-.032 p=.723), CIP:6 (k=.381 p=.002), and overall score (k=.142 p=.035). Conclusion: Preceptor and ATS paired evaluation depicted no significant difference but a poor inter-rater relationship was observed identifying a knowledge gap exists.
