Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Establishing effective transition programs for students entering high school is an ongoing process. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore best practices transition programs employ to aid student's success. The participants in this study were six administrators chosen from a population of administrators at 60 central Indiana high schools. The administrators in this study were interviewed to determine what their schools were currently doing to ensure successful student transition from the middle school to high school. Each face-to-face interview was tape recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed to determine practices that influenced their perceived success. Grounded theory, with the use of coding categories was used to organize the data. Results were examined for emerging themes and presented. During the literature review, several factors influencing transition programs emerged including (a) transition opportunities, (b) program development, and (c) training. After conducting the interviews, the subjects did not confirm the literature review findings of spatial needs in growing communities and school climate issues. The findings of this study identified four factors that influence transition programs for middle school students moving into the high school. Transition opportunities. Developing programs to help students move from one stage of life to another is beneficial to the development process for children. Academic opportunities. Providing an appropriate academic structure with opportunities may assist in the adjustment process which will increase the level of success for students. Program development and training. A strong combination of professional development for transition to high school and academic needs is not easy to create. Administration and staff need to collaborate to establish the most effective program for their individual school. Community involvement. Support from the community is an essential part of transition success. Involvement from parents and utilizing resources from local businesses can help facilitate opportunities to support the growth and development of successful programs for students.
