Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Parents play a vital role inEducation, but the parents perspective regarding the use of high-stakes testing in schools remains deficient. This is especially true of minority parents. Research on the use of high-stakes testing has been mixed, indicating both benefits and hindrances to student academic growth andEducational experiences. Parental involvement and a collaborative effort between the school and family have consistently yielded positive benefits for childrens academic learning and success. Given the diversified landscape of Americas schools, the significance of the parent perspective in making change within the school to further Latino studentEducational achievement is paramount. Interviews were conducted with five pairs of Latino parents and three mothers individually with children currently attending elementary through middle school regarding their views ofEducation and the states high-stakes testing measure. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed for emerging themes using methods consistent with constructivist grounded theory. Parents consistently expressed the importance ofEducation and its value in being able to attain more or have a better life. Parental involvement and the collaborative partnership between Latino parents and their childrens schools were identified as vital for successfulEducational experiences, especially in regard to Latino student performance on the high-stakes testing assessment ISTEP+. Consequently, parents expressed the need for appropriate communication, adequate provision of resources, consideration of the cultural context of students and their families, and increased ethnic diversity and cultural competence within the schools. Although parents indicated a limited understanding of the ISTEP+ assessment, they recognized the benefits and costs of using the test. Aligned with current research, parents generally supported its use in assessing student skills, but were leery of its high-stakes implications. Parents remain an important part of theEducational system and must be included in the efforts to close the achievement gap for Latino students.
